在字符串sql server上给出空间

时间:2013-05-16 10:54:01

标签: sql vb.net string space


'============================= Create Space Between Words ========================'
'Split The Words into 3 line'
' Lang if 0 english else if 1 Indonesian'
Dim ReceiptTextWords As String() = receiptText.Split("+")
'================================== First Line ==================================='
' This is how the third line appears in the string array after the space splitting'
Dim ReceiptTextWord1 As String() = ReceiptTextWords(0).Split(" ")
' This array contains the spaces reserved for each word in the string array above'
If lang = "0" Then
    ' MM YY : 0610 REF. NO : 1234567890 R.WAHYUDIYONO,IR  '
    Dim spaces1 = New Integer() {3, 10, 2, 16, 5, 7, 2, 16, 29}
    ' Now loop on the strings and format them as indicated by the spaces'
    ' Attention, the value for space include the string itself'
    Dim z As Integer = 0
    For Each s In ReceiptTextWord1
        z += 1
ElseIf lang = "1" Then
    ' BL TH : 0610 NO REF. : 1234567890 R.WAHYUDIYONO,IR '
    Dim spaces1 = New Integer() {3, 9, 2, 17, 3, 11, 2, 17, 29}
    ' Now loop on the strings and format them as indicated by the spaces'
    ' Attention, the value for space include the string itself'
    Dim z As Integer = 0
    For Each s In ReceiptTextWord1
        z += 1
End If



SET @ReceiptText = '                               NO REF.    : '+@RefNo+'                                                                                                                                      MOHON SIMPAN STRUK INI    ,          SEBAGAI             BUKTI PEMBAYARAN YANG SAH    '


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