[INFO] Parsing command line options
[INFO] Parsing bbwp.properties
[INFO] Validating application archive
[INFO] Parsing config.xml
[WARNING] Failed to find a <feature> element
[WARNING] Failed to find the <author> element
[INFO] Populating application source
[INFO] Compiling BlackBerry WebWorks application
Exported static routine: .main(String[]) is multiply defined.
Exported static routine: .main(String[]) is multiply defined.
Exported static routine: .main(String[]) is multiply defined.
net.sf.antcontrib.AntContribVersion: Error!: Missing stack map in: <init> at lab
el: 30
[ERROR] RAPC exception occurred
答案 0 :(得分:0)
看起来我只找到了解决方案。问题是zip文件在C:\驱动器中,并且由于UAC,Windows不允许SDK访问它。 然而,在试验和错误2天后发现了这种愚蠢的解决方案。傻傻的我