ansible - 从目录中删除非托管文件?

时间:2013-05-05 14:27:18

标签: ansible ansible-template

我想以递归方式复制目录将所有 .j2 文件作为模板呈现在那里。为此,我目前使用以下几行:

- template: >
            src=/src/conf.d/{{ item }}
            dest=/dest/conf.d/{{ item|replace('.j2','') }}
  with_lines: find /src/conf.d/ -type f -printf "%P\n"


有没有办法做到这一点?我尝试使用rsync --delete摆弄,但是我遇到了模板的问题,这些模板的后缀.j2已被移除。

7 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:48)


- shell: ls -1 /some/dir
  register: contents

- file: path=/some/dir/{{ item }} state=absent
  with_items: contents.stdout_lines
  when: item not in managed_files

答案 1 :(得分:11)


  # loop through the nginx sites array and create a conf for each file in order
  # file will be name 01_file.conf, 02_file.conf etc
  - name: nginx_sites conf
    template: >
      src=templates/nginx/{{ item.1.template }}
      dest={{ nginx_conf_dir }}/{{ '%02d' % item.0 }}_{{ item.1.conf_name|default(item.1.template) }}
      owner={{ user }}
      group={{ group }}
    with_indexed_items: nginx_sites
      - restart nginx
    register: nginx_sites_confs

  # flatten and map the results into simple list
  # unchanged files have attribute dest, changed have attribute path
  - set_fact:
      nginx_confs: "{{ nginx_sites_confs.results|selectattr('dest', 'string')|map(attribute='dest')|list + nginx_sites_confs.results|selectattr('path', 'string')|map(attribute='path')|select|list }}"
    when: nginx_sites

  # get contents of conf dir
  - shell: ls -1 {{ nginx_conf_dir }}/*.conf
    register: contents
    when: nginx_sites

  # so we can delete the ones we don't manage
  - name: empty old confs
    file: path="{{ item }}" state=absent
    with_items: contents.stdout_lines
    when: nginx_sites and item not in nginx_confs



答案 2 :(得分:5)


Ansible from 2.2 with with_filetree loop提供了上传dirs,链接,静态文件甚至(!)模板的简单方法。保持配置目录同步的最佳方法。

- name: etc config - Create directories
    path: "{{ nginx_conf_dir }}/{{ item.path }}"
    state: directory
    mode: 0755
  with_filetree: etc/nginx
  when: item.state == 'directory'

- name: etc config - Creating configuration files from templates
    src: "{{ item.src }}"
    dest: "{{ nginx_conf_dir }}/{{ item.path | regex_replace('\\.j2$', '') }}"
    mode: 0644
  with_filetree: etc/nginx
    - item.state == "file"
    - item.path | match('.+\.j2$') | bool

- name: etc config - Creating staic configuration files
    src: "{{ item.src }}"
    dest: "{{ nginx_conf_dir }}/{{ item.path }}"
    mode: 0644
  with_filetree: etc/nginx
    - item.state == "file"
    - not (item.path | match('.+\.j2$') | bool)

- name: etc config - Recreate symlinks
    src: "{{ item.src }}"
    dest: "{{ nginx_conf_dir }}/{{ item.path }}"
    state: link
    force: yes
    mode: "{{ item.mode }}"
  with_filetree: etc/nginx
  when: item.state == "link"

接下来,我们可能希望从config dir中删除未使用的文件。这很简单。 我们收集远程服务器上存在的上传文件和文件列表,然后删除差异。

但我们可能希望在config dir中拥有非托管文件。 我使用-prune find功能来避免使用非托管文件清除文件夹。

PS _(Y)_确定删除了一些非托管文件

- name: etc config - Gathering managed files
    __managed_file_path: "{{ nginx_conf_dir }}/{{ item.path | regex_replace('\\.j2$', '') }}"
  with_filetree: etc/nginx
  register: __managed_files

- name: etc config - Convert managed files to list
  set_fact: managed_files="{{ __managed_files.results | map(attribute='ansible_facts.__managed_file_path') | list }}"

- name: etc config - Gathering exist files (excluding .ansible_keep-content dirs)
  shell: find /etc/nginx -mindepth 1 -type d -exec test -e '{}/.ansible_keep-content' \; -prune -o -print
  register: exist_files
  changed_when: False

- name: etc config - Delete unmanaged files
  file: path="{{ item }}" state=absent
  with_items: "{{ exist_files.stdout_lines }}"
    - item not in managed_files

答案 3 :(得分:2)


答案 4 :(得分:1)

通常我不删除文件,但我在其名称后面添加-unmanaged后缀。 示例ansible任务:

- name: Get sources.list.d files
  shell: grep -r --include=\*.list -L '^# Ansible' /etc/apt/sources.list.d || true
  register: grep_unmanaged
  changed_when: grep_unmanaged.stdout_lines

- name: Add '-unmanaged' suffix
  shell: rename 's/$/-unmanaged/' {{ item }}
  with_items: grep_unmanaged.stdout_lines



  • -r进行递归搜索
  • --include=\*.list - 只接受文件 在递归搜索期间使用.list扩展名
  • -L '^# Ansible' - 显示没有以'#Ansible'开头的行的文件名
  • || true - 用于忽略错误。 Ansible的ignore_errors也有效,但在忽略错误之前,ansible将在ansible-playbook运行期间以红色显示 这是不受欢迎的(至少对我而言)。




答案 5 :(得分:0)

显然,目前无法使用ansible。我在IRC上与mdehaan进行了一次对话,归结为没有directed acyclic graph资源的问题,这样做很难。


14:17 < mdehaan> Robe:
14:19 < Robe> mdehaan: HM
14:19 < Robe> mdehaan: that actually looks relatively sane
14:19 < mdehaan> thanks :)
14:19 < Robe> the problem I'm seeing is that I'd have to gather the managed files myself
14:19 < mdehaan> you would yes
14:19 < mdehaan> ALMOST
14:20 < mdehaan> you could do a fileglob and ... well, it would be a little gross
14:32 < mdehaan> eh, theoretical syntax, nm
14:33 < mdehaan> I could do it by writing a lookup plugin that filtered a list
14:34 < mdehaan>
14:34 < mdehaan> if that plugin existed, for instance, and iterated across lists in A that were also in B

答案 6 :(得分:0)

我使用的是 Ansible 版本 2.9.20

# tasks file for delete_unmanaged_files
- name: list files in dest
  shell: ls -1 dest/conf.d
  register: files_in_dest

- name: list files in src
  shell: ls -1 src/conf.d
  register: files_in_src

- name: Managed files - dest
  command: echo {{ item|replace('.j2','') }}
  with_items: "{{ files_in_dest.stdout_lines }}"
  register: managed_files_dest

- name: Managed files - src
  command: echo {{ item|replace('.j2','') }}
  with_items: "{{ files_in_src.stdout_lines }}"
  register: managed_files_src

- name: Convert src managed files to list
  set_fact: managed_files_src_list="{{ managed_files_src.results | map(attribute='stdout') | list }}"

- name: Delete unmanaged files in dest
  file: path=dest/conf.d/{{ item.stdout }} state=absent
  with_items: "{{ managed_files_dest.results }}"
  when: item.stdout not in managed_files_src_list

我认为根据此问题的用例,我发现上述解决方案可能对您有所帮助。在这里,我创建了 6 个任务。


  • Task-1 和 Task-2 将帮助将文件名存储在变量“files_in_dest”和“files_in_src”中。
  • Task-3 & Task-4 将继承来自 Task-1 & Task-2 的输出,然后替换 j2 文件(用例所需)。然后这些任务会将输出存储在“managed_files_dest”和“managed_files_src”变量中。
  • Task-5 会将“managed_files_src”的输出转换为列表,这样我们就可以将 src 目录中的所有当前文件(当前状态)存储在一个适当的或单个列表中,然后我们可以在下一步中使用这个列表了解 dest 目录中非托管文件的任务。
  • Task-6 将删除 dest 中的非托管文件。