ColdFusion“是”eq“True”; “没有”eq“错误

时间:2013-03-19 08:10:25

标签: coldfusion


<cfif "yes" eq "true">

Yes equals true.


Yes does not equal true.


页面输出。 “是的,这是真的。”

6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:13)


Conversion between types

Value     As Boolean     As number     As date-time     As string

"Yes"     True           1             Error            "Yes"

"No"      False          0             Error            "No"

True      True           1             Error            "Yes"

False     False          0             Error            "No"

答案 1 :(得分:10)



Ben Nadel在此提供了一个很好的字符串比较选项摘要 -

答案 2 :(得分:3)

你必须非常小心真/假的比较。它们应该很简单,但有时候,根据您编写代码的方式,TRUE / FALSE的评估可能会有所不同。通过几乎每个定义,FALSE将始终为按位0(和CF中的否)。 TRUE将按位1,但也是和任何非0数字。所以42仍然是真的。并且-1仍为TRUE(特别感谢MS Access是/否数据类型:-p)。

由于FALSE始终为0(或NO或FALSE),检查NOT FALSE或NEQ 0通常比检查TRUE更好。然而,即便如此,你仍然要小心。确定您要考虑的内容为真,并对此进行全面评估。 ColdFusion有时会以不同方式转换TRUE和FALSE变量。查看以下代码的结果:

(感谢Bert Dawson和Jamie Jackson提供的querySim脚本。)

<!--- set up the fake query: --->
 * Accepts a specifically formatted chunk of text, and returns it as a query object.
 * v2 rewrite by Jamie Jackson
 * @param queryData      Specifically format chunk of text to convert to a query. (Required)
 * @return Returns a query object. 
 * @author Bert Dawson ( 
 * @version 2, December 18, 2007 
function querySim(queryData) {
    var fieldsDelimiter="|";
    var colnamesDelimiter=",";
    var listOfColumns="";
    var tmpQuery="";
    var numLines="";
    var cellValue="";
    var cellValues="";
    var colName="";
    var lineDelimiter=chr(10) & chr(13);
    var lineNum=0;
    var colPosition=0;

    // the first line is the column list, eg "column1,column2,column3"
    listOfColumns = Trim(ListGetAt(queryData, 1, lineDelimiter));

    // create a temporary Query
    tmpQuery = QueryNew(listOfColumns);

    // the number of lines in the queryData
    numLines = ListLen(queryData, lineDelimiter);

    // loop though the queryData starting at the second line
    for(lineNum=2;  lineNum LTE numLines;  lineNum = lineNum + 1) {
        cellValues = ListGetAt(queryData, lineNum, lineDelimiter);

        if (ListLen(cellValues, fieldsDelimiter) IS ListLen(listOfColumns,",")) {
            for (colPosition=1; colPosition LTE ListLen(listOfColumns); colPosition = colPosition + 1){
                cellValue = Trim(ListGetAt(cellValues, colPosition, fieldsDelimiter));
                colName   = Trim(ListGetAt(listOfColumns,colPosition));
                QuerySetCell(tmpQuery, colName, cellValue);
    return( tmpQuery );

<!--- populate the fake query --->    
fakeQuery = querySim('
testID , isThisTruthy
1 | TRUE
3 | YES
4 | NO
5 | 1
6 | 0
7 | -1
8 | 42
<!--- End of the fake query setup --->

<!--- Dump the fakeQuery so we can see what we've got. --->
<cfdump var="#fakeQuery#" label="fakeQueryInfo" />

    Not really necessary since the query is created above. Just included for 
    clarity, as everything above this line can really be ignored if connecting 
    to a real query. 
<cfquery name="truthyCheck" dbtype="query">
    SELECT testID, isThisTruthy
    FROM fakeQuery

<!--- Begin the truthy statements. --->
<strong>cfif isThisTruthy >></strong> 
    This one has an implicit evaluation of TRUE or FALSE that seems to be based on a
    broader (and more accurate) definition of what should be TRUE or FALSE. However,
    it's much less clear in what you're trying to do. 
<cfoutput query="truthyCheck">
    #testID#: #isThisTruthy# | <cfif isThisTruthy>True<cfelseif NOT isThisTruthy>False<cfelse>NULL</cfif> <br/>

    The rest of these appear to actually evaluate down to a bit (using the standard
    1,0,YES,NO,TRUE,FALSE definitions) and then they do an integer comparison. This 
    may not be completely what you're looking for.
<strong>cfif isThisTruthy IS TRUE >></strong>
<cfoutput query="truthyCheck">
    #testID#: #isThisTruthy# | <cfif isThisTruthy IS TRUE>True<cfelseif isThisTruthy IS NOT TRUE>False<cfelse>NULL</cfif> 
    <!--- 1 IS 1 IS TRUE, but -1 IS 1 IS FALSE. --->
<strong>cfif isThisTruthy EQ 1 >></strong>
<cfoutput query="truthyCheck">
    #testID#: #isThisTruthy# | <cfif isThisTruthy EQ 1>True<cfelseif isThisTruthy NEQ 1>False<cfelse>NULL</cfif> 
    <!--- 1 EQ 1 IS TRUE, but -1 EQ 1 IS FALSE. --->
<strong>cfif isThisTruthy NEQ 0 >></strong>
<cfoutput query="truthyCheck">
    #testID#: #isThisTruthy# | <cfif isThisTruthy NEQ 0>True<cfelseif isThisTruthy EQ 0>False<cfelse>NULL</cfif> 
    <!--- 1 NEQ 0 and -1 NEQ 0 both evaluate to the same. --->
<strong>cfif isThisTruthy NEQ FALSE >></strong>
<cfoutput query="truthyCheck">
    #testID#: #isThisTruthy# | <cfif isThisTruthy NEQ FALSE>True<cfelseif isThisTruthy EQ FALSE>False<cfelse>NULL</cfif> 
    <!--- 1 NEQ 0 and -1 NEQ 0 both evaluate to the same. --->


cfif isThisTruthy&gt;&gt;
1:TRUE |真的 2:FALSE |假的 3:是|真的 4:没有|假的 5:1 |真的 6:0 |假的 7:-1 | True &lt; ---技术上正确
8:42 | True &lt; ---技术上正确

cfif isThisTruthy IS TRUE&gt;&gt;
1:TRUE |真的 2:FALSE |假的 3:是|真的 4:没有|假的 5:1 |真的 6:0 |假的 7:-1 |错误&lt; ---技术上不正确
8:42 |错误&lt; ---技术上不正确

cfif isThisTruthy EQ 1&gt;&gt;
1:TRUE |真的 2:FALSE |假的 3:是|真的 4:没有|假的 5:1 |真的 6:0 |假的 7:-1 |错误&lt; ---技术上不正确
8:42 |错误&lt; ---技术上不正确

cfif isThisTruthy NEQ 0&gt;&gt;
1:TRUE |真的 2:FALSE |假的 3:是|真的 4:没有|假的 5:1 |真的 6:0 |假的 7:-1 | True &lt; ---技术上正确
8:42 | True &lt; ---技术上正确

cfif isThisTruthy NEQ FALSE&gt;&gt;
1:TRUE |真的 2:FALSE |假的 3:是|真的 4:没有|假的 5:1 |真的 6:0 |假的 7:-1 | True &lt; ---技术上正确
8:42 | True &lt; ---技术上正确

答案 3 :(得分:2)


答案 4 :(得分:1)


答案 5 :(得分:0)


<cfif 1 eq "true">

Yes equals true.
