function Exchange()
// Extract transaction details from POST.
// Get the odd job details and current users details.
$valueResult = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `Oddjob` WHERE `OddJobID` = '{$Transaction['OddJobID']}'"));
$coinsAvail = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `member` WHERE `MemberID` = '{$Transaction['MemberID']}'"));
if ($coinsAvail['CoinsAvailable'] > $valueResult['CoinValue']){
// Calculate new balance when current users available
// balance is debited by the value of the odd job.
$newBalance = $coinsAvail['CoinsAvailable'] - $valueResult['CoinValue'];
// Create new transaction for odd job and
// get the user id from the username.
$success = TransactionTbl ($Transaction);
$Transaction['MemberID'] = user_id_from_username ($Transaction['MemberID']);
mysql_query("UPDATE `member` SET `CoinsAvailable` = '$newBalance' WHERE `MemberID` = '{$Transaction['MemberID']}'");
// Get ID from odd job row and calculate the new balance
// of the person providing the odd job when the recieve
// payment.
$valueResultAdd = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `Member` WHERE `MemberID` = '{$valueResult['MemberID']}'"));
$newBalance8 = $valueResultAdd['CoinsAvailable'] + $valueResult['CoinValue'];
// Update the odd job provider with their new calculated balance.
mysql_query("UPDATE `member` SET `CoinsAvailable` = '$newBalance8' WHERE `MemberID` = '{$valueResultAdd['MemberID']}'");
// Redirect to index page.
header('location: index.php');
echo"<script type=\"text/javascript\">".
"alert('Sorry you do not have enough coins to exchange this service.');".