我设置了希伯来语键盘的格式,但无法弄清楚如何使键工作,以便您键入的内容显示在顶部的文本字段中。 “keyboard”包含每个键的功能。从理论上讲,它应该被称为打印每个键。这可能是一种更有效的方法,但这是我的第一个gui所以我真的不知道该做什么,并且无法在线找到适合这种情况的解决方案。
import wx
win=wx.Frame(None, title='gematria calculator', size=(1400,700), pos=(0,0))
import keyboard #contains functions for each key (eg- keyboard.aleph() should print letter aleph to the text field)
textfield=wx.TextCtrl(win, pos=(50,25), size=(1100,150)) #where everything should print to
enter=wx.Button(win, label='enter', pos=(1175,25), size=(200,150))
space=wx.Button(win, label='space', pos=(400,500), size=(600,100))
aleph=wx.Button(win, label=u'\u05d0', pos=(500,200), size=(100,100))
bet=wx.Button(win, label=u'\u05d1', pos=(450,400), size=(100,100))
gimel=wx.Button(win, label=u'\u05d2', pos=(400,300), size=(100,100))
dallet=wx.Button(win, label=u'\u05d3', pos=(300,300), size=(100,100))
hey=wx.Button(win, label=u'\u05d4', pos=(550,400), size=(100,100))
vav=wx.Button(win, label=u'\u05d5', pos=(700,200), size=(100,100))
zayen=wx.Button(win, label=u'\u05d6', pos=(250,400), size=(100,100))
chet=wx.Button(win, label=u'\u05d7', pos=(800,300), size=(100,100))
tet=wx.Button(win, label=u'\u05d8', pos=(600,200), size=(100,100))
yud=wx.Button(win, label=u'\u05d9', pos=(700,300), size=(100,100))
kaf_s=wx.Button(win, label=u'\u05da', pos=(1000,300), size=(100,100))
kaf=wx.Button(win, label=u'\u05db', pos=(500,300), size=(100,100))
lammed=wx.Button(win, label=u'\u05dc', pos=(900,300), size=(100,100))
mem_s=wx.Button(win, label=u'\u05dd', pos=(900,200), size=(100,100))
mem=wx.Button(win, label=u'\u05de', pos=(750,400), size=(100,100))
nun_s=wx.Button(win, label=u'\u05df', pos=(800,200), size=(100,100))
nun=wx.Button(win, label=u'\u05e0', pos=(650,400), size=(100,100))
samech=wx.Button(win, label=u'\u05e1', pos=(350,400), size=(100,100))
ayin=wx.Button(win, label=u'\u05e2', pos=(600,300), size=(100,100))
pey_s=wx.Button(win, label=u'\u05e3', pos=(1100,300), size=(100,100))
pey=wx.Button(win, label=u'\u05e4', pos=(1000,200), size=(100,100))
tsadi_s=wx.Button(win, label=u'\u05e5', pos=(1050,400), size=(100,100))
tsadi=wx.Button(win, label=u'\u05e6', pos=(850,400), size=(100,100))
kuf=wx.Button(win, label=u'\u05e7', pos=(300,200), size=(100,100))
resh=wx.Button(win, label=u'\u05e8', pos=(400,200), size=(100,100))
shin=wx.Button(win, label=u'\u05e9', pos=(200,300), size=(100,100))
tuf=wx.Button(win, label=u'\u05ea', pos=(950,400), size=(100,100))
答案 0 :(得分:0)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
有了这么多相似的按钮,对每个键使用wx ID可能最简单,并且避免了创建许多类似变量和函数的繁琐。同样,如果keyboard
import wx
# Had to comment this out
#import keyboard #contains functions for each key (eg- keyboard.aleph() should print letter aleph to the text field)
# Keyboard layout (function_name, button_label, text_to_add, position, size)
('space', u'space', u' ', (400,500), (600,100)),
('aleph', u'\u05d0', u'\u05d0', (500,200), (100,100)),
('bet', u'\u05d1', u'\u05d1', (450,400), (100,100)),
('gimel', u'\u05d2', u'\u05d2', (400,300), (100,100)),
('dallet', u'\u05d3', u'\u05d3', (300,300), (100,100)),
('hey', u'\u05d4', u'\u05d4', (550,400), (100,100)),
('vav', u'\u05d5', u'\u05d5', (700,200), (100,100)),
('zayen', u'\u05d6', u'\u05d6', (250,400), (100,100)),
('chet', u'\u05d7', u'\u05d7', (800,300), (100,100)),
('tet', u'\u05d8', u'\u05d8', (600,200), (100,100)),
('yud', u'\u05d9', u'\u05d9', (700,300), (100,100)),
('kaf_s', u'\u05da', u'\u05da', (1000,300), (100,100)),
('kaf', u'\u05db', u'\u05db', (500,300), (100,100)),
('lammed', u'\u05dc', u'\u05dc', (900,300), (100,100)),
('mem_s', u'\u05dd', u'\u05dd', (900,200), (100,100)),
('mem', u'\u05de', u'\u05de', (750,400), (100,100)),
('nun_s', u'\u05df', u'\u05df', (800,200), (100,100)),
('nun', u'\u05e0', u'\u05e0', (650,400), (100,100)),
('samech', u'\u05e1', u'\u05e1', (350,400), (100,100)),
('ayin', u'\u05e2', u'\u05e2', (600,300), (100,100)),
('pey_s', u'\u05e3', u'\u05e3', (1100,300), (100,100)),
('pey', u'\u05e4', u'\u05e4', (1000,200), (100,100)),
('tsadi_s', u'\u05e5', u'\u05e5', (1050,400), (100,100)),
('tsadi', u'\u05e6', u'\u05e6', (850,400), (100,100)),
('kuf', u'\u05e7', u'\u05e7', (300,200), (100,100)),
('resh', u'\u05e8', u'\u05e8', (400,200), (100,100)),
('shin', u'\u05e9', u'\u05e9', (200,300), (100,100)),
('tuf', u'\u05ea', u'\u05ea', (950,400), (100,100))
# Setup
calc = wx.App()
win = wx.Frame(None, title='gematria calculator', size=(1400,700), pos=(0,0))
# Add non-keyboard controls
textfield = wx.TextCtrl(win, pos=(50,25), size=(1100,150)) #where everything should print to
# Create dictionary to store wx ID to key mapping
keyboard_controls = {}
# Add keyboard controls
for function_name, button_label, text_to_add, position, size in KEYBOARD_LAYOUT:
# Create a new wx ID
key_id = wx.NewId()
# Create the button
button = wx.Button(win, id=key_id, label=button_label, pos=position, size=size)
# Add mapping from key_id to (function_name, text_to_add) to dictionary
keyboard_controls[key_id] = (function_name, text_to_add)
# Add enter button
key_id = wx.NewId()
enter = wx.Button(win, id=key_id, label='enter', pos=(1175,25), size=(200,150))
keyboard_controls[key_id] = (None, None)
# Define a callback for the keys
def on_key_pressed(event):
# Look up the key info from the dictionary we made earlier
key_id = event.GetId()
function_name, text_to_add = keyboard_controls[key_id]
except KeyError:
# Indicates an ID we aren't handling, so pass it on
# Special case for enter key
if function_name is None:
wx.MessageBox('You clicked enter', 'Information', wx.ICON_INFORMATION|wx.OK)
# As this point we can either call the function from the keyboard module
#function = getattr(keyboard, function_name)
# ...or just add the text directly
# Now we can bind the event handler to the frame
win.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, on_key_pressed)
# Now run the app