我有一个带有draggable / droppable元素的页面,一旦丢弃,需要计算它们可能正在触摸的其他可拖动的左侧位置和宽度。
// $t is the element being added/dropped.
// nd refers to New Dimensions, IE, the new dimensions for $t
// existingDivs gets any DIV's that have already been added to the dom
var $t = $(this), nd = {t:$t.position().top, h:$t.height(), l: 0, w: 95},
existingDivs = $('#container .subContainer .draggable'), intersectArr = [],
nonIntersectArr = [], finalArr = [];
// If there are no DIV's in the DOM you dont need to check if they intersect.
if (existingDivs.length > 0) {
// Find the DIV's that Intersect with the one being added
intersectArr = $.grep(existingDivs, function(val,num){
// xd is Existing Dimensions, for the current item being checked
// verse the one being added.
var $t2 = $(val), xd = {h:$t2.height(), w:parseFloat($t2.css('width')),
l:parseFloat($t2.css('left')), t:$t2.position().top};
// If they intersect add it to this array
return ((xd.t <= nd.t && xd.t+xd.h > nd.t) ||
(nd.t <= xd.t && nd.t+nd.h > xd.t));
// Find the DIV's that DO NOT Intersect with the one being added
nonIntersectArr = $.grep(existingDivs, function(val,num){
// xd is Existing Dimensions, for the current item being checked
// verse the one being added.
var $t2 = $(val), xd = {h:$t2.height(), w:parseFloat($t2.css('width')),
l:parseFloat($t2.css('left')), t:$t2.position().top};
// If they DO NOT intersect add it to this array
return ((xd.t > nd.t && xd.t > nd.t+nd.h) ||
(nd.t > xd.t && nd.t > xd.t+xd.h));
// For every element that does not intersect, check it verse the ones that do
// nid is Non Intersecting Dimensions
var $t2 = $(this), c = 0, nid = {h:$t2.height(),
l:parseFloat($t2.css('left')), t:$t2.position().top};
// id is Intersecting Dimensions
var $t3 = $(this), id = {h:$t3.height(), w:parseFloat($t3.css('width')),
l:parseFloat($t3.css('left')), t:$t3.position().top};
// if the non intersecting hits one that is intersecting, then there is no space
// beneath/near it, so we add it to the final intersecting array then increment c
if((id.t <= nid.t && id.t+id.h > nid.t) ||
(nid.t <= id.t && nid.t+nid.h > id.t)){ finalArr.push(this); c++; }
else { finalArr.push(this); }
// if c has been incremented, we cant use this nonIntersect, so add it to the final
if(c > 0) { finalArr.push(this); }
// make sure all items in the final Array are unique
finalArr = $.unique(finalArr);
// iterate over the final array, processing the dimensions of each element in the
// array layering them so you can see each one
// xd is Existing Dimensions, for the current item being checked
// verse the one being added.
var $t2 = $(this), xd = {h:$t2.height(), w:parseFloat($t2.css('width')),
l:parseFloat($t2.css('left')), t:$t2.position().top};
if(((xd.t <= nd.t && xd.t+xd.h > nd.t) ||
(nd.t <= xd.t && nd.t+nd.h > xd.t))) {
if(nd.l == xd.l){
nd.w = ((95/(finalArr.length+1))*1.5);
xd.l = ((nd.w)*(num));
nd.l = ((nd.w*ci)*0.58);
// Add the New Element to the container and position accordingly.
nd.l = ((nd.l/finalArr.length)*(finalArr.length+1))+'%';
nd.w = nd.w+'%';
$('#container .subContainer').append('<div style="top:'+nd.t+'px;left:'+nd.l+
';width:'+nd.w+';height:'+nd.h+'px;" class="dragId_'+$t.attr('id')+
' draggable"><div class="title">'+$t.attr('title')+'</div></div>');
答案 0 :(得分:3)
1111 44 1111 44 1133333 1133333 33333 3333322 3333322 2222 2222
1111 44 1111 44 1133333 1133333 33333 333332222 333332222 2222 2222
1111 44 1111 44 111133333 111133333 33333 3333322 3333322 2222 2222
1111 44 1111 44 111133333 111133333 33333 333332222 333332222 2222 2222
111144 111144 111133333 111133333 33333 333332222 333332222 2222 2222