我正在编写几个函数,第一个将灰度位图图像插入到另一个颜色位图图像中。现在我的目标基本上是获取灰度像素图像的每个数字(例如123)并替换每个RGB像素(244,244,244)的结束数字,所以它基本上会像这样结束(241,242,243) )。基本上,这是使用灰度图像为彩色图像加水印。
def add_watermark():
image = Image.open()
pixels = list(image.getdata())
for i in range(img.size[0]):
for j in range(img.size[1]):
pixels[i,j] = (i, j, 100)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
你走在正确的轨道上。这就是你操纵像素的方法,尽管你可以使用pixel access objects更快一点,如下所示。
from PIL import Image
def add_watermark(watermark_path, image_in_path, image_out_path):
# Load watermark and image and check sizes and modes
watermark = Image.open(watermark_path)
assert watermark.mode == 'L'
image = Image.open(image_in_path)
assert image.mode == 'RGB'
assert watermark.size == image.size
# Get pixel access objects
watermark_pixels = watermark.load()
image_pixels = image.load()
# Watermark each pixel
for x in range(image.size[0]):
for y in xrange(image.size[1]):
# Get the tuple of rgb values and convert to a list (mutable)
rgb = list(image_pixels[x, y])
for i, p in enumerate(rgb):
# Divide the watermark pixel by 100 (r), then 10 (g), then 1 (b)
# Then take it modulo 10 to get the last digit
watermark_digit = (watermark_pixels[x, y] / (10 ** (2 - i))) % 10
# Divide and multiply value by 10 to zero the last digit
# Then add the watermark digit
rgb[i] = (p / 10) * 10 + watermark_digit
# Convert back to a tuple and store in the image
image_pixels[x, y] = tuple(rgb)
# Save the image
答案 1 :(得分:0)
<强> Digital_Sight
import cStringIO
from PIL import Image
import bz2
import math
MAX_DATA_BYTES = 16777215
class ByteWriter:
"ByteWriter(image) -> ByteWriter instance"
def __init__(self, image):
"Initalize the ByteWriter's internal variables."
self.__width, self.__height = image.size
self.__space = bytes_in_image(image)
self.__pixels = image.load()
def write(self, text):
"Compress and write the text to the image's pixels."
data = bz2.compress(text)
compressed_size = len(data)
if compressed_size > self.__space:
raise MemoryError('There is not enough space for the data!')
size_data = self.__encode_size(compressed_size)
tail = '\0' * ((3 - compressed_size) % 3)
buffer = size_data + data + tail
def __encode_size(number):
"Convert number into a 3-byte block for writing."
data = ''
for _ in range(3):
number, lower = divmod(number, 256)
data = chr(lower) + data
return data
def __write_buffer(self, buffer):
"Write the buffer to the image in blocks."
addr_iter = self.__make_addr_iter()
data_iter = self.__make_data_iter(buffer)
for trio in data_iter:
self.__write_trio(trio, addr_iter.next())
def __make_addr_iter(self):
"Iterate over addresses of pixels to write to."
addr_group = []
for x in range(self.__width):
for y in range(self.__height):
addr_group.append((x, y))
if len(addr_group) == 4:
yield tuple(addr_group)
addr_group = []
def __make_data_iter(buffer):
"Iterate over the buffer a block at a time."
if len(buffer) % 3 != 0:
raise ValueError('Buffer has a bad size!')
data = ''
for char in buffer:
data += char
if len(data) == 3:
yield data
data = ''
def __write_trio(self, trio, addrs):
"Write a 3-byte block to the pixels addresses given."
duo_iter = self.__make_duo_iter(trio)
tri_iter = self.__make_tri_iter(duo_iter)
for (r_duo, g_duo, b_duo), addr in zip(tri_iter, addrs):
r, g, b, a = self.__pixels[addr]
r = self.__set_two_bits(r, r_duo)
g = self.__set_two_bits(g, g_duo)
b = self.__set_two_bits(b, b_duo)
self.__pixels[addr] = r, g, b, a
def __make_duo_iter(trio):
"Iterate over 2-bits that need to be written."
for char in trio:
byte = ord(char)
duos = []
for _ in range(4):
byte, duo = divmod(byte, 4)
for duo in reversed(duos):
yield duo
def __make_tri_iter(duo_iter):
"Group bits into their pixel units for writing."
group = []
for duo in duo_iter:
if len(group) == 3:
yield tuple(group)
group = []
def __set_two_bits(byte, duo):
"Write a duo (2-bit) group to a pixel channel (RGB)."
if duo > 3:
raise ValueError('Duo bits has to high of a value!')
byte &= 252
byte |= duo
return byte
class ByteReader:
"ByteReader(image) -> ByteReader instance"
def __init__(self, image):
"Initalize the ByteReader's internal variables."
self.__width, self.__height = image.size
self.__pixels = image.load()
def read(self):
"Read data out of a picture, decompress the data, and return it."
compressed_data = ''
addr_iter = self.__make_addr_iter()
size_block = self.__read_blocks(addr_iter)
size_value = self.__block_to_number(size_block)
blocks_to_read = math.ceil(size_value / 3.0)
for _ in range(blocks_to_read):
compressed_data += self.__read_blocks(addr_iter)
if len(compressed_data) != blocks_to_read * 3:
raise ValueError('Blocks were not read correctly!')
if len(compressed_data) > size_value:
compressed_data = compressed_data[:size_value]
return bz2.decompress(compressed_data)
def __make_addr_iter(self):
"Iterate over the pixel addresses in the image."
addr_group = []
for x in range(self.__width):
for y in range(self.__height):
addr_group.append((x, y))
if len(addr_group) == 4:
yield tuple(addr_group)
addr_group = []
def __read_blocks(self, addr_iter):
"Read data a block at a time (4 pixels for 3 bytes)."
pixels = []
for addr in addr_iter.next():
duos = self.__get_pixel_duos(pixels)
data = ''
buffer = []
for duo in duos:
if len(buffer) == 4:
value = 0
for duo in buffer:
value <<= 2
value |= duo
data += chr(value)
buffer = []
if len(data) != 3:
raise ValueError('Data was not decoded properly!')
return data
def __get_pixel_duos(cls, pixels):
"Extract bits from a given group of pixels."
duos = []
for pixel in pixels:
return duos
def __extract_duos(pixel):
"Retrieve the bits stored in a pixel."
r, g, b, a = pixel
return r & 3, g & 3, b & 3
def __block_to_number(block):
"Convert a block into a number (size of data buffer)."
value = 0
for char in block:
value <<= 8
value |= ord(char)
return value
def main(picture, mode, text):
"Dispatch the various operations that can be requested."
image = Image.open(picture)
if image.mode != 'RGBA':
image = image.convert('RGBA')
if mode == 'Evaluate':
elif mode == 'Simulate':
simulate(image, text)
elif mode == 'Encode':
encode(image, text)
elif mode == 'Decode':
raise ValueError('Mode %r was not recognized!' % mode)
def evaluate(image):
"Display the number of bytes available in the image."
print 'Usable bytes available =', bytes_in_image(image)
def bytes_in_image(image):
"Calculate the number of usable bytes in an image."
blocks = blocks_in_image(image)
usable_blocks = blocks - 1
usable_bytes = usable_blocks * BYTES_PER_BLOCK
return min(usable_bytes, MAX_DATA_BYTES)
def blocks_in_image(image):
"Find out how many blocks are in an image."
width, height = image.size
pixels = width * height
blocks = pixels / PIXELS_PER_BLOCK
return blocks
def simulate(image, text):
"Find out how much space the text takes in the image that was given."
compressed_data = bz2.compress(text)
compressed_size = len(compressed_data)
usable_bytes = bytes_in_image(image)
space_leftover = usable_bytes - compressed_size
if space_leftover > 0:
print 'You still have %s more bytes for storage.' % space_leftover
elif space_leftover < 0:
print 'You overfilled the image by %s bytes.' % -space_leftover
print 'This is a perfect fit!'
def encode(image, text):
"Encodes text in image and returns picture to the browser."
mutator = ByteWriter(image)
output = cStringIO.StringIO()
image.save(output, 'PNG')
print 'Content-Type: image/PNG'
print output.read()
def decode(image):
"Extract the original message and deliver it to the client."
accessor = ByteReader(image)
buffer = accessor.read()
print buffer
if __name__ == '__builtin__':
main(cStringIO.StringIO(PICTURE), MODE, TEXT)
except SystemExit:
<强> Color_Disruptor
from cStringIO import StringIO
from PIL import Image
from random import randrange
def main(data, r_bits, g_bits, b_bits, a_bits):
image = Image.open(data)
if image.mode != 'RGBA':
image = image.convert('RGBA')
width, height = image.size
array = image.load()
for x in range(width):
for y in range(height):
r, g, b, a = array[x, y]
r ^= randrange(r_bits)
g ^= randrange(g_bits)
b ^= randrange(b_bits)
a ^= randrange(a_bits)
array[x, y] = r, g, b, a
data = StringIO()
image.save(data, 'PNG')
print 'Content-Type: image/PNG'
print data.getvalue()
if __name__ == '__builtin__':
main(StringIO(DATA), *map(lambda bits: 1 << int(bits), (R, G, B, A)))