当我点击编辑和报告按钮时...我不断收到一个错误,上面写着对象:'[string:“(null)”]'在第227行char 1 ...不确定是什么问题..我找不到错误..感谢任何输入
<script language = "vbscript">
checker = 0
selected_val = 1
Dim radio_select
function onLoad()
dim radio_array
set radio_array = document.getElementsByName("RadioBox")
for i = 0 to radio_array.Length - 1
if radio_array.checked then
radio_select = radio_array(i).value
end if
end function
function isValid()
'Checkbox Loop
dim checkbox_array
set checkbox_array = document.getElementsByName("checklist")
for i = 0 to checkbox_array.Length -1
if checkbox_array(i).checked then
checker = true
end if
if checker = false then
alert("You must check at least one checkbox")
end if
'SelectMenu Loop
dim menu_array
set menu_array = document.getElementById("parts")
if menu_array.selectedIndex = 0 then
alert ("Please choose an item from the dropdownlist")
end if
'Text Box Editing
dim text_val
dim first_string
dim first_length
set text_val = document.alice.mybox.value
set first_string = text_val
set first_length = cstr(Len(text_val))
text_val = replace(text_val,"/", "")
text_val = replace(text_val,"\", "")
text_val = replace(text_val,"*", "")
dim second_string
dim second_length
set second_string = text_string
set second_length = cstr(Len(text_val))
'Text Area
dim emptybox
dim original
dim originaltwo
set emptybox = document.alice.textarea.value
set original = emptybox
set originaltwo = cstr(Len(emptybox))
emptybox = replace(emptybox, " ", "+")
emptybox = replace(emptybox, CHR(13), "+")
emptybox = replace(emptybox, CHR(10), "+")
dim new_string
dim new_length
set new_string = emptybox
set new_length = cstr(Len(emptybox))
end function
function reporting()
'if checker = 1 AND selected_val = 1 then
if validate() = false then
exit function
end if
dim output : output= ""
output = output & "<html><body>"
output = output & "<b><center><h1>Assignment 2 Report</h1></center></b>"
output = output & "<p>"
output = output & "<b>Radio Button Information</b>"
output = output & "<p>"
dim num
dim input_select
set num = document.getElementsByName("RadioBox")
set input_select = ""
for i = 0 to num.Length - 1
output = output & (i+1) & ". Name = " & num(i).name & " Value = " & num(i).value & "<p>"
if num(i).checked then
input_select = num(i).value
end if
output = output & "<p>"
output = output & "Initial Radio Button Selection: " & radio_select & "<br>"
output = output & "User Radio Button Selection: " & input_select & "<p>"
output = output & "<b>Checkbox Information</b><p>"
dim checkbox_array
dim user_checks
set checkbox_array = document.getElementsByName("checklist")
set user_checks = ""
for i = 0 to checkbox_array.length
output = output & " " & (i+1) & "." & checkbox_array(i).value & " "
if checkbox_array(i).checked then
user_checks = user_checks & checkbox_array(i).value & " "
end if
output = output & "<p>"
output = output & "User Checkbox Selection: " & user_checks &"<p>"
output = output & "<b>Select Box Information</b><p>"
dim box_choice
set box_choice = document.getElementById("parts")
for i = 0 to 5
output = output & (i + 1) & ". Name = " & box_choice.options(i).text & " Value = "& box_choice.options(i).value &"<br>"
output = output & "<p>"
output = output & "Initial Select Box Selection: " & box_choice(0).text+" , " & box_choice(0).value & "<br>"
output = output & "User Select Box Selection: " & box_choice.options(box_choice.selectedIndex).text & ", " & box_choice.options(box_choice.selectedIndex).value & "<p>"
dim text_info
set text_info = document.getElementsByName("mybox")
output = output & "<b>Textbox Information</b><p>"
output = output & "Text Box Name: " & document.alice.mybox.name & "<br>"
output = output & "User's Original Entry:" & first_string+" & Length:" & first_length & "<br>"
output = output & "User's Updated Entry:" & second_string & " & Length:" & second_length & "<p>"
dim emptybox_info
set emptybox_info = document.getElementsByName("textarea")
output = output & "<b>Textarea Information</b><p>"
output = output & "Text Area Name: " & document.alice.textarea.name & "<br>"
output = output & "User's Original Entry:" & original & "& Length:" & originaltwo & "<br>"
output = output & "User's Updated Entry:" & new_string & "& Length:" & new_length & "<br>"
output = output & "</body></html>"
end function
<form name="alice">
<center><h1>TP Assignment 2</h1></center>
Choose a Color:
Red <input type="radio" Name="RadioBox" value="Red" checked><br>
Yellow<input type="radio" Name="RadioBox" value="Yellow"><br>
Blue<input type="radio" Name="RadioBox" value="Blue"><br>
Green<input type="radio" Name="RadioBox" value="Green"><br>
Orange<input type="radio" Name="RadioBox" value="Orange"><br>
Purple<input type="radio" Name="RadioBox" value="Purple"><br>
Choose Your Musical Instrument:
Piano <input id="checkbox_first" type="checkbox" name="checklist" value="Piano" title="first">
Violin <input id="checkbox_second" type="checkbox" name="checklist" value="Violin" title="second">
Guitar <input id="checkbox_second" type="checkbox" name="checklist" value="Guitar" title="third">
Drums <input id="checkbox_second" type="checkbox" name="checklist" value="Drums" title="fourth">
Select a Car Part:
<select name="part" id="parts">
<option value="00" selected>Default</option>
<option value="11" >Intake Manifold</option>
<option value="12" >Catalytic Converter</option>
<option value="13" >Exhaust Manifold</option>
<option value="14" >Alternator</option>
What is your favorite car?
<input type="text" name="mybox" size="20" maxlength="30" value="">
What is your favorite memory?
<textarea rows="5" cols="40" name="textarea" value="default value">Default Value</textarea>
<input type="button" value="EDIT and REPORT" onclick="isValid()">
答案 0 :(得分:3)
这样的行set first_length = cstr(Len(text_val))
- 仅用于对象 - 将普通/非对象值分配给变量。