对象可以是Meal[Beef, Broccoli]
,但不能是Meal[Carrots, Broccoli]
。然后,我想为复合对象创建两个集合类(类似Buffer和类似IndexedSeq)。作为参考,我一直在使用The Architecture of Scala Collections。
package food
import collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import collection.{mutable, IndexedSeqLike}
import collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
// basic objects
abstract class Food {
val isCooked: Boolean
abstract class Protein extends Food
abstract class Vegetable extends Food
case class Beef(isCooked: Boolean) extends Protein
case class Fish(isCooked: Boolean) extends Protein
case class Carrots(isCooked: Boolean) extends Vegetable
case class Broccoli(isCooked: Boolean) extends Vegetable
// Composite Object
class Meal[Protein, Vegetable](protein: Protein, vegetable: Vegetable)
// Buffer Container
class MealsBuffer[Protein, Vegetable] extends ArrayBuffer[Meal[Protein, Vegetable]]
// Fixed-Size Container
final class MealsSeq[Protein, Vegetable] private (data: Array[Meal[Protein, Vegetable]])
extends IndexedSeq[Meal[Protein, Vegetable]]
with IndexedSeqLike[Meal[Protein, Vegetable], MealsSeq[Protein, Vegetable]] {
import MealsSeq._
// Mandatory re-implementation of `newBuilder` in `IndexedSeq`
override protected[this] def newBuilder: mutable.Builder[Meal[Protein, Vegetable], MealsSeq[Protein, Vegetable]] = MealsSeq.newBuilder
// Mandatory implementation of `apply` in `IndexedSeq`
def apply(idx: Int): Meal[Protein, Vegetable] = {
if (idx < 0 || length <= idx)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException
def length: Int = data.size
// Fixed-Size Container Companion Object
object MealsSeq {
def fromBuffer(buf: MealsBuffer[Protein, Vegetable]): MealsSeq[Protein, Vegetable] = fromIndexedSeq(buf.toArray)
def fromBuffer(buf: ArrayBuffer[Meal[Protein, Vegetable]]): MealsSeq[Protein, Vegetable] = fromIndexedSeq(buf.toArray)
def fromIndexedSeq(buf: Array[Meal[Protein, Vegetable]]): MealsSeq[Protein, Vegetable] = new MealsSeq[Protein, Vegetable](buf)
def fromSeq(buf: Seq[Meal[Protein, Vegetable]]): MealsSeq[Protein, Vegetable] = new MealsSeq[Protein, Vegetable](buf.toArray)
def apply(bases: Meal[Protein, Vegetable]*) = fromSeq(bases)
def newBuilder: mutable.Builder[Meal[Protein, Vegetable], MealsSeq[Protein, Vegetable]] = new ArrayBuffer mapResult fromSeq
implicit def canBuildFrom: CanBuildFrom[MealsSeq[Protein, Vegetable], Meal[Protein, Vegetable], MealsSeq[Protein, Vegetable]] =
new CanBuildFrom[MealsSeq[Protein, Vegetable], Meal[Protein, Vegetable], MealsSeq[Protein, Vegetable]] {
def apply(): mutable.Builder[Meal[Protein, Vegetable], MealsSeq[Protein, Vegetable]] = newBuilder
def apply(from: MealsSeq[Protein, Vegetable]): mutable.Builder[Meal[Protein, Vegetable], MealsSeq[Protein, Vegetable]] = newBuilder
对象的继承?这在某种程度上是一个使用更高kinded类型的地方? Scala有很多,Java没有,我的脑袋有点旋转。