
时间:2013-04-21 13:54:11

标签: c arrays printing struct circular-buffer


// copies from and to destination of the string of the timestamp and the value.


5, 08:00:00, 2, 60  
5, 08:00:01, 5, 15  
5, 08:00:10, 1, 986                     
5, 08:05:24, 2, 61  
5, 08:07:21, 2, 58  
5, 08:10:11, 6, 0


Readings for Patient ID = 5 are:  
08:00:10: 98.6   
Heart Rate:  
08:00:00: 60  
08:05:24: 61  
08:07:21: 58  
Systolic Pressure  
Diastolic Pressure  
Respiration Rate  
08:00:11: 15  
* Health Monitoring System

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#define MAXREADINGS 10
#define MAXTYPES 5
#define MAXTIME 8

/* One health type reading: timestamp + actual value */
typedef struct{
    char timestamp[MAXTIME+1];
    int value;

/* Circular buffer of health type readings */
typedef struct{
    int start;  /* index of oldest reading */
    int end;    /* index of most current reading */
    Element reading[MAXREADINGS];

/* Patient's health chart: ID + multiple health type readings */
typedef struct{
    int id;
    CircularBuffer buffer[MAXTYPES];

* Health records for all patients defined here.
* The variable record is visible to all functions
* in this file, i.e. it is global.
Chart record[MAXPATIENTS];  

typedef enum{false,true} bool;

typedef char f_string[30] ;

typedef struct{
    int nfields ;
    f_string field[30] ;

bool is_end_of_field(char ch){
    return (ch == ',') || (ch == '\n') || (ch == EOF);

int min(int x, int y){
    return x < y ? x : y;

//read the next field from standard input

int get_field(f_string field){
    int nextIndex;
    int next_char;
    next_char = getchar();
    for(nextIndex = 0; ! is_end_of_field(next_char); nextIndex++){
        field[nextIndex] = next_char;
        next_char = getchar();  
    field[nextIndex] = '\0';
    return next_char;

// reads in a csv line and fields is filled with data
health_line get_line(){
    health_line line;
    int currentChar = 0;
    int lastChar;
    lastChar = get_field(line.field[currentChar++]);
    while(lastChar == ','){
        lastChar = get_field(line.field[currentChar++]);
    line.nfields = (lastChar == EOF) ? 0: currentChar;
    return line;

void print_health(health_line data){
    int i =0;

    for(i = 0; i <data.nfields; i++){

        printf("%s \n",  data.field[i]);

void print_line(health_line data){
    int type = atoi(data.field[2]);
    double tempType = atoi(data.field[3]);
    int patientID = atoi(data.field[0]);
    int value = atoi(data.field[3]);

    if(type == 1){
        tempType = tempType/10.0;
        printf("%s Temperature for Patient ID = %d is %.1f \n",data.field[1],patientID,tempType );  
    else if(type == 2){
        printf("%s Heart Rate for Patient ID = %d is %d \n",data.field[1],patientID,value );
    else if(type == 3){
        printf("%s Systolic Pressure for Patient ID = %d is %d \n",data.field[1],patientID,value );
    else if(type == 4){
        printf("%s Diastolic Pressure for Patient ID = %d is %d \n",data.field[1],patientID,value  );
    else if(type == 5){
        printf("%s Respiration Rate for Patient ID = %d is %d \n",data.field[1],patientID, value );
    else if(type == 6){
        printf("%s Print command entered for Patient ID = %d \n", data.field[1], patientID);


void main(health_line data){
int i, j;

/* initialize health data records for each patient */

for( i=0; i < MAXPATIENTS; i++ ){
    record[i].id = i + 1;
    for( j=0; j < MAXTYPES; j++ ){
        record[i].buffer[j].start = 0;
    record[i].buffer[j].end = 0;


printf("Welcome to the Health Monitoring System\n\n");

*  (1) Read a csv line of health data from stdin 
*  (2) Parse csv line into appropriate fields
*  (3) Store health data in patient record or print if requested
*  (4) Continue (1)-(3) until EOF
    health_line arrayTotal[30];
    health_line current;
    current = get_line();
    arrayTotal[0]  = current;
    int k = 0;
    int Index = 0;
    int printValue = atoi(data.field[2]);
    health_line temp;
    int asci;
    asci = atoi(current.field[2]);
    int printAsci;
    printAsci = atoi(current.field[2]); 
    double tempValue = 0.0;
    tempValue = atof(current.field[3]);
    int patientID;

    Chart chart;
    int valueType;

    //stores the current line read in to a temp array 
    while(asci != 6){

        current = get_line();
        asci = atoi(current.field[2]);
        patientID = atoi(current.field[0]); 
        arrayTotal[asci - 1] = current;

        //copies from and to destination of the string of the timestamp and the value.
        strcpy(chart.buffer[asci].reading[chart.buffer[asci].end].timestamp, current.field[1]);

        //why is this line giving me seg fault  
    //  chart.buffer[asci].reading[chart.buffer[asci].end].value = atoi(current.field[3]);

        if(chart.buffer[asci].start == chart.buffer[asci].end){


    printf("\nReading for Patient ID = %d\n",patientID);

    //attempt to print out the result of the strcpy


    //checks the second field within an array to compare it to a condition to print out a certain string for a category
    int p;  
    int l;
        for(p = 0; p < 8; p++){
        health_line temp;
        temp = arrayTotal[p];

        int type;
        type = atoi(temp.field[2]);
        if(type == 1){
            printf("Temperature:\n%s: %.1f\n",temp.field[1],tempValue/10.0);
        else if(type == 2){
            printf("Heart Rate:\n%s: %s\n", temp.field[1],temp.field[3]);
        else if(type == 3){
            printf("Systolic Pressure:\n%s %s\n", temp.field[1],temp.field[3]);
        else if(type == 4){
            printf("Diastolic Pressure:\n%s: %s\n", temp.field[1], temp.field[3]);
        else if(type == 5){
            printf("Respiration Rate:\n%s: %s\n", temp.field[1], temp.field[3]);        


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