Tic Tac Toe Java程序 - CPU无响应

时间:2013-04-20 21:48:37

标签: java cpu

我已经在这个程序上工作了几个星期,为applet添加组件以输出一个简单的tic tac toe游戏。我已经完成了一些工作,但截至目前,当你运行时,它所做的只是你点击一次,CPU在左上角投射它的标记,然后你可以点击任何其他地方自动说你赢了我无法让CPU继续播放。我不希望有人告诉我该怎么做,但我只是想知道我需要采用哪种方法才能让CPU做出响应。我的教授留下了一些非常有用的伪代码,但我仍然不太明白。我一直在使用“gameEnd”方法,水平,垂直和对角地检查获胜者,看看这是否让游戏继续超过两个标记,但它不起作用。有人有什么建议吗?感谢。

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Event;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.util.Random;

public class TicTacToe extends java.applet.Applet {

    // Ignore this constant
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1942709821640345256L;

    // You can change this boolean constant to control debugging log output
    private static final boolean DEBUGGING = false;

    // Constants

    // Size of one side of the board in pixels
    private static final int BOARD_SIZE_PIXELS = 600;
    // Number of squares on one side of the board
    private static final int SQUARES = 3;
    // Diameter of the circle drawn in each square
    private static final int CIRCLE_WIDTH = 90;

    // Colors to be used in the game
    private static final Color BACKGROUND_COLOR = Color.WHITE;
    private static final Color SQUARE_BORDER_COLOR = Color.BLACK;
    private static final Color GAME_OVER_MESSAGE_COLOR = Color.BLACK;
    private static final Color HUMAN_COLOR = Color.RED;
    private static final Color HUMAN_WINNING_COLOR = Color.MAGENTA;
    private static final Color CPU_COLOR = Color.BLUE;
    private static final Color CPU_WINNING_COLOR = Color.CYAN;

    // Status constant values for the game board
    private static final int EMPTY = 0;
    private static final int HUMAN = 1;
    private static final int HUMAN_WINNING = 2;
    private static final int CPU = -1;
    private static final int CPU_WINNING = -2;

    // String displayed when the game ends
    private static final String GAME_WIN_MESSAGE = "You win! Click to play again.";
    private static final String GAME_LOSE_MESSAGE = "You lose......Click to play again.";
    private static final String GAME_DRAW_MESSAGE = "No one wins? Click to play again...";

    // Instance variables that control the game

    // Whether or not the user just clicked the mouse
    private boolean mouseClicked = false;
    // Whether or not to start the game again
    private boolean restart = false;
    // Whether or not the CPU should start playing a move.
    private boolean onFirstMove = false;
    // The column and row of the SQUARE the user clicked on
    private int xMouseSquare; // column
    private int yMouseSquare; // row
    // The width (and height) of a single game square
    private int squareWidth = BOARD_SIZE_PIXELS / SQUARES;
    // An array to hold square status values on the board.
    // The status values can be EMPTY, HUMAN, CPU or other values
    private int[][] gameBoard;
    // The column and row of the SQUARE the CPU player will move on
    private int xCPUMove;
    private int yCPUMove;

    // Add the rest of your instance variables here, if you need any. (You won't
    // need to, but you may if you want to.)

    // Ignore these instance variables

    // CPUinMove represents if the CPU is thinking (generating the CPU move).
    // If it is true, it means the CPUMove() method is running and no new move
    // should be added
    private boolean CPUinMove;

    // Methods that you need to write:

     * Pre: x and y are x-coordinate and y-coordinate where the user just
     * clicks. squareWidth is the width (and height) of a single game square.
     * Post: xMouseSquare and yMouseSquare are set to be the column and row
     * where the user just clicked on (depending on x and y).
     * Hint: You need only two statements in this method.
    // Setting MouseSquare equal to x and y divided by the Square Width to create a location for
    // the user after clicking
    private void setMouseSquare(int x, int y) {
        xMouseSquare = x/squareWidth;
        yMouseSquare = y/squareWidth;

     * Pre: SQUARES is an int that holds the number of game squares along one
     * side of the game board. xSquare is an int such that 0 <= xSquare <
     * SQUARES. CIRCLE_WIDTH is an int that holds the diameter of the circle to
     * be drawn in the center of a square. squareWidth is an int that holds the
     * width and height in pixels of a single game square.
     * Post: Return the correct x-coordinate (in pixels) of the left side of the
     * circle centered in a square in the column xSquare.
     * Hint: This method should be very simple. What you need to do is to find
     * the right equation.
    private int getIconDisplayXLocation(int xSquare) {

        // This line is an example of using DEBUGGING variable
        if (DEBUGGING) {
            System.out.println("The input that getIconDisplayXLocation() receives is: " + xSquare);

        // equation that returns the correct variable in the column xSquare
        return squareWidth * xSquare + (squareWidth - CIRCLE_WIDTH)/2;

     * Pre: SQUARES is an int that holds the number of game squares along one
     * side of the game board. ySquare is an int such that 0 <= ySquare <
     * SQUARES. CIRCLE_WIDTH is an int that holds the diameter of the circle to
     * be drawn in the center of a square. squareWidth is an int that holds the
     * width and height in pixels of a single game square.
     * Post: Return the correct y-coordinate (in pixels) of the top of the
     * circle centered in a square in the row ySquare.
     * Hint: This method should be very simple. What you need to do is to find
     * the right equation.
    private int getIconDisplayYLocation(int ySquare) {
        // This line is an example of using DEBUGGING variable
        if (DEBUGGING) {
            System.out.println("The input that getIconDisplayYLocation() receives is: " + ySquare);

        // equation that returns the correct variable in the column ySquare
        return squareWidth * ySquare + (squareWidth - CIRCLE_WIDTH)/2;

     * The instance variable gameBoard will be created and initialized
     * Pre: SQUARES is set to an int. gameBoard is a 2-dimensional array type
     * variable that holds the status of current game board. Each value in the
     * array represents a square on the board
     * Post: gameBoard must be assigned a new 2-dimensional array. Every square
     * of gameBoard should be initialized to EMPTY.
     * Hint: A loop.
    private void buildBoard() {
        // Setting the two methods equal to local variables, x and y
        int x = xMouseSquare;
        int y = yMouseSquare;
        // This line creates the gameBoard array. You must write several more
        // lines to initialize all its values to EMPTY
        // Write game board using the equation of three across and down for each column

        // Constructs a 3 by 3 array of integers for the board
        gameBoard = new int[3][3];
        // Initialize variables i and j, set equal to 0; this establishes a connection for loop
        for (x = 0; x < 3; x++) {
            for (y = 0; y < 3; y++) {
                gameBoard[x][y] = EMPTY;

     * Returns whether the most recently clicked square is a legal choice in the
     * game.
     * Pre: gameBoard is a 2-dimensional array type variable that holds the
     * status of current game board. xSquare and ySquare represent the column
     * and row of the most recently clicked square.
     * Post: Returns true if and only if the square is a legal choice. If the
     * square is empty on current game board, it is legal and the method shall
     * return true; if it is taken by either human or CPU or it is not a square
     * on current board, it is illegal and the method shall return false.
     * Hint: Should be simple but think carefully to cover all cases.
    private boolean legalSquare(int xSquare, int ySquare) {
        if (gameBoard[xSquare][ySquare] == EMPTY)
        return true;
     else return false; 

     * Pre: gameBoard is an array that holds the current status of the game
     * board. xSquare and ySquare represent the column and row of the most
     * recently clicked square. player represent the current player (HUMAN or
     * CPU). This method is always called after checking legalSquare().
     * Post: Set the square as taken by current player on the game board if the
     * square is empty.
     * Hint: Very simple.
    private void setMovePosition(int xSquare, int ySquare, int player) {
        player = HUMAN;
        player = CPU;
        this.xMouseSquare = xSquare;
        this.yMouseSquare = ySquare;

     * Check if HUMAN or CPU wins the game.
     * Pre: gameBoard is an array to hold square status values on the board. The
     * status values can be EMPTY, HUMAN, CPU or other values.
     * Post: The method will return true if and only if a player wins the game.
     * Winning a game means there is at least one row, one column, or one
     * diagonal that is taken by the same player. The method does not need to
     * indicate who wins because if it is implemented correctly, the winner must
     * be the one who just made a move.
     * Hint: Complicated method. Use loops to shorten your code. Think about how
     * to represent "a player takes 3 squares in a row/column/diagonal".

    private boolean gameEnd() {
        // Setting local variables
        int i = 0;
        int x = xMouseSquare;
        int y = yMouseSquare;
        int sw = squareWidth;
        int[][] g = gameBoard;
        // Checking for a winner

        // Checking columns
        for (y = 0; y < 3; y++) {
        for (x = 0; x < 3; x++) {
            i = g[x][y] + i;


        // Checking rows
        for (x = 0; x < 3; x++) {
        for (y = 0; y < 3; y++) {
            i = g[x][y] + i;

        // Checking first diagonal


        for (x = 0; x < 3; x++) {
            g[x][x] = 3;


        for (x = 1; x < 3; x++) {
            g[x][x] = 3;


        for (x = 2; x < 3; x++) {
            g[x][x] = 3;


        // Checking second diagonal
        for (y = 0; y < 3; y++) {
            g[y][2 - y] = 3;    


        for (y = 1; y < 3; y++) {
            g[y][2 - y] = 3;


        for (y = 2; y < 3; y++) {
            g[y][2 - y] = 3;


        return true;

     * Check if the game ends as a draw.
     * Pre: gameBoard is an array to hold square status values on the board. The
     * status values can be EMPTY, HUMAN, CPU or other values. This method is
     * always called after gameEnd().
     * Post: The method will return true if and only if all squares on the game
     * board are taken by HUMAN or CPU players (no EMPTY squares left).
     * Hint: Should be simple. Use loops.
    // Value of...

    private boolean gameDraw() {
        if (squareWidth == (3^2 - 1)) {
    return true;

     * Marks circles on the line on which a player wins.
     * Pre: g is Graphics object that is ready to draw on. HUMAN_WINNING_COLOR
     * and CPU_WINNING_COLOR are both Color objects that represent the color to
     * show when HUMAN/CPU wins. gameBoard is gameBoard is an array to hold
     * square status values on the board. The status values can be EMPTY, HUMAN,
     * CPU or other values.
     * Post: ALL the row(s)/column(s)/diagonal(s) on which a player wins will be
     * marked as the special color.
     * Hint: You must draw a new circle with the special color (to replace the
     * old circle) on the square if the square belongs to a winning
     * row/column/diagonal. You can change gameBoard because the board will be
     * reset after displaying the winning line. You can use helper methods
     * (existing ones or your own) to finish this method. Pay attention that
     * many functions in this method is similar to gameEnd(). You should think
     * about reusing code.
     * Hint2: This method is not necessary for the game logic. You don't have to
     * start it early. Start when you know everything else is correct.

    private void markWinningLine(Graphics g) {
        // TODO

     * Generates the next square where the CPU plays a move.
     * Pre: gameBoard is an array to hold square status values on
     * the board. The status values can be EMPTY, HUMAN, CPU or other values.
     * Post: Set xCPUMove and yCPUMove to represent the column and the row which
     * CPU plans to play a move on. The respective square MUST BE EMPTY! It will
     * cause a logical error if this method returns a square that is already
     * taken!
     * Hint: Don't start too early -- currently this method works (though
     * naively). Make sure that everything else works before touching this
     * method!

    private void CPUMove() {
        // TODO
        // The following block gives a naive solution -- it finds the first
        // empty square and play a move on it. You can use this method to test
        // other methods in the beginning. However, you must replace this block
        // with your own algorithms eventually.

        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
                if (gameBoard[i][j] == 0) {
                    xCPUMove = i;
                    yCPUMove = j;


    /* Put any helper methods you wish to add here. */

    /* You will not need to change anything below this line. */

     * DO NOT change this method.
     * Set the game board to show a new, blank game.
    private void wipeBoard(Graphics g) {
        g.fillRect(0, 0, BOARD_SIZE_PIXELS, BOARD_SIZE_PIXELS);

     * DO NOT change this method.
     * Displays a circle on g, of the given color, in the center of the given
     * square.
    private void displayHit(Graphics g, Color color, int xSquare, int ySquare) {
                getIconDisplayYLocation(ySquare), CIRCLE_WIDTH, CIRCLE_WIDTH);

     * DO NOT change this method.
     * This method handles mouse clicks. You will not need to call it.
    public boolean mouseDown(Event e, int xMouse, int yMouse) {
        if (isClickable()) {
            mouseClicked = true;
            setMouseSquare(xMouse, yMouse);
        return true;

     * DO NOT change this method.
     * This method handles drawing the board. You will not need to call it.
    public void update(Graphics g) {

     * DO NOT change this method.
     * Draws the border between game squares onto canvas. Also, draws the moves
     * that are already made.
    private void displayGame(Graphics canvas) {
        for (int i = 0; i < BOARD_SIZE_PIXELS; i += squareWidth) {
            for (int j = 0; j < BOARD_SIZE_PIXELS; j += squareWidth) {
                canvas.drawRect(i, j, squareWidth, squareWidth);
        for (int i = 0; i < SQUARES; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < SQUARES; j++) {
                switch (gameBoard[i][j]) {
                case HUMAN:
                case HUMAN_WINNING:
                    displayHit(canvas, HUMAN_COLOR, i, j);
                case CPU:
                case CPU_WINNING:
                    displayHit(canvas, CPU_COLOR, i, j);

     * DO NOT change this method.
     * This method relays information about the availability of mouse clicking
     * in the game. You will not need to call it.
    private boolean isClickable() {
        return !CPUinMove;

     * DO NOT change the contents this method.
     * If this method is changed to public void paint(Graphics canvas), it will
     * execute the program with the CPU-first order.
     * This method is like the "main" method (but for applets). You will not
     * need to call it. It contains most of the game logic.
    // @Override
    public void paint(Graphics canvas) {
        if (mouseClicked) {
            if (onFirstMove) {
                setMovePosition(xCPUMove, yCPUMove, CPU);
                displayHit(canvas, CPU_COLOR, xCPUMove, yCPUMove);
                onFirstMove = false;
            } else {
                if (restart) {
                } else if (legalSquare(xMouseSquare, yMouseSquare)) {
                    setMovePosition(xMouseSquare, yMouseSquare, HUMAN);
                    displayHit(canvas, HUMAN_COLOR, xMouseSquare, yMouseSquare);
                    if (gameEnd()) {
                        canvas.setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 30));
                        canvas.drawString(GAME_WIN_MESSAGE, squareWidth / 2,
                        restart = true;
                    } else {
                        CPUinMove = true;
                        setMovePosition(xCPUMove, yCPUMove, CPU);
                        displayHit(canvas, CPU_COLOR, xCPUMove, yCPUMove);
                        CPUinMove = false;
                        if (gameEnd()) {
                                    .setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN,
                                    squareWidth / 2, squareWidth);
                            restart = true;
                        } else if (gameDraw()) {
                                    .setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN,
                                    squareWidth / 2, squareWidth);
                            restart = true;
            mouseClicked = false;

     * DO NOT change this method.
     * This method is like the "main" method (but for applets). You will not
     * need to call it. It contains most of the game logic.
    public void paint_game(Graphics canvas) {
        // display the current game board

        // the following block will run every time the user clicks the mouse
        if (mouseClicked) { // when the user clicks the mouse
            // if the game is ready to start or to be restarted
            if (restart) {
                // clear the window and set up the game again
            // else, if the game is in play, check if the click is on a legal
            // square
            else if (legalSquare(xMouseSquare, yMouseSquare)) {
                // if the square is legal, mark the corresponding position as
                // taken by HUMAN
                setMovePosition(xMouseSquare, yMouseSquare, HUMAN);
                // display the new position with a HUMAN_COLOR circle
                displayHit(canvas, HUMAN_COLOR, xMouseSquare, yMouseSquare);
                // check if the game ends (if it is, HUMAN wins)
                if (gameEnd()) {
                    // if HUMAN wins, mark the winning line as a special color.
                    // display the human winning message
                    canvas.setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 30));
                    canvas.drawString(GAME_WIN_MESSAGE, squareWidth / 2,
                    // mark the game as ready to restart
                    restart = true;
                } else if (gameDraw()) {
                    // if HUMAN doesn't win but the board is full, it is a draw
                    // display the draw message
                    canvas.setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 30));
                    canvas.drawString(GAME_DRAW_MESSAGE, squareWidth / 2,
                    // mark the game as ready to restart
                    restart = true;
                } else {
                    // if HUMAN doesn't win and the board is not full, the CPU
                    // is ready to move
                    CPUinMove = true;
                    // calculates the next CPU move
                    // mark the corresponding position as taken by CPU
                    setMovePosition(xCPUMove, yCPUMove, CPU);
                    // display the new position with a CPU_COLOR circle
                    displayHit(canvas, CPU_COLOR, xCPUMove, yCPUMove);
                    CPUinMove = false;
                    if (gameEnd()) {
                        // if CPU wins, mark the winning line as a special
                        // color.
                        // display the human losing message
                        canvas.setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 30));
                        canvas.drawString(GAME_LOSE_MESSAGE, squareWidth / 2,
                        // mark the game as ready to restart
                        restart = true;
                    // else (if the game is not ended after the CPU move), the
                    // game is ready to get the next HUMAN move
            mouseClicked = false;

     * DO NOT change this method.
     * This method initializes the applet. You will not need to call it.
    public void init() {

     * DO NOT change this method.
     * Creates a fresh game board and sets up the game state to get ready for a
     * new game.
    private void setUpGame() {
        CPUinMove = false;
        restart = false;
        onFirstMove = true;

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