有关构建Sql Server(2008)查询的任何想法,该查询将根据默认值或覆盖存在的情况向我说出项目的“日期特定价格”。
因此,默认表可能如下所示 - 列Price,StartDate,EndDate(yyyy-M-d):
Default: $10, 2010-1-1, 2010-2-1
Override: $12, 2010-1-5, 2010-1-8
Result: $10, 2010-1-1, 2010-1-4
$12, 2010-1-5, 2010-1-8
$10, 2010-1-9, 2010-2-1
答案 0 :(得分:0)
D.Price, ISNULL(O.StartDate, D.StartDate), ISNULL(O.EndDate, D.EndDate)
Default D
Override O ON D.Price= O.Price
答案 1 :(得分:0)
正确的设计是只有一张桌子。您根本不需要覆盖表。只需在单个表中保持每一个 - 受日期范围的限制。查询也变得更加简单。
Rate Decimal NOT NULL,
FromDate NOT NULL,
SELECT Rate FROM Rates WHERE ID = @ID AND FromDate = (SELECT MAX(FromDate) FROM Rates WHERE ID = @ID AND FromDate <= @Date) AND ToDate = (SELECT MIN(ToDate) FROM Rates WHERE ID = @ID AND ToDate >=@Date)
答案 2 :(得分:0)
答案 3 :(得分:0)
假设: -
默认期间不会重叠。 重叠期间不会重叠。
Default: |<-------- P1 ------>|
Overlap: |<-----------O1------>|
Output: |<-----P1 ---->|
Default: |<-------- P1 ------>|
Overlap: |<-----------O1------>|
Output: |<--- P1 ---->|
,则删除任何默认期间Default: |<--- P1 --->|
Overlap: |<--------O1------>|
Output: nothing
对于被重叠期间打破的默认期间(重叠小于期间) 获取第一部分(从期间的开始到第一个重叠期) 获取中间部分,即从任何重叠周期结束到下一个重叠周期的开始。 获取最后一部分(从最后一个重叠到期末)
Default: |<---------------------------- P1 ------------------------------>|
Overlap: |<---O1--->| |<---O2-->| |<--O3->|
Output: |<-P1->| |<-P1->| |<-P1->| |<-P1->|
最后合并数据并获得结果 我们正在考虑的重叠类型
Default: |<---- P1 --->|
Overlap: |<-----------O1------>|
Output: |<---- P1 --->||<-----------O1------>|
With [System] as (
Select 1 [RowNum],cast('Jan 01,2017' as date) [StartDate],dateadd(day,-1,cast('Feb 01,2017' as date)) [EndDate],0500 [Value] union all
Select 2 [RowNum],cast('Feb 01,2017' as date) [StartDate],dateadd(day,-1,cast('Mar 01,2017' as date)) [EndDate],0700 [Value] union all
Select 3 [RowNum],cast('Mar 01,2017' as date) [StartDate],dateadd(day,-1,cast('Apr 01,2017' as date)) [EndDate],0900 [Value] union all
Select 4 [RowNum],cast('Apr 01,2017' as date) [StartDate],dateadd(day,-1,cast('May 01,2017' as date)) [EndDate],0700 [Value] union all
Select 5 [RowNum],cast('May 01,2017' as date) [StartDate],dateadd(day,-1,cast('Jun 01,2017' as date)) [EndDate],0900 [Value] union all
Select 6 [RowNum],cast('Jun 01,2017' as date) [StartDate],dateadd(day,-1,cast('Jul 01,9999' as date)) [EndDate],1500 [Value]
),Overrides as (
Select 1 [RowNum],cast('Feb 12,2017' as date) [StartDate],cast('Mar 25,2017' as date) [EndDate],1 [Value] union all
Select 2 [RowNum],cast('Mar 28,2017' as date) [StartDate],cast('May 15,2017' as date) [EndDate],2 [Value] union all
Select 3 [RowNum],cast('May 18,2017' as date) [StartDate],cast('May 20,2017' as date) [EndDate],3 [Value] union all
Select 4 [RowNum],cast('Jun 05,2017' as date) [StartDate],cast('Jun 08,2017' as date) [EndDate],4 [Value] union all
Select 5 [RowNum],cast('Jun 09,2017' as date) [StartDate],cast('Jun 16,2017' as date) [EndDate],5 [Value] union all
Select 6 [RowNum],cast('Jun 17,2017' as date) [StartDate],cast('Jun 22,2017' as date) [EndDate],6 [Value] union all
Select 7 [RowNum],cast('Jun 23,2017' as date) [StartDate],cast('Jun 27,2017' as date) [EndDate],7 [Value]
),PrepareOverridePeriods as (--if override periods have no gabs betwwen we need to merge them
Select p1.StartDate, p1.EndDate
from Overrides p1
left join Overrides p2 on p1.StartDate = DATEADD(day,1,p2.EndDate)
where p2.StartDate is null
union all
select p1.StartDate,p2.EndDate
from PrepareOverridePeriods p1
inner join Overrides p2 on p1.EndDate = DATEADD(day,-1,p2.StartDate)
),OverridePeriods as (
select ROW_NUMBER() over (order by StartDate) [RowNum],StartDate,MAX(EndDate) as EndDate
from PrepareOverridePeriods group by StartDate
),AdjustedPeriods as (
select s.RowNum,'Adj.' [type]
,isnull(dateadd(day,1,ShiftRight.EndDate),s.StartDate) [StartDate]
,isnull(dateadd(day,-1,ShiftLeft.StartDate),s.EndDate) [EndDate]
from System s
left outer join OverridePeriods ShiftRight on s.StartDate between ShiftRight.StartDate and ShiftRight.EndDate
left outer join OverridePeriods ShiftLeft on s.EndDate between ShiftLeft.StartDate and ShiftLeft.EndDate
left outer join OverridePeriods RemovePeriod on s.StartDate between RemovePeriod.StartDate and RemovePeriod.EndDate and s.EndDate between RemovePeriod.StartDate and RemovePeriod.EndDate
where RemovePeriod.StartDate is null
),SmallOverrides as ( --TODO: change SystemCalculated to AdjustSystemCalculatedPeriods
select ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by s.RowNum order by o.StartDate ) [RowNum],
o.RowNum [OverrideRowNum],o.StartDate [OverrideStartDate],o.EndDate [OverrideEndDate],s.Value [Value]
,s.RowNum [SystemRowNum],s.StartDate [SystemStartDate],s.EndDate [SystemEndDate]
from OverridePeriods o
inner join AdjustedPeriods s on o.StartDate between s.StartDate and s.EndDate and o.EndDate between s.StartDate and s.EndDate
--,FirstAndLastParts as (
--select [SystemRowNum],[type]
-- ,case when [type]='First' then min([SystemStartDate]) else dateadd(day,1,max(OverrideEndDate)) end [StartDate]
-- ,case when [type]='First' then dateadd(day,-1,min(OverrideStartDate)) else max([SystemEndDate]) end [EndDate]
-- ,min(Value) [Value]
-- from (select *,'First' [type] from SmallOverrides o union all
-- select *,'Last' [type] from SmallOverrides o) data
-- group by [SystemRowNum],[type]
,FirstParts as (
select [SystemRowNum],'First' [type]
,min([SystemStartDate]) [StartDate]
,dateadd(day,-1,min(OverrideStartDate)) [EndDate]
,min(Value) [Value]
from SmallOverrides
group by [SystemRowNum]
),LastParts as (
select [SystemRowNum],'Last' [type]
,dateadd(day,1,max(OverrideEndDate)) [StartDate]
,max([SystemEndDate]) [EndDate]
,min(Value) [Value]
from SmallOverrides
group by [SystemRowNum]
),IntermediatParts as (
select s.SystemRowNum [RowNum],'Inter.' [type]
,dateadd(day,1,s.OverrideEndDate) [StartDate]
,dateadd(day,-1,e.OverrideStartDate) [EndDate]
from SmallOverrides s
left outer join SmallOverrides e on e.SystemRowNum=s.SystemRowNum and s.RowNum+1=e.RowNum
where e.RowNum is not null --remove the first and lasts
),AdjustedPeriodsFiltered as (--remove blocks that are broken to smaller pieces
select s.*
from AdjustedPeriods s
left outer join OverridePeriods o on o.StartDate between s.StartDate and s.EndDate and o.EndDate between s.StartDate and s.EndDate
where o.StartDate is null
),AllParts as (
select * from IntermediatParts union all --order by SystemRowNum,OverrideStartDate
select * from FirstParts union all
select * from LastParts union all
select * from AdjustedPeriodsFiltered
),Merged as (
select [RowNum],[type] [Source],StartDate,EndDate,Value,'System' [RecordType] from AllParts
union all
select [RowNum],'override' [Source],StartDate,EndDate,Value,'Override' [RecordType] from Overrides
select * from Merged order by StartDate
我们能否以不同的方式调整数据集,是的,另一种方法是从默认期间和重叠期间的开始和结束日期获取所有预期值,然后重建一组新的期间,链接它是默认值,将它与叠加层合并,我们得到它。 相同的假设和步骤如下: -
With [System] as (
Select 1 [RowNum],cast('Jan 01,2017' as date) [StartDate],dateadd(day,-1,cast('Feb 01,2017' as date)) [EndDate],0500 [Value] union all
Select 2 [RowNum],cast('Feb 01,2017' as date) [StartDate],dateadd(day,-1,cast('Mar 01,2017' as date)) [EndDate],0700 [Value] union all
Select 3 [RowNum],cast('Mar 01,2017' as date) [StartDate],dateadd(day,-1,cast('Apr 01,2017' as date)) [EndDate],0900 [Value] union all
Select 4 [RowNum],cast('Apr 01,2017' as date) [StartDate],dateadd(day,-1,cast('May 01,2017' as date)) [EndDate],0700 [Value] union all
Select 5 [RowNum],cast('May 01,2017' as date) [StartDate],dateadd(day,-1,cast('Jun 01,2017' as date)) [EndDate],0900 [Value] union all
Select 6 [RowNum],cast('Jun 01,2017' as date) [StartDate],dateadd(day,-1,cast('Jul 01,9999' as date)) [EndDate],1500 [Value]
),Overrides as (
Select 1 [RowNum],cast('Feb 12,2017' as date) [StartDate],cast('Mar 25,2017' as date) [EndDate],1 [Value] union all
Select 2 [RowNum],cast('Mar 28,2017' as date) [StartDate],cast('May 15,2017' as date) [EndDate],2 [Value] union all
Select 3 [RowNum],cast('May 18,2017' as date) [StartDate],cast('May 20,2017' as date) [EndDate],3 [Value] union all
Select 4 [RowNum],cast('Jun 05,2017' as date) [StartDate],cast('Jun 08,2017' as date) [EndDate],4 [Value] union all
Select 5 [RowNum],cast('Jun 09,2017' as date) [StartDate],cast('Jun 16,2017' as date) [EndDate],5 [Value] union all
Select 6 [RowNum],cast('Jun 17,2017' as date) [StartDate],cast('Jun 22,2017' as date) [EndDate],6 [Value] union all
Select 7 [RowNum],cast('Jun 23,2017' as date) [StartDate],cast('Jun 27,2017' as date) [EndDate],7 [Value]
),PrepareOverridePeriods as (--if override periods have no gabs between we need to merge them
Select p1.StartDate, p1.EndDate
from Overrides p1
left join Overrides p2 on p1.StartDate = DATEADD(day,1,p2.EndDate)
where p2.StartDate is null
union all
select p1.StartDate,p2.EndDate
from PrepareOverridePeriods p1
inner join Overrides p2 on p1.EndDate = DATEADD(day,-1,p2.StartDate)
),OverridePeriods as (
select ROW_NUMBER() over (order by StartDate) [RowNum],StartDate,MAX(EndDate) as EndDate
from PrepareOverridePeriods group by StartDate
,AllDates as (
select ROW_NUMBER() over (order by [Date]) [RowNum],data.Date from (
select dateadd(day,-1,OverridePeriods.StartDate) [Date] from OverridePeriods union all
select dateadd(day,+1,OverridePeriods.EndDate) [Date] from OverridePeriods union all
select StartDate [Date] from [System] union all
select EndDate [Date] from [System] ) as data
,NewPeriods as (
select sy.RowNum, s.[Date] [StartDate],n.[Date] [EndDate] ,sy.Value
from AllDates s
left outer join AllDates n on n.RowNum=s.RowNum+1
left outer join OverridePeriods o on s.[Date] between o.StartDate and o.EndDate and n.[Date] between o.StartDate and o.EndDate
left outer join [System] sy on s.[Date] between sy.StartDate and sy.EndDate
s.RowNum % 2 =1 and o.StartDate is null--group it by 2 and remove overriden areas
,Merged2 as (
select [RowNum], StartDate,EndDate,Value,'System' [RecordType] from NewPeriods
union all
select [RowNum], StartDate,EndDate,Value,'Override' [RecordType] from Overrides
select * from Merged2 order by StartDate