
时间:2013-05-20 17:33:11

标签: .net lambda expression expression-trees

我已经为我的EF通用存储库创建了一个orderby表达式,如下所示 string command = orderByDesc? “OrderByDescending”:“OrderBy”;

var type = typeof(T);

var property = type.GetProperty(orderby);

var parameter = Expression.Parameter(type, "p");

var propertyAccess = Expression.MakeMemberAccess(parameter, property);

var orderByExpression = Expression.Lambda(propertyAccess, parameter);

var resultExpression = Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable), command, new Type[] { type, property.PropertyType },

                       items.Expression, Expression.Quote(orderByExpression));
items = items.Provider.CreateQuery<T>(resultExpression);



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



items.OrderBy(p => p.a).ThenBy(p => p.b)

答案 1 :(得分:0)


有时您必须使用表达式树手动构建 OrderBy 语句,因为您不知道用户要对哪些列进行排序。例如,当您有一个使用Datatables构建的网格并且某些列是可排序的时,用户可以SHIFT单击列标题以按多个列进行排序:

enter image description here

此屏幕快照显示用户希望按Cassette(string)和Slot Number(double)对网格进行排序。

OrderBy * / ThenBy *

在构建 Expression Tree 进行排序时,这里最棘手的部分是,第一次您需要使用OrderBy*,而第二次及以后,您需要切换为使用ThenBy*


namespace DataTables.AspNet.Core
    public interface ISort
        int Order { get; }
        SortDirection Direction { get; }

    public enum SortDirection
        Ascending = 0,
        Descending = 1

namespace DL.SO.Framework.Mvc.DataTables.Extensions
    public static class QueryableExtensions
        public static IQueryable<TModel> OrderByColumns<TModel>(
            this IQueryable<TModel> collection, 
            IDictionary<string, ISort> sortedColumns)
            // Basically sortedColumns contains the columns user wants to sort by, and 
            // the sorting direction.
            // For my screenshot, the sortedColumns looks like
            // [
            //     { "cassette", { Order = 1, Direction = SortDirection.Ascending } },
            //     { "slotNumber", { Order = 2, Direction = SortDirection.Ascending } }
            // ]

            bool firstTime = true;

            // The type that represents each row in the table
            var itemType = typeof(TModel);

            // Name the parameter passed into the lamda "x", of the type TModel
            var parameter = Expression.Parameter(itemType, "x");

            // Loop through the sorted columns to build the expression tree
            foreach (var sortedColumn in sortedColumns.OrderBy(sc => sc.Value.Order))
                // Get the property from the TModel, based on the key
                var prop = Expression.Property(parameter, sortedColumn.Key);

                // Build something like x => x.Cassette or x => x.SlotNumber
                var exp = Expression.Lamda(prop, parameter);

                // Based on the sorting direction, get the right method
                string method = String.Empty;
                if (firstTime)
                    method = sortedColumn.Value.Direction == SortDirection.Ascending
                        ? "OrderBy"
                        : "OrderByDescending";

                    firstTime = false;
                    method = sortedColumn.Value.Direction == SortDirection.Ascending
                        ? "ThenBy"
                        : "ThenByDescending";

                // itemType is the type of the TModel
                // exp.Body.Type is the type of the property. Again, for Cassette, it's
                //     a String. For SlotNumber, it's a Double.
                Type[] types = new Type[] { itemType, exp.Body.Type };

                // Build the call expression
                // It will look something like:
                //     OrderBy*(x => x.Cassette) or Order*(x => x.SlotNumber)
                //     ThenBy*(x => x.Cassette) or ThenBy*(x => x.SlotNumber)
                var mce = Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable), method, types, 
                    collection.Expression, exp);

                // Now you can run the expression against the collection
                collection = collection.Provider.CreateQuery<TModel>(mce);

            return collection;

注意:OrderBy *表示OrderBy或OrderByDescending。对于ThenBy *也是如此。