
时间:2013-05-01 11:12:51

标签: kendo-ui kendo-grid


编辑命令,显示一个弹出窗口,我可以在其中修改我的数据。 我需要自定义编辑窗口的标题和按钮文本(更新和取消按钮)。 这是我的代码:

var ds = createJSONDataSource();

function createJSONDataSource() {

var dataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({

    transport: {
        autoSync: true,
        read: {
            type: "POST",
            url: "WebServices/GetDataTest.asmx/getCustList",
            dataType: "json",
            contentType: mime_charset
    pageSize: 5,
    schema: {
        data: function (data) {
            if (data) {
                if (serverSelectReturnsJSONString)
                    return $.parseJSON(data.d);

                    return data.d;
              id: "customer_id",
              fields: {
              customer_id: { type: "string", editable: false },
              name_customer: { type: "string" },
              address_customer: { type: "string" }

    var grid = $("#grid").kendoGrid({
    selectable: true,
    theme: "metro",
    dataSource: ds,
    scrollable: {
        virtual: true
    reorderable: true,
    resizable: true,
    pageable: true,
    height: 300,
    toolbar: ["save", "cancel"],
    columns: [
        { field: "customer_id", title: "ID" },
        { field: "name_customer", title: "Cliente" },
        { field: "address_customer", title: "Indirizzo" },
        { field: "PI_customer", title: "Partita IVA", hidden: true },
        { field: "cap_customer", title: "CAP", hidden: true },
        { field: "city_customer", title: "Città" },
        { field: "state_customer", title: "Nazione", selected: false },
        { command: ["edit", "destroy"], title: " " }
    filterable: true,
    editable: "popup",
    sortable: true,
    columnMenu: {
        messages: {
            columns: "Scegli colonne",
            filter: "Applica filtro",
            sortAscending: "Ordina (ASC)",
            sortDescending: "Ordina (DESC)"

    groupable: {
        messages: {
            empty: "Trascina la colonna qui..."




3 个答案:

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    name: "edit",
    text: { update: "Actualizar", cancel: "Cancelar"}



columns: [
    { field: "customer_id", title: "ID" },
    { field: "name_customer", title: "Cliente" },
    { field: "address_customer", title: "Indirizzo" },
    { field: "PI_customer", title: "Partita IVA", hidden: true },
    { field: "cap_customer", title: "CAP", hidden: true },
    { field: "city_customer", title: "Città" },
    { field: "state_customer", title: "Nazione", selected: false },
        command: [
                name: "edit",
                text: { update: "Actualizar", cancel: "Cancelar"}
        title: " "

要更改窗口标题,您应该更改editable: "popup",

editable  : {
    mode : "popup",
    window : {
        title: "Edición",


答案 1 :(得分:0)

此信用实际属于Adarsh K于2014年6月10日15:00回复 但我相信我读到你不应该发布其他答案的链接,所以,如果OnaBai先生不再回答这些帖子而忽略了每个人都在做POPUP而不是网格命令按钮的事实,我们都会更高兴。现在Adarsh K先生的优雅回答&我的补充..

function OnEdit(e){
if (e.model.isNew())
  var update = $(e.container).parent().find(".k-grid-update");
  $(update).html('<span class="k-icon k-update"></span>Insert');

这是.kendoGrid umm'结构'中的“部分”,此内联函数还允许您有条件地更改 POPUP 对话框的标题。这里我的添加部分(新增)将要保存的按钮文本和我的编辑 POPUP 的标题更改为添加文本标题而不是编辑文本标题...

        edit: function (e)
            if (e.model.isNew())
                $('.k-window-title').text("Add New xxxxxxxxxx");
                var update = $(e.container).parent().find(".k-grid-update");
                $(update).html('<span class="k-icon k-update"></span>Save');
            { $('.k-window-title').text("Edit Existing xxxxxxxxxxx"); }

        columns: [
                        { field:.........

答案 2 :(得分:0)

Another way to customize is as following:

columns: [
{ command: 
    [{ name: 'edit', 
    click: editButtonClick, 
    template: editButtonTemplate }], title: 'Edit', width: '40px'}..]

var editButtonTemplate = '<a class="btn btn-link btn-xs k-grid-edit" href="\\#"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span></a>';

editButtonClick = function (e) {
/* Changes default rendering of 'update' & 'cancel' buttons
 * but keeps default behaviour
var btnCancel = $('.k-grid-cancel');
btnCancel.removeClass('k-button k-button-icontext').addClass('btn btn-link btn-xs');
btnCancel.append('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ban-circle"></span>');

var btnOk = $('.k-grid-update');
btnOk.removeClass('k-button k-button-icontext k-primary').addClass('btn btn-link btn-xs');
btnOk.append('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok-circle k-update"></span>');


This approach handles click event of standard edit command and modifies rendered html, but preserves standard functionality.

Important detail - grid's update functionality is coupled to element with k-update attribute, while cancel functionality rides on k-grid-cancel.