
时间:2013-03-22 21:29:22

标签: ruby cucumber watir-webdriver

第一个方案是作为功能文件 registration.feature(feature1)的一部分运行,并具有以下内容:

Scenario: User can register as a Free account
 Given  I am on the home page
 When   I navigate to the Register page
 And    set all required fields for "Free" on the page
 And    check that info about successful registration is shown
 And    activate account
 Then   I copy the Free user information in a data file

然后我想在 upgrade_accounts.feature(feature2)

Feature:    Upgrade accounts
As an QA Engineer
I would like to upgrade my accounts to other types
So I can make sure upgrade functionality is working properly

Scenario: Existing free account is upgraded to premium
Given  I navigate to the login page
When   Sign in as free account retrieved from file
And    I navigate to updgrade accounts 
And    I select premium account and submit
Then   Verify premium package is active

我的担忧是关于如何使用适用于步骤的内容实现这两个功能之间的连接:来自feature1的Then I copy the Free user information in a data file和来自feature2的When Sign in as free account retrieved from file



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


如果您还没有找到The Cucumber Book,那么这是一个很好的指南和资源。它建议在挂接/support/hooks.rb


答案 1 :(得分:1)


Scenario: User can register as a Free account
Given I am on the home page
When I register for a free account
Then I get a message that registration is successful
And my account is active

Scenario: Existing free account is upgraded to premium
Given I have a free account
When I updgrade my account to a premium account
Then my premium package is active

两个功能,两个完全独立的测试。如果您只有一个步骤将免费帐户注入系统鉴于我有一个免费帐户,您最终将无法升级,因为注册免费帐户的步骤失败。 / p>
