表格 -
PID Date COL-A COL-B 11 01-APR-13 AA BE 11 03-APR-13 DD BE 22 03-APR-13 EW BD 33 01-JUN-13 AR B7 11 20-APR-13 AS AS
PID Date COL-A COL-B 11 01-APR-13 AT BW 22 04-APR-13 AG BD 11 07-APR-13 AD BW 33 08-MAY-13 AG BF
表格 - C
PID Date COL-A COL-B 11 01-APR-13 AG BR 22 02-APR-13 AR B3 33 03-APR-13 A3 BY 44 01-APR-13 AB BY
查询#带有记录的表至少有Y或N,如果其中一个表的记录与(11,22)中的PID和01-APR-13和07-APR-13之间的日期范围< / p>
PID Date Table - A Table - B Table - C 11 01-APR-13 Y Y Y 22 02-APR-13 N N Y 11 03-APR-13 Y N N 22 03-APR-13 Y N N 11 07-apr-13 N Y N
我知道我可以加入表格,但我想我可以扫描日期范围吗?我想我可以使用等级并从oracle 11g连接以获得日期范围。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
with pid_list as (
-- Generate list of all PID/date combinations
select pid, date
from tablea
select pid, date
from tableb
select pid, date
from tablec
select pl.pid, pl.date
, case when a.pid is not null then 'Y' else 'N' end as tablea
, case when b.pid is not null then 'Y' else 'N' end as tableb
, case when c.pid is not null then 'Y' else 'N' end as tablec
from pid_list pl
left outer join tablea a
on pl.pid = a.pid
and pl.date = a.date
left outer join tableb b
on pl.pid = b.pid
and pl.date = b.date
left outer join tablec
on pl.pid = c.pid
and pl.date = c.date
-- Restrict date ranges from list of PIDs to that required
where date between to_date('yyyymmdd', '20130401')
and to_date('yyyymmdd', '20130407')
-- Enforce condition that PID must exist in one of the tables
and exists ( select 1
from pid_list
where pid in (11, 22)
and date between to_date('yyyymmdd', '20130401')
and to_date('yyyymmdd', '20130407')