
时间:2013-05-07 15:04:05

标签: python

print("Getting possible numbers")
import random

h1 = random.uniform(0,30)
h2 = random.uniform(0,30)
h3 = random.uniform(0,30)
t = random.uniform(0,30)

baset = .5 * t * h3
volumeti = baset * h2
baser = t * h2
volumer = h1 * baser
volumetotal = volumeti + volumer
c = 1

if volumetotal == 187.2:
  print("h1=", h1, "h2=", h2, "h3=", h3, "t=", t)

while volumetotal != 187.2:
 c += 1
 print("Wrong, trying again", c)


6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


while volumetotal != 187.2:
 c += 1
 print("Wrong, trying again", c)


另请注意,检查浮点数的相等性可能很棘手。两个数字可以非常接近(10 ** 16中的1个部分)并且仍然不同 - 并且这个大小的数字错误一直在发生。

答案 1 :(得分:1)


  1. 第一次失败的循环永远不会让你再次生成数字
  2. 插入随机数以获得精确解决方案并不十分有效,并且可能永远不会返回结果。
  3. 比较浮点数的相等性可能不是你想要的。阅读浮点数相等比较。
  4. 更好的解决方案是解决方程,以便您可以随机选择3个数字并解决第四个问题。也许像:

    187.2 = .5 * t * h3 * h2 + h1 * t * h2
    187.2 = h2(.5 * t * h3 + h1 * t)
    h2 = 187.2 / (.5 * t * h3 + h1 * t)


    import random
    print("Getting possible numbers")
    h1 = random.uniform(0,30)
    h3 = random.uniform(0,30)
    t = random.uniform(0,30)
    h2 = 187.2 / ((.5 * t * h3) + (h1 * t))
    print("h1=", h1, "h2=", h2, "h3=", h3, "t=", t)

答案 2 :(得分:1)


print("Getting possible numbers")
import random

volumetotal = 0
c = 0

while abs(volumetotal - 187.2) >= 0.1:
  c += 1
  print("Attempt ", c)

  h1 = random.uniform(0,30)
  h2 = random.uniform(0,30)
  h3 = random.uniform(0,30)
  t = random.uniform(0,30)

  baset = .5 * t * h3
  volumeti = baset * h2
  baser = t * h2
  volumer = h1 * baser
  volumetotal = volumeti + volumer

print("h1=", h1, "h2=", h2, "h3=", h3, "t=", t)

答案 3 :(得分:0)


error = 0.00001
expected = 187.2
if expected - error <= volumetotal <= expected + error:
    print("Yay, this is roughly correct.") 


# Pseudo-code
# if expected > desired:
#    set previously chosen random variables as the upper bound on the next 
#    iteration's random ranges.
# else:
#    set previously chosen random variables as the lower bound on the next
#    iteration's random ranges.
# Be sure to only shrink the range of the random selection until you converge on 
# a solution.

答案 4 :(得分:0)


print("Getting possible numbers")
import random
import math

epsilon = 0.001
c = 1
h1 = 0
h2 = 0
h3 =0
t = 0

def solve():

    h1 = random.uniform(0,30)
    h2 = random.uniform(0,30)
    h3 = random.uniform(0,30)
    t = random.uniform(0,30)

    baset = .5 * t * h3

    volumeti = baset * h2

    baser = t * h2

    volumer = h1 * baser

    volumetotal = volumeti + volumer

    return volumetotal, h1, h2, h3, t

while math.fabs(volumetotal - 187.2) > epsilon: 
 global h1 
 global h2 
 global h3 
 global t

 c += 1
 volumetotal, h1, h2, h3, t = solve()
 print("Wrong, trying again", c)

print("found a solution : ")
print("h1=", h1, "h2=", h2, "h3=", h3, "t=", t)


然而,这是解决方程式的一种非常差的方法。我建议您查找gradient descent确定性算法或genetic algorithms,如果您想以随机方式保留。

答案 5 :(得分:0)


  • 首先也是最关键的是,你的循环永远不会改变变量的值,所以它永远不会退出(因为它只是无限期地执行相同的测试。
  • 第二,几乎同样重要的是,如果希望程序终止,则不应循环浮点数的比较。这是因为浮点表示是inherently inaccurate,因此当您可能期望它们为False时,您的比较将评估为True(例如,.3 + .3 + .3 == .9的评论中的eumiro示例1}}评估为False)。

第一个问题的解决方案很简单:您只需要确保每次循环都重新计算变量。第二个就是这么简单:你需要测试值是否“足够接近”,而不是测试相等性。因此,选择一个公差值并将您的错误与之比较,而不是要求完美。这两个都显示在下面的代码中(为了清楚起见,我将一些部分拆分成了它们自己的函数)。我也这样做了c每5000次迭代只打印一次,实际上是makes the whole thing run many times faster

print("Getting possible numbers")
import random

def get_variables():
    '''Initialize some random values.'''
    h1 = random.uniform(0,30)
    h2 = random.uniform(0,30)
    h3 = random.uniform(0,30)
    t = random.uniform(0,30)
    return h1, h2, h3, t

def calculate_volume(h1, h2, h3, t):
    '''Calculate the volume based on the given values.'''
    baset = .5 * t * h3
    volumeti = baset * h2
    baser = t * h2
    volumer = h1 * baser
    volumetotal = volumeti + volumer
    return volumetotal

volumetotal = 0
c = 0
tolerance = 0.00001 # Set the tolerance here!
h1 = h2 = h3 = t = None

while abs(volumetotal - 187.2) >= tolerance: 
    c += 1
    if c % 5000 == 0:
        print("Attempt ", c)

    h1, h2, h3, t = get_variables()
    volumetotal = calculate_volume(h1, h2, h3, t)

print ('h1 = {}\nh2 = {}\nh3 = {}\nt = {}\nc = {}\nv = {}'.format(
        h1, h2, h3, t, c, volumetotal))

注意第26行,其中while循环将abs(volumetotal - 187.2)(结果与预期结果的差异)与0.00001(公差)进行比较。您可以将此容差设置为您喜欢的任何值,但容差越小,程序运行的时间就越长。


print("Getting possible numbers")
import itertools

def get_variable_permutations(precision):
    '''Get a permutation generator. The precision is # of decimal places.'''
    stepsize = 0.1**precision
    all_values = (v*stepsize for v in xrange(int(30/stepsize)))
    return itertools.permutations(all_values, 4)

def calculate_volume(h1, h2, h3, t):
    '''Calculate the volume based on the given values.'''
    baset = .5 * t * h3
    volumeti = baset * h2
    baser = t * h2
    volumer = h1 * baser
    volumetotal = volumeti + volumer
    return volumetotal

volumetotal = 0
c = 0
tolerance = 0.00001
precision = 5 # decimal place precision for h1, h2, h3, and t

for h1, h2, h3, t in get_variable_permutations(precision):
    c += 1
    if c % 5000 == 0: # So much faster!
        print("Attempt ", c)
    volumetotal = calculate_volume(h1, h2, h3, t)
    if abs(volumetotal - 187.2) <= tolerance:

print ('h1 = {}\nh2 = {}\nh3 = {}\nt = {}\nc = {}\nv = {}'.format(
        h1, h2, h3, t, c, volumetotal))
