我正在使用一些jQuery脚本从Flickr和YouTube获取JSON提要,并在我的WordPress网站上生成HTML 对于Flickr我使用它在除Opera之外的所有浏览器上都能正常工作:
<!-- Script to grab photos from Flickr feed -->
<script type="text/javascript">
// Set variables needed for query
var URL = "http://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne";
var ID = "<?php echo get_option('of_flickrid') ?>";
var jsonFormat = "&lang=en-us&format=json&jsoncallback=?";
var ajaxURL = URL + "?id=" + ID + jsonFormat;
// Get the last photos of the flickr account, parse it into HTML code
$.getJSON(ajaxURL, function(data){
var htmlString = "<h1><?php echo get_option('of_photostext') ?></h1>";
// Now start cycling through our array of Flickr photo details
$.each(data.items, function(i,item){
// I only want the ickle square thumbnails
var sourceSquare = (item.media.m).replace("_m.jpg", "_s.jpg");
// Here's where we piece together the HTML
htmlString += '<a href="' + item.link + '" target="_blank">';
htmlString += '<img title="' + item.title + '" src="' + sourceSquare;
htmlString += '" alt="'; htmlString += item.title + '" class="rounded"/>';
htmlString += '</a>';
if(i === 11){
return false;
// Pop our HTML in the #images DIV
}); // End getJSOON
<!-- End of Script to grab photos from Flickr feed -->
<!-- Script to grab videos from YouTube feed -->
<script type="text/javascript">
// Set variables needed for query
var URL = "https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/";
var UserName = "<?php echo get_option('of_youtubeid') ?>";
var jsonFormat = "/uploads?v=2&alt=jsonc&max-results=2";
// Construct the JSON feed of the YouTube user's channel
var ajaxURL = URL + UserName + jsonFormat;
// Get the last videos of the YouTube account, parse it into HTML code
$.getJSON(ajaxURL, function(data){
var htmlString = "<h1><?php echo get_option('of_videostext') ?></h1>";
$.each(data.data.items, function(i,item){
// Here's where we piece together the HTML
htmlString += '<iframe class="videos" type="text/html" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/';
htmlString += item.id;
htmlString += '?autoplay=0" frameborder="0"></iframe>';
// Pop our HTML in the #videos DIV
<!-- End of Script to grab videos from YouTube feed -->
更新 我添加了一个jsoncallback =?对于YouTube JSON提要,这使它在IE上运行但在Opera中消失了,这让我猜到Opera错误与Opera上的回调函数有关吗?