安装Nvidia Optix SDK 3.0.0 Ubuntu 12.04

时间:2013-04-21 13:32:03

标签: cuda ubuntu-12.04 nvidia optix

您好我正在尝试在Ubuntu上安装nVidia OptiX SDK 3.0.0版本的linux64。

我已下载.run文件。当执行完成后,我得到一个名为〜/ NVIDIA-OptiX-SDK-3.0.0-linux64 /



预编译的示例工作正常,但是当我尝试编译自己的代码时,编译器似乎将.cu文件作为CUDA文件处理并尝试将它们编译为.cu.o。 我程序错误的一个输出是:

Building NVCC (Device) object CMakeFiles/RayTracerExec.dir/src/Tracy/ObjectLoader/optixcu/./RayTracerExec_generated_triangle_mesh_target.cu.o



ptxas /tmp/tmpxft_00000eef_00000000-5_triangle_mesh_target.ptx, line 94; error   : Label expected for argument 0 of instruction 'call'
ptxas /tmp/tmpxft_00000eef_00000000-5_triangle_mesh_target.ptx, line 94; error   : Call target not recognized
ptxas /tmp/tmpxft_00000eef_00000000-5_triangle_mesh_target.ptx, line 94; error   : Function '_rt_buffer_get_64' not declared in this scope


在文件夹中是名为的子文件夹 doc包括lib64 SDK SDK-precompiled-samples 我所做的是将include的内容复制到/ usr / local / include中 和lib64的内容到/ usr / local / lib

任何想法? 此致

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)




cuda_add_executable(myprogram main.cpp mycuda.cu myheader.h)

这会创建一个名为myprogram的可执行文件,它由两个目标文件组成:main.cpp.o和mycuda.cu.o。 CUDA运行时期望cuda文件中的代码符合CUDA运行时API。



# OPTIX_add_sample_executable
# Convenience function for adding samples to the code.  You can copy the contents of this
# function into your individual project if you wish to customize the behavior.  Note that
# in CMake, functions have their own scope, whereas macros use the scope of the caller.
function(OPTIX_add_sample_executable target_name)

  # These calls will group PTX and CUDA files into their own directories in the Visual
  # Studio projects.
  source_group("PTX Files"  REGULAR_EXPRESSION ".+\\.ptx$")
  source_group("CUDA Files" REGULAR_EXPRESSION ".+\\.cu$")

  # Separate the sources from the CMake and CUDA options fed to the macro.  This code
  # comes from the CUDA_COMPILE_PTX macro found in FindCUDA.cmake.  We are copying the
  # code here, so that we can use our own name for the target.  target_name is used in the
  # creation of the output file names, and we want this to be unique for each target in
  # the SDK.
  CUDA_GET_SOURCES_AND_OPTIONS(source_files cmake_options options ${ARGN})

  # Create the rules to build the PTX from the CUDA files.
  CUDA_WRAP_SRCS( ${target_name} PTX generated_files ${source_files} ${cmake_options}
    OPTIONS ${options} )

  # Here is where we create the rule to make the executable.  We define a target name and
  # list all the source files used to create the target.  In addition we also pass along
  # the cmake_options parsed out of the arguments.

  # Most of the samples link against the sutil library and the optix library.  Here is the
  # rule that specifies this linkage.
  target_link_libraries( ${target_name}