
时间:2013-04-01 15:12:41

标签: knockout.js this typescript amplifyjs


export class OrganizationOverviewViewModel{

    openedAssessments = ko.observableArray();
    availableSurveys = ko.observableArray();

    organizationAgentId = ko.observable();
    organizationName = ko.observable();

    selectedSurvey = ko.observable();

    public addSurvey() {
        if (this.selectedSurvey() === undefined) {
            mh.MessageHub.showError("Please Select a Survey", "what");
        else {
            // we can do the post.
            // get the selected survey
            var surveyId = this.selectedSurvey();
            // call the server to add the survey

            amplify.request("addSurveyToOrganization", {
                "surveyId": surveyId,
                "organizationAgentId": this.organizationAgentId()
            function (data) {
                var context = ko.contextFor($('#mainContent')[0]).$data;
                context.openedAssessments.push({ surveyId: data.SurveyId, SurveyName: data.SurveyName, NumberOfResponses: data.ResponseCount });
                context.availableSurveys.remove(function (item) { return item.SurveyId == surveyId; });




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答案 0 :(得分:5)



export class OrganizationOverviewViewModel{

    public addSurvey;

    constructor() {
        this.addSurvey = () => {
           // you can safely use 'this' in here

编辑:新版本(0.9.1)允许您对lambda字段初始值设定项使用“this”( NOT函数)。因此,您可以使用以下内容转换为上面的代码。

export class OrganizationOverviewViewModel{

    public addSurvey = () => {
        // you can safely use 'this' in a field initializer

    public badSurvey_dont_use_this() {
        // 'this' is probably not the 'this' you're looking for

答案 1 :(得分:0)

看看TypeScript and Knockout binding to 'this' issue - lambda function needed? - 这与Ray提到的看似正确的方法相同