
时间:2009-11-02 04:43:57

标签: javascript flash actionscript-3 actionscript keycode



5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

复制并粘贴为“KeyCodeUtil.as”,将其放在文件夹下:net / onthewings / utils


    Andy Li (andy@onthewings.net)

package net.onthewings.utils {
    import flash.ui.Keyboard;

    public class KeyCodeUtil {
            The below codes is used for generating KEYCODES. Some formating is needed to be done by hand after getting the outputStr.

            var outputStr:String = "";
            function onPress(evt:KeyboardEvent):void {
                outputStr += "'" + evt.charCode + "':" + evt.keyCode + ", //"+String.fromCharCode(evt.charCode)+"\n";
        static public const KEYCODES:Object = {
                27: 27,     //esc
                96: 192,    //`
                49: 49,     //1
                50: 50,     //2
                51: 51,     //3
                52: 52,     //4
                53: 53,     //5
                54: 54,     //6
                55: 55,     //7
                56: 56,     //8
                57: 57,     //9
                48: 48,     //0
                45: 189,    //-
                61: 187,    //=
                8: 8,       //backspace
                9: 9,       //tab
                113: 81,    //q
                119: 87,    //w
                101: 69,    //e
                114: 82,    //r
                116: 84,    //t
                121: 89,    //y
                117: 85,    //u
                105: 73,    //i
                111: 79,    //o
                112: 80,    //p
                91: 219,    //[
                93: 221,    //]
                92: 220,    //\
                97: 65,     //a
                115: 83,    //s
                100: 68,    //d
                102: 70,    //f
                103: 71,    //g
                104: 72,    //h
                106: 74,    //j
                107: 75,    //k
                108: 76,    //l
                59: 186,    //;
                39: 222,    //'
                13: 13,     //enter
                122: 90,    //z
                120: 88,    //x
                99: 67,     //c
                118: 86,    //v
                98: 66,     //b
                110: 78,    //n
                109: 77,    //m
                44: 188,    //,
                46: 190,    //.
                47: 191,    ///
                32: 32,     //space
                127: 46,    //delete
                126: 192,   //~
                33: 49,     //!
                64: 50,     //@
                35: 51,     //#
                36: 52,     //$
                37: 53,     //%
                94: 54,     //^
                38: 55,     //&
                42: 56,     //*
                40: 57,     //(
                41: 48,     //)
                95: 189,    //_
                43: 187,    //+
                81: 81,     //Q
                87: 87,     //W
                69: 69,     //E
                82: 82,     //R
                84: 84,     //T
                89: 89,     //Y
                85: 85,     //U
                73: 73,     //I
                79: 79,     //O
                80: 80,     //P
                123: 219,   //{
                125: 221,   //}
                124: 220,   //|
                65: 65,     //A
                83: 83,     //S
                68: 68,     //D
                70: 70,     //F
                71: 71,     //G
                72: 72,     //H
                74: 74,     //J
                75: 75,     //K
                76: 76,     //L
                58: 186,    //:
                34: 222,    //"
                90: 90,     //Z
                88: 88,     //X
                67: 67,     //C
                86: 86,     //V
                66: 66,     //B
                78: 78,     //N
                77: 77,     //M
                60: 188,    //<
                62: 190,    //>
                63: 191     //?

         * @param char Can be String or charCode(Number).
         * @param numpad If set to true, the function will return the keyCode for numpad. Ignored if numpad have no such key.
        static public function keyCodeOf(char:*, numpad:Boolean = false):Number {
            var charCode:Number;

            if (char is String)
                charCode = (char as String).charCodeAt();
                charCode = char;

            if (numpad){
                if (charCode >= 48 && charCode <= 57){ //0-9
                    return charCode + 48;
                } else if (charCode == 43){
                    return Keyboard.NUMPAD_ADD;
                } else if (charCode == 46){
                    return Keyboard.NUMPAD_DECIMAL;
                } else if (charCode == 47){
                    return Keyboard.NUMPAD_DIVIDE;
                } else if (charCode == 13){
                    return Keyboard.NUMPAD_ENTER;
                } else if (charCode == 42){
                    return Keyboard.NUMPAD_MULTIPLY;
                } else if (charCode == 45){
                    return Keyboard.NUMPAD_SUBTRACT;

            return KEYCODES[charCode] ? KEYCODES[charCode] : -1;


答案 1 :(得分:2)

在Adobe AIR中使用它:

var str:String = "a"; //only one letter at a time
var keyCode:uint = Keyboard[str.toUpperCase()];

答案 2 :(得分:1)



package {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.display.DisplayObject;
    import flash.events.*;

    public class KeyboardEventExample extends Sprite {
        private var child:Sprite = new Sprite();
        private var bgColor:uint = 0x00CCFF;
        private var size:uint = 80;

        public function KeyboardEventExample() {
            child.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, size, size);
            child.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler);
            child.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpHandler);

        private function keyDownHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
            trace("keyDownHandler: " + event.keyCode);

        private function keyUpHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
            trace("keyUpHandler: " + event.keyCode);

答案 3 :(得分:0)




答案 4 :(得分:-1)


var str:String = "B";
trace(str.charCodeAt(0));  // replace 0 with the index of the char you want the code of