
时间:2013-03-08 15:48:00

标签: validation livecode



8 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


  • 不允许负数
  • 未检测到您键入“。”的情况。并且已经有一个尾随的“。”在该领域
  • 没有处理粘贴到田地里。


local sExisting

on openfield
   put the text of me into sExisting
end openfield

on textChanged
   put the selectedText && sExisting && the text of me into msg
   if the text of me is a number or me is empty then
      put the text of me into sExisting
      put sExisting into me
   end if
end textChanged

注意 - 如果键入无效字符,则输入光标移动到行的开头;如果你想做任何不同的事情,那么你可以锁屏(作为'textChanged'中的第一个动作)并在你完成后解锁。

答案 1 :(得分:4)


on keydown pKey
  -- check the input --
  -- pass on the keydown message --
end keydown


on keydown pKey
   if pKey is a number then 
      pass keydown
   else if pKey is "." then
      set the itemdel to "."
      if the number of items of me < 2 then
         pass keydown
      end if
   end if
end keydown

答案 2 :(得分:2)

亚历克斯,我喜欢你的剧本,但它也不包括你的剧本。如果你想输入负数,它就不起作用(如果你在空字段中以“ - ”号开头)。所以下面是更正的脚本,我希望这次覆盖每一个案例,但是如果你输入不允许的字符(那里还有一些东西)它会失去选择。

local sExisting, sSelected

on openfield
   put the text of me into sExisting
end openfield

on textChanged
   --put the selectedText && sExisting && the text of me into msg
   put the selectedChunk into sSelected
   if the text of me is a number or me is empty or me is "-" then
      put the text of me into sExisting
      put sExisting into me
   end if
   select sSelected
end textChanged

答案 3 :(得分:1)




我们仍然没有完全涵盖插入科学记数法(例如1.2e34)becuae的情况,在这种情况下最终值是有效的,但其中一个干预状态(1.2e)不是。< / p>

local sExisting

on openfield
   put the text of me into sExisting
end openfield

on textChanged
   local tMe, tChunk, tDeltaLength, tWhere
   put the selectedChunk of me into tChunk
   put word 1 to -1 of the text of me into tMe    -- strip leading/trailing spaces
   if tMe is a number or tMe = "-" or tMe = "." or tMe is empty then
      put the text of me into sExisting
      -- calculate how many characters were inserted, 
      --      and move the insertion point back to there
      put the number of chars in me - the number of chars in sExisting into tDeltaLength
      put sExisting into me
      put word 4 of tChunk - tDeltaLength into tWhere
      put tWhere into  word 4 of tChunk
      put tWhere into  word 2 of tChunk
      do ("select after " & tChunk & " of me")
   end if
end textChanged

答案 4 :(得分:0)

如何使用“是一个数字”?唯一特殊情况是你需要在开头允许“ - ”:

on KeyDown theKey
   if (the text of me & theKey) is a number then
      pass keyDown
   else if the text of me is empty and theKey is "-" then
      pass keyDown
   end if
end KeyDown

答案 5 :(得分:0)



  1. 在键入开头键入“ - ”符号(当字段为空时 没有任何数字)
  2. 如上所述,当输入无效字符时,输入光标移动到行的开头
  3. 请检查:

    local sExisting, sSelected, sSelected1
    on openField
       put the text of me into sExisting
    end openField
    on selectionChanged
       put the selectedChunk into sSelected1
       put "sSelected1: " & sSelected1 into line 1 of msg
    end selectionChanged
    on arrowKey
       send "selectionChanged" to me in 0
       pass arrowKey
    end arrowKey
    on textChanged
       local tMinus, tDot
       put empty into tDot
       put empty into tMinus
       put the selectedChunk into sSelected
       put "sSelected: " & sSelected into line 2 of msg
       get matchChunk (me, "^(-?)[0-9]*(\.)?([0-9]*)$", tMinus, tMinus, tDot, tDot)
       if it then
          switch tDot
             case 2
                if tMinus = 1 then put "-0." & char 3 to -1 of me into me  
                put (word 2 of sSelected) + 1 into word 2 of sSelected
                put (word 4 of sSelected) + 1 into word 4 of sSelected             
             case 1
                put "0." & char 2 to -1 of me into me
                put (word 2 of sSelected) + 1 into word 2 of sSelected
                put (word 4 of sSelected) + 1 into word 4 of sSelected
          end switch
          send "selectionChanged" to me in 0
          put me into sExisting
          if not (me is empty) then
             put sExisting into me
             put sSelected1 into sSelected
          end if
       end if
       select sSelected
    end textChanged

    它可能并不完美,但粘贴后选择和任何字符输入(甚至不允许)应该是正确的。您可以使用“ - ”或“。”开始输入。另外,使用“自动更正” - 如果输入“.34”或“-.34”,您将被更正为“0.34”或“-0.34”。



    如果您发现一些错误,请告诉我,所以我会尝试修复它(我很高兴)。 脚本有点长,昨天我看到了一些bug,但是在接下来的几天里没有时间,所以决定把它放在那里玩某人。

答案 6 :(得分:0)

这实际上比它看起来更棘手。  但这有效:

on keyDown pKey
   if pKey = "-" and me  <> "" then exit keyDown
   if pKey = "." and "." is in me then exit keyDown
   if pKey is in "-0123456789."  then pass keydown
end keyDown

答案 7 :(得分:-2)


on KeyDown pKey    如果pKey是“0123456789”的字符之一。和(我的长度)&lt; 15然后传递keyDown 结束Keydown