
时间:2013-03-09 18:16:18

标签: perl debugging bugzilla




除了将它放在/ extensions / my-ext-name / dir中之外,还有什么特别的东西可以让扩展运行吗? 如何测试扩展名是否完全被调用?

我使用旧版本的Bugzilla(3.2.x)。是否支持该钩子? (我在文档中找不到该信息)。


package Bugzilla::Extension::Websvn-scmbug-autolink;
use strict;
use base qw(Bugzilla::Extension);
# This code for this is in ./extensions/Websvn-scmbug-autolink/lib/Util.pm
use Bugzilla::Extension::Websvn-scmbug-autolink::Util;
use URI::Escape;

our $VERSION = '0.01';

# See the documentation of Bugzilla::Hook ("perldoc Bugzilla::Hook" 
# in the bugzilla directory) for a list of all available hooks.
sub install_update_db {
    my ($self, $args) = @_;


sub bug_format_comment {
    my ($self, $args) = @_;

    my $regexes = $args->{'regexes'};
    # push(@$regexes, { match => qr/\bfoo\b/, replace => 'bar' });

# 6665 --> 6666
# CTUFramework:trunk/CTUCsharpRuntime/CtuFramework/text1-renamed.txt
    #my $bar_match = qr/\b(bar)\b/;
    my $bar_match = qr/(?:^|\r|\n)(\d+|NONE) (-->) (\d+|NONE)[ \r\n\t]+([^:]+):(.*?)[\r\n]/s; #/s - treat as single line
    push(@$regexes, { match => $bar_match, replace => \&_replace_bar });
    my $scm_match2 = qr/(?:^|\r|\n)(\d+|NONE) (-->) (\d+|NONE)[ \r\n\t]+([^:]+):(.*?)[\r\n]/s; #/s - treat as single line
    push(@$regexes, { match => $scm_match2, replace => \&_replace_bar });

# Used by bug_format_comment--see its code for an explanation.
sub _replace_bar {
    my $args = shift;

    my $scmFromVer = $args->{matches}->[0]; 
    my $scmToVer = $args->{matches}->[1];
    my $scmArrow = $args->{matches}->[2];
    my $scmProject = $args->{matches}->[3];
    my $scmFile = $args->{matches}->[4];
    # Remember, you have to HTML-escape any data that you are returning!
    my $websvnRoot = "http://devlinux/websvn";
    my $websvnRepo = uri_escape($scmProject); #maybe do a mapping
    my $websvnFilePath = uri_escape("/".$scmFile);

    my $fromRevUrl = sprintf("%s/revision.php?repname=%s&rev=%s", 
        $websvnRoot, $websvnRepo, $scmFromVer);
    my $toRevUrl =   sprintf("%s/revision.php?repname=%s&rev=%s", 
        $websvnRoot, $websvnRepo, $scmToVer);
    my $diffUrl =    sprintf("%s/diff.php?repname=%s&path=%s&rev=%s", 
        $websvnRoot, $websvnRepo, $websvnFilePath, $scmToVer);
    my $fileUrl =    sprintf("%s/filedetails.php?repname=%s&path=%s&rev=%s", 
        $websvnRoot, $websvnRepo, $websvnFilePath, $scmToVer);

    # TODO no link for 'NONE'
    my $fromRevLink = sprintf(qq{<a href="%s">%s</a>}, $fromRevUrl, $scmFromVer);
    my $toRevLink =   sprintf(qq{<a href="%s">%s</a>}, $toRevUrl, $scmToVer);
    my $diffLink =    sprintf(qq{<a href="%s">%s</a>}, $diffUrl, $scmArrow);
    my $fileLink =    sprintf(qq{<a href="%s">%s</a>}, $fileUrl, $scmFilePath);
    # $match = html_quote($match);
    return "$fromRevLink $diffLink $toRevLink:$fileLink";

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



答案 1 :(得分:0)

我搜索了Bugzilla的源代码,发现版本3.2.x中根本不支持该钩子。钩子是在Bugzilla 3.6中引入的:http://bzr.mozilla.org/bugzilla/3.6/revision/6762

PS。我在模板脚本中修改了正则表达式替换以进行注释。 Hacky,但它确实有效。