Bison Shift /减少小语言解析器的冲突

时间:2013-03-12 18:21:13

标签: parsing grammar bison yacc shift-reduce-conflict



prog:    PROGRAM beg                   {$$ = "program" $2;}
    |   PROGRAM stmt beg               {$$ = "program" $2 $3;}

beg:    BEG stmt END                   {$$ = "begin" $2 "end";}
    | BEG END                      {$$ = "begin" "end";}

stmt:   beg             {$$ = $1;}
    | if_stmt                   {$$ = $1;}/*
    | IF expr THEN stmt                 {$$ = $1 $2 $3 $4;}*/
    | WHILE expr beg                    {$$ = "while" $2 $3;}
    | VAR COLEQUALS arithexpr SEMI      {$$ = $1 ":=" $3 ";";}
    | VAR COLON INTEGER SEMI            {$$ = $1 ":" "integer" ";";} /*Declaring an integer */
    | VAR COLON REAL SEMI               {$$ $1 ":" "real" ";";}   /*declaring a real */

if_stmt:  IF expr THEN stmt            {$$ = "if" $2 "then" $4;}
    | IF expr THEN stmt ELSE stmt      {$$ = "if" $2 "then" $4 "else" $6;}

expr:   NOT VAR                        {$$ = "!" $2;}
| VAR GREATERTHAN arithexpr        {$$ = $1 ">" $3;}
    | VAR LESSTHAN arithexpr           {$$ = $1 "<" $3;}
    | VAR GREATERTHANEQUALTO arithexpr {$$ = $1 ">=" $3;}
    | VAR LESSTHANEQUALTO arithexpr    {$$ = $1 "<=" $3;}
    | VAR EQUALS arithexpr             {$$ = $1 "==" $3;}
    | VAR NOTEQUALS arithexpr          {$$ = $1 "!=" $3;}
    | arithexpr AND arithexpr          {$$ = $1 "&&" $3;}
    | arithexpr OR arithexpr           {$$ = $1 "||" $3;}

arithexpr:  arithexpr PLUS term            {$$ = $1 + $3;}
    |  arithexpr MINUS term            {$$ = $1 - $3;}
    |   term                   {$$ = $1;}

term:   term TIMES factor          {$$ = $1 * $3;}
    | term DIVIDE factor           {$$ = $1 / $3;}
    | factor               {$$ = $1;}

factor:   VAL                              {$$ = $1;}

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

“错误”来自if _ stmt的else部分中的歧义:stmt可以是if_stmt,并且如果else部分属于哪个,则不清楚,例如如果你写:

if y1 then if y2 then x=1 else x=2


此问题已多次在变体中提出,只需搜索if then else shift reduce

对于诊断(发现你也是if then else shift reduce问题的受害者)你可以告诉bison产生一个输出文件

bison -r all  myparser.y


State 50 conflicts: 1 shift/reduce
state 50

   11 if_stmt: IF expr THEN stmt .  [ELSE, BEG, END]
   12        | IF expr THEN stmt . ELSE stmt

    ELSE  shift, and go to state 60

    ELSE      [reduce using rule 11 (if_stmt)]
    $default  reduce using rule 11 (if_stmt)

state 51


stmt: ...
    | blk_stmt
blk_stmt: BEGIN stmt END
if_stmt:  IF expr THEN blk_stmt
    | IF expr THEN blk_stmt ELSE blk_stmt


if x1 then {if x2 then {y=1}} else {y=2}
