众所周知,SQLite needs to be fine tuned可实现大约50k插入/秒的插入速度。这里有很多关于插入速度慢以及大量建议和基准的问题。
还有claims that SQLite can handle large amounts of data,50 GB以上的报告没有导致正确设置出现任何问题。
我已经按照这里和其他地方的建议来实现这些速度,我很高兴35k-45k插入/秒。我遇到的问题是,所有基准测试仅显示快速插入速度< 1米的记录。我所看到的是插入速度似乎与表格大小成反比。
我的用例要求在链接表中存储500米到1b元组([x_id, y_id, z_id]
)几年(1米行/天)。值均为介于1和2,000,000之间的整数ID。 z_id
这是SQLite中大型表的现实,还是维护表的高插入率的秘密> 10米行?
:我不知道C(?!),所以我不想仅仅为了完成这项工作而学习它。我看不到使用Perl设置此参数的任何方法。关注Tim's suggestion索引越来越多 尽管SQLite声称它有能力,但插入时间很慢 处理大型数据集时,我与以下内容进行了基准比较 设置:
pragma: 10,000 page_size
pragma: 4,096 temp_store
pragma:记忆 journal_mode
pragma:删除 synchronous
pragma: off 在我的项目中,如下面的基准测试结果,创建了基于文件的临时表,并且SQLite的内置支持
从上面的数据可以清楚地看出,正确的答案可以分配给Tim's answer,而不是SQLite无法处理它的断言。显然,可以处理大型数据集,如果索引该数据集不属于您的用例。我一直在使用SQLite,作为日志记录系统的后端,现在不需要编入索引,所以我对我经历的减速感到非常惊讶。
如果有人发现自己希望使用SQLite 存储大量数据并且将其编入索引,using shards可能就是答案。我最终决定使用MD5哈希中的前三个字符z
中的唯一列来确定对4,096个数据库之一的分配。由于我的用例主要是归档,因此架构不会更改,查询也不会需要碎片遍历。数据库大小有限,因为极其旧的数据将被减少并最终被丢弃,因此这种分片,编译指示设置,甚至一些 de 规范化的组合给了我一个很好的平衡,基于基准测试,保持插入速度至少为10k插入/秒。
答案 0 :(得分:13)
- 而无需编制索引随着索引的增长,插入期间的开销和伴随的性能下降。为了避免聚集(也称为桶冲突),请选择一个密钥散列算法,该算法最大限度地考虑具有最大变化的z_id
P.P.S。回答@ kawing-chiu的问题:这里的核心特征是这样的数据库依赖于所谓的“稀疏”表,其中记录的物理位置由散列算法确定,该算法将记录密钥作为输入。这种方法允许将直接直接到表中的记录位置,而不需要索引。由于不需要遍历索引或重新平衡索引,因此随着表变得更加密集,插入时间保持不变。相比之下,使用b树,随着索引树的增长,插入时间会降低。具有大量并发插入的OLTP应用程序可以从这种稀疏表方法中受益。记录分散在整个表格中。分散在稀疏表的“苔原”中的记录的缺点是收集具有共同值的大量记录(例如邮政编码)可能更慢。散列稀疏表方法经过优化,可以插入和检索单个记录,并检索相关记录的 networks ,而不是具有共同字段值的大型记录集。
嵌套关系数据库是允许 中的元组行的列。
答案 1 :(得分:7)
"i" integer NOT NULL,
"md5" text(32) NOT NULL
= 1..2,000,000 md5
= i
每笔交易= 50,000 INSERT
0..50000 records inserted in 1.87 seconds
50000..100000 records inserted in 1.92 seconds
100000..150000 records inserted in 1.97 seconds
150000..200000 records inserted in 1.99 seconds
200000..250000 records inserted in 2.19 seconds
250000..300000 records inserted in 1.94 seconds
300000..350000 records inserted in 1.94 seconds
350000..400000 records inserted in 1.94 seconds
400000..450000 records inserted in 1.94 seconds
450000..500000 records inserted in 2.50 seconds
500000..550000 records inserted in 1.94 seconds
550000..600000 records inserted in 1.94 seconds
600000..650000 records inserted in 1.93 seconds
650000..700000 records inserted in 1.94 seconds
700000..750000 records inserted in 1.94 seconds
750000..800000 records inserted in 1.94 seconds
800000..850000 records inserted in 1.93 seconds
850000..900000 records inserted in 1.95 seconds
900000..950000 records inserted in 1.94 seconds
950000..1000000 records inserted in 1.94 seconds
1000000..1050000 records inserted in 1.95 seconds
1050000..1100000 records inserted in 1.95 seconds
1100000..1150000 records inserted in 1.95 seconds
1150000..1200000 records inserted in 1.95 seconds
1200000..1250000 records inserted in 1.96 seconds
1250000..1300000 records inserted in 1.98 seconds
1300000..1350000 records inserted in 1.95 seconds
1350000..1400000 records inserted in 1.95 seconds
1400000..1450000 records inserted in 1.95 seconds
1450000..1500000 records inserted in 1.95 seconds
1500000..1550000 records inserted in 1.95 seconds
1550000..1600000 records inserted in 1.95 seconds
1600000..1650000 records inserted in 1.95 seconds
1650000..1700000 records inserted in 1.96 seconds
1700000..1750000 records inserted in 1.95 seconds
1750000..1800000 records inserted in 1.95 seconds
1800000..1850000 records inserted in 1.94 seconds
1850000..1900000 records inserted in 1.95 seconds
1900000..1950000 records inserted in 1.95 seconds
1950000..2000000 records inserted in 1.95 seconds
数据库文件大小:89.2 MiB。
)0..50000 records inserted in 2.90 seconds
50000..100000 records inserted in 11.64 seconds
100000..150000 records inserted in 10.85 seconds
150000..200000 records inserted in 10.62 seconds
200000..250000 records inserted in 11.28 seconds
250000..300000 records inserted in 12.09 seconds
300000..350000 records inserted in 10.60 seconds
350000..400000 records inserted in 12.25 seconds
400000..450000 records inserted in 13.83 seconds
450000..500000 records inserted in 14.48 seconds
500000..550000 records inserted in 11.08 seconds
550000..600000 records inserted in 10.72 seconds
600000..650000 records inserted in 14.99 seconds
650000..700000 records inserted in 10.85 seconds
700000..750000 records inserted in 11.25 seconds
750000..800000 records inserted in 17.68 seconds
800000..850000 records inserted in 14.44 seconds
850000..900000 records inserted in 19.46 seconds
900000..950000 records inserted in 16.41 seconds
950000..1000000 records inserted in 22.41 seconds
1000000..1050000 records inserted in 24.68 seconds
1050000..1100000 records inserted in 28.12 seconds
1100000..1150000 records inserted in 26.85 seconds
1150000..1200000 records inserted in 28.57 seconds
1200000..1250000 records inserted in 29.17 seconds
1250000..1300000 records inserted in 36.99 seconds
1300000..1350000 records inserted in 30.66 seconds
1350000..1400000 records inserted in 32.06 seconds
1400000..1450000 records inserted in 33.14 seconds
1450000..1500000 records inserted in 47.74 seconds
1500000..1550000 records inserted in 34.51 seconds
1550000..1600000 records inserted in 39.16 seconds
1600000..1650000 records inserted in 37.69 seconds
1650000..1700000 records inserted in 37.82 seconds
1700000..1750000 records inserted in 41.43 seconds
1750000..1800000 records inserted in 49.58 seconds
1800000..1850000 records inserted in 44.08 seconds
1850000..1900000 records inserted in 57.17 seconds
1900000..1950000 records inserted in 50.04 seconds
1950000..2000000 records inserted in 42.15 seconds
数据库文件大小:181.1 MiB。
)0..50000 records inserted in 2.91 seconds
50000..100000 records inserted in 10.30 seconds
100000..150000 records inserted in 10.85 seconds
150000..200000 records inserted in 10.45 seconds
200000..250000 records inserted in 10.11 seconds
250000..300000 records inserted in 11.04 seconds
300000..350000 records inserted in 10.25 seconds
350000..400000 records inserted in 10.36 seconds
400000..450000 records inserted in 11.48 seconds
450000..500000 records inserted in 10.97 seconds
500000..550000 records inserted in 10.86 seconds
550000..600000 records inserted in 10.35 seconds
600000..650000 records inserted in 10.77 seconds
650000..700000 records inserted in 10.62 seconds
700000..750000 records inserted in 10.57 seconds
750000..800000 records inserted in 11.13 seconds
800000..850000 records inserted in 10.44 seconds
850000..900000 records inserted in 10.40 seconds
900000..950000 records inserted in 10.70 seconds
950000..1000000 records inserted in 10.53 seconds
1000000..1050000 records inserted in 10.98 seconds
1050000..1100000 records inserted in 11.56 seconds
1100000..1150000 records inserted in 10.66 seconds
1150000..1200000 records inserted in 10.38 seconds
1200000..1250000 records inserted in 10.24 seconds
1250000..1300000 records inserted in 10.80 seconds
1300000..1350000 records inserted in 10.85 seconds
1350000..1400000 records inserted in 10.46 seconds
1400000..1450000 records inserted in 10.25 seconds
1450000..1500000 records inserted in 10.98 seconds
1500000..1550000 records inserted in 10.15 seconds
1550000..1600000 records inserted in 11.81 seconds
1600000..1650000 records inserted in 10.80 seconds
1650000..1700000 records inserted in 11.06 seconds
1700000..1750000 records inserted in 10.24 seconds
1750000..1800000 records inserted in 10.57 seconds
1800000..1850000 records inserted in 11.54 seconds
1850000..1900000 records inserted in 10.80 seconds
1900000..1950000 records inserted in 11.07 seconds
1950000..2000000 records inserted in 13.27 seconds
数据库文件大小:180.1 MiB。
答案 2 :(得分:2)
不幸的是我会说这是SQLite中大表的限制。在大型或大容量数据集上运行not designed。虽然我了解它可能会大大增加项目的复杂性,但您可能最好还是研究适合您需求的更复杂的数据库解决方案。
答案 3 :(得分:1)
在我的项目中,我无法对数据库进行分片,因为它在不同的列上编入索引。为了加速插入,我在创建期间将数据库放在/ dev / shm(= linux ramdisk)上,然后将其复制到本地磁盘。这显然只适用于一次写入,多读数据库。
答案 4 :(得分:0)
这一点可以解释为什么使用分片可以避免这个问题。 谁是SQLite域名的真正专家,在此确认或否认我的观点?