
时间:2013-05-09 22:24:25

标签: c

此代码的目的是玩二十一点的模拟游戏。 “经销商”是自动化的,将自动处理两张牌,并在获胜/摔倒或击中时停止。然后用户抽签直到他/她满意为止。然后决定胜利者。




#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define SIZE 52
#define LIMIT 21 

enum faces{Ace = 0, Jack = 10, Queen, King};
char * facecheck(int d); 
void shuffle( int deck[]);
int draw(int deck[SIZE]); 
void printcards(int hand[], int numCards);
int dealer(int deck[]);  
int player(int deck[]);
int value(int yourhand[]); 
int victory(int d, int p);
int i, numCards = 1;
int top = 52;
int preValue = 0; 
int count = 2; 
int main() 
    int deck[SIZE], i, a;
    int d, p; 
    char suits[4][9] = 

    srand( time( NULL ) ) ;

    for(i = 0; i<SIZE; i++)
        deck[i] = i;

    d = dealer(deck);
    p = player(deck);
    victory(d, p);

    return 0; 

char * facecheck(int d)
    static char * face[] = 
        "King" };

    if(d == Ace)
        return face[0];
        if(d == Jack) 
            return face[1];
            if(d == Queen)
                return face[2];
                if(d == King)
                    return face[3];

void shuffle( int deck[]) 
     int i, j, temp; 

     for(i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
           j = rand() % SIZE; 
           temp = deck[i];
           deck[i] = deck[j];
           deck[j] = temp;
     printf("The deck has been shuffled \n"); 

int draw(int deck[SIZE])
    int numCards = 1;
    int i;  
    int hand[numCards];
    int card;
    for(i = 0; i < numCards && top > 0; i++)
        card = deck[top-1];     
        hand[i] = card; 

    return card;


void printcards(int hand[], int numCard)
    char suits[4][9] = 

    for(i = 0; i < numCard; i++) 
     int card = hand[i];     
    if(card%13 == 0 || card%13 == 10 || card%13 == 11 || card%13 == 12)
        printf("%s ", facecheck(card%13) );
        printf("%d ", card%13+1);
    printf("of %s \n", suits[card/13]);

int dealer(int deck[])
    int x;
    int a; 
    int yourhand[10];
    int handIndex = 0;
    int cardLimit;
    int dealerValue;

        yourhand[handIndex] = draw(deck);
        yourhand[handIndex] = draw(deck);
        printf("The Dealers second card is:"); 
        printcards(yourhand, handIndex+1);

        cardLimit = value(yourhand);

         if(cardLimit == LIMIT)
             printcards(yourhand, handIndex+1);
             dealerValue = cardLimit;
             return dealerValue;

         if(cardLimit > LIMIT)
             printcards(yourhand, handIndex+1);
             dealerValue = cardLimit;
             return dealerValue;
         if(cardLimit == 17)
             printcards(yourhand, handIndex+1);
             dealerValue = cardLimit;
             return dealerValue;
         if(cardLimit <= 16)
            yourhand[handIndex] = draw(deck);
            cardLimit = value(yourhand);
         while(cardLimit <= LIMIT); 


int player(int deck[])
    int x;
    int a; 
    int yourhand[10];
    int cardLimit;
    int playerValue;
    int handIndex = 2;

    yourhand[handIndex] = draw(deck);
    yourhand[handIndex] = draw(deck);
    cardLimit = value(yourhand);
    printf("Your hand is: /n"); 
    printcards(yourhand, handIndex+1);
    printf("%d /n" , cardLimit); 

         if(cardLimit == LIMIT)
             printcards(yourhand, handIndex+1);
             playerValue = cardLimit;
             return playerValue;

         if(cardLimit > LIMIT)
             printcards(yourhand, handIndex+1);
             playerValue = cardLimit;
             return playerValue;
             printf("What would you like to do: Press 1 to Hit. 2 to Stay. \n"); 
             scanf("%d" , &x);
             if(x == 1)
            yourhand[handIndex] = draw(deck);
            cardLimit == value(yourhand);
                printf("Player choses to stay \n");
                return playerValue;
        while(cardLimit <= LIMIT); 


int value(int yourhand[])
    int faceValue = 10;
    int cardValue[count]; 
    int aceValue = 11;
    int card[count]; 
    int value; 
    int curvalue; 

      for(i = 0; i < count; i++) 
      card[i] = yourhand[i];

     for(i = 0; i < count; i++) 
         cardValue[i] = card[i]%13; 

     if(cardValue[0] >= 10 && cardValue[1] >= 10)
         value = 20;
     if(cardValue[0] < 10 && cardValue[1] < 10) 
         value = cardValue[0] + cardValue[1];
     if(cardValue[0] >= 10 && cardValue[1] < 10) 
         value = faceValue + cardValue[1];
     if(cardValue[0] < 10 && cardValue[1] >= 10) 
         value = faceValue + cardValue[0];
     if(cardValue[0] == 0 && cardValue[1] == 0) 
         value = 12; 
     if(cardValue[0] == 0 && cardValue[1] >= 10) 
         value = 21;
     if(cardValue[1] == 0 && cardValue[0] >= 10) 
         value = 21;
     if(cardValue[0] == 0 && cardValue[1] < 10) 
         value = aceValue + cardValue[1];
     if(cardValue[1] == 0 && cardValue[0] < 10) 
         value = aceValue + cardValue[0];

     preValue = value;

     if(count > 2) 
        if(cardValue[count] != 0) 
               value = curvalue; 
               value = preValue + curvalue;
            if(cardValue[count] + preValue > LIMIT) 
                 value = preValue + 1; 
                value = cardValue[count] + aceValue;
     return value; 

int victory(int d, int p)
    if(d > p) 
    printf("Dealer Wins \n"); 
    printf("Player Wins"); 

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


int dealer(int deck[])
    int handIndex = 0;
    int yourhand[10];
    yourhand[handIndex] = draw(deck);
    yourhand[handIndex] = draw(deck);


    cardLimit = value(yourhand);

现在,在写入yourhand[0]两次,并且未初始化任何其他元素的情况下,您致电value,希望yourhand[0] yourhand[1]为初始化。
