set y [read -nonewline [set f [open "tmp.txt" r]]];
array set counts [list];
foreach message [split $y "\n"] {
# This gets the status, ie: DOWN/UP/OFFLINE.
set status [lindex [split $message] end]; # will assign last field
set mon [lindex [split $message] 1]; # number represents the filed number
set day [lindex lindex[split $message] 2];
if {$day ==""} {
set day [lindex [split $message] 3];
} else {
set day [lindex [split $message] 2]
# +number represents the counter
if {[info exists counts($mon,$day,$status)]} {
set counts($mon,$day,$status) [expr {$counts($mon,$day,$status)+1}]
} else {
set counts($mon,$day,$status) 1
# sort based for down type evetns
puts "\n\nTabl: Down per day"
puts "\n\n MMM DD || Cnt Status"
puts " ====================="
foreach count [lsort -increasing -unique [array names counts]] {
foreach {mon day status} [split $count ","] { break; }
if {$status =="down"} {
puts " $mon $day || [set counts($count)] \t $status"
# process tunnels that are down and flapped 3 times
array set countsT [list];
foreach message [split $y "\n"] {
# This gets the status, ie: DOWN/UP/OFFLINE.
set status [lindex [split $message] end];
set mon [lindex [split $message] 1];
set day [lindex [split $message] 2];
set Tunnx [lindex [split $message] 9];
if {$day ==""} {
set day [lindex [split $message] 3];
set Tunnx [lindex [split $message] 10]
} else {
set day [lindex [split $message] 2]
if {[info exists countsT($mon,$day,$Tunnx,$status)]} {
set countsT($mon,$day,$Tunnx,$status) [expr {$countsT($mon,$day,$Tunnx,$status)+1}]
} else {
set countsT($mon,$day,$Tunnx,$status) 1
puts "\n\nTabl: Tunnel = Flap >3"
puts "\n\n MMM DD || Tunnelx\tCnt\t Status"
puts " ================================="
foreach count [lsort -increasing -unique [array names countsT]] {
if {[set countsT($count)] < 2} { continue; } {
foreach {mon day tun n status} [split $count ","] { break; }
if {$status =="down"} {
puts " $mon $day || $tun \t [set countsT($count)] \t$status"
if {[info exists f]} { close $f }
670555: Mar 9 23:39:18.214: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel1, changed state to down
670557: Mar 9 23:39:50.877: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel2, changed state to down
670559: Mar 9 23:41:08.662: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel4, changed state to down
670561: Mar 9 23:41:18.309: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel3, changed state to down
670562: Mar 9 23:43:13.237: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel2, changed state to down
670564: Mar 9 23:45:26.549: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel2, changed state to down
670567: Mar 9 23:46:45.708: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel3, changed state to down
670570: Mar 9 23:49:31.222: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel2, changed state to down
670574: Mar 9 23:53:14.295: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel2, changed state to down
670576: Mar 9 23:55:49.217: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel2, changed state to down
670577: Mar 9 23:56:16.180: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel1, changed state to down
670581: Mar 9 23:56:45.480: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel3, changed state to down
670583: Mar 9 23:59:54.080: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel2, changed state to down
670585: Mar 10 00:00:33.224: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel1, changed state to down
670587: Mar 10 00:04:03.292: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel2, changed state to down
670589: Mar 10 00:04:38.921: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel3, changed state to down
670590: Mar 10 00:05:00.505: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel1, changed state to down
670593: Mar 10 00:06:22.473: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel2, changed state to down
670596: Mar 10 00:09:07.262: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel1, changed state to down
670598: Mar 10 00:11:11.294: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel2, changed state to down
670602: Mar 10 00:14:23.649: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel1, changed state to down
670604: Mar 10 00:14:59.296: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel2, changed state to down
Tabl: Down per day
MMM DD || Cnt Status
Mar 10 || 9 down
Mar 9 || 13 down
Tabl: Tunnel = Flap >3
MMM DD || Tunnelx Cnt Status
Mar 10 || Tunnel1 4 down
Mar 10 || Tunnel2 4 down
Mar 9 || Tunnel1 2 down
Mar 9 || Tunnel2 7 down
Mar 9 || Tunnel3 3 down
MMM DD || Tunnelx Cnt Status
Mar 10 || Tunnel1 4 down
Mar 10 || Tunnel2 4 down
Mar 9 || Tunnel1 2 down
Mar 9 || Tunnel2 7 down
Mar 9 || Tunnel3 3 down
答案 0 :(得分:2)
while {[gets ...
array set counts [list]
array set countsT [list]
set f [open tmp.txt r]
while {[gets $f message] != -1} {
set fields [regexp -all -inline {\S+} $message]
set mon [lindex $fields 1]
# use day "09" instead of "9" so it gets the sorting right.
set day [format %02d [lindex $fields 2]]
# have to be careful to remove the trailing comma from the tunnel
set Tunnx [string trimright [lindex $fields 9] ,]
set status [lindex $fields end] ;# will assign last field
incr counts($mon,$day,$status)
incr countsT($mon,$day,$Tunnx,$status)
close $f
# sort based for down type evetns
puts "\n\nTabl: Down per day"
puts "\n\n MMM DD || Cnt Status"
puts " ====================="
# don't need "-unique" flag: array keys will be unique
foreach count [lsort -increasing [array names counts]] {
foreach {mon day status} [split $count ","] { break }
if {$status eq "down"} {
puts [format "%s %s || %3d\t%s" $mon $day $counts($count) $status]
puts "\n\nTabl: Tunnel = Flap >3"
puts "\n\n MMM DD || Tunnelx\tCnt\t Status"
puts " ================================="
foreach count [lsort -increasing [array names countsT]] {
if {$countsT($count) < 2} { continue }
foreach {mon day tun status} [split $count ","] { break }
if {$status eq "down"} {
puts [format " %s %s || %s\t%3d\t%s" $mon $day $tun $countsT($count) $status]
答案 1 :(得分:1)
set f [open "tmp.txt" r]
set contents [read -nonewline $f]
close $f
array set status_counts {}
array set tunnel_counts {}
foreach message [split $contents "\n"] {
set mon [lindex $message 1]
set day [lindex $message 2]
set tunnel [lindex $message 9]
set status [lindex $message end]
# Do we really need this block?
if {$day ==""} {
set day [lindex $message 3]
set tunnel [lindex $message 10]
} else {
set day [lindex $message 2]
set index "$mon,$day,$status"
if {[info exists status_counts($index)]} {
set status_counts($index) [expr {$status_counts($index)+1}]
} else {
set status_counts($index) 1
set index "$mon,$day,$tunnel,$status"
if {[info exists tunnel_counts($index)]} {
set tunnel_counts($index) [expr {$tunnel_counts($index)+1}]
} else {
set tunnel_counts($index) 1
# sort based for down type evetns
puts "\n\nTabl: Down per day"
puts "\n\n"
puts [format "%-3s %2s || %3s %s" MMM DD Cnt Status]
puts [format "%-3s %2s || %3s %s" === == === ======]
foreach count [lsort -increasing -unique [array names status_counts *,down]] {
foreach {mon day status} [split $count ","] { break }
puts [format "%-3s %2s || %3s %s" $mon $day $status_counts($count) $status]
puts "\n\nTabl: Tunnel = Flap >3"
puts "\n\n"
puts [format "%-3s %2s || %-8s %-4s %s" MMM DD TunnelX Cnt Status]
puts [format "%-3s %2s || %-8s %-4s %s" === == ======= === ======]
foreach count [lsort -increasing -unique [array names tunnel_counts *,down]] {
if {[set tunnel_counts($count)] < 2} { continue; }
foreach {mon day tun n status} [split $count ","] { break }
puts [format "%-3s %2s || %-8s %-4s %s" $mon $day $tun $tunnel_counts($count) $status]
我更喜欢拼写出来的标识符名称,而不是缩写。例如,我更喜欢 tunnel_counts 而非 countsT
在第一个循环中,我不理解为$day == ""
我没有在两个报告循环中测试$status == "down"
,而是将过滤器应用于array names
命令:[array names tunnel_counts *,down]