List <ChildBean>。
@ProxyFor (value = RootBean.class) @ExtraTypes ({IMoreSpecificChildBeanProxy.class})
List <IChildBeanProxy> getChildren ();
@ProxyFor (value=ChildBean) public interface IChildBeanProxy extends ValueProxy
@ProxyFor (value=MoreSpecificChildBean) public interface IMoreSpecificChildBeanProxy extends IChildBeanProxy
@Service (value = CompareService.class, locator = SpringServiceLocator.class) @ExtraTypes ({IChildBeanProxy.class, IMoreSpecificChildBeanProxy.class}) public interface ICompareRequestContext extends RequestContext { Request <IRootBeanProxy> compare (Integer id1, Integer id2);
据说有这些注释,RF应该知道多态继承类的存在,但我在客户端得到的只是一个带有IChildBeanProxy元素列表的IRootBeanProxy。此列表包含MoreSpecificChildBean,但是以IChildBeanProxy的形式,因此我无法从其他人那里告诉它。 所以我想知道我做错了什么,如果我将ExtraTypes注释设置在错误的位置或什么的。
所有帮助的Thx !!
答案 0 :(得分:1)
* Base proxy that all other metric proxies extend. It is used mainly for it's
* inheritence with the RequestFactory. It's concrete implementation is
* {@link MetricNumber}.
* @author chinshaw
@ProxyFor(value = Metric.class, locator = IMetricEntityLocator.class)
public interface MetricProxy extends DatastoreObjectProxy {
* Name of this object in the ui. This will commonly be extended by
* subclasses.
public String NAME = "Generic Metric";
* This is a list of types of outputs that the ui can support. This is
* typically used for listing types of supported Metrics in the operation
* output screen.
* @author chinshaw
public enum MetricOutputType {
MetricNumber, MetricString, MetricCollection, MetricStaticChart, MetricDynamicChart
* See {@link MetricNumber#setName(String)}
* @param name
public void setName(String name);
* See {@link MetricNumber#setContext(String)}
* @return name of the metric.
public String getName();
* Get the list of violations attached to this metric.
* @return
public List<ViolationProxy> getViolations();
@ProxyFor(value = MetricNumber.class, locator = IMetricEntityLocator.class)
public interface MetricNumberProxy extends MetricProxy {
public List<NumberRangeProxy> getRanges();
public void setRanges(List<NumberRangeProxy> ranges);
@ProxyFor(value = MetricDouble.class, locator = IMetricEntityLocator.class)
public interface MetricDoubleProxy extends MetricNumberProxy {
/* Properties when fetching the object for with clause */
public static String[] PROPERTIES = {"ranges"};
public Double getValue();
@ProxyFor(value = MetricPlot.class, locator = IMetricEntityLocator.class)
public interface MetricPlotProxy extends MetricProxy {
* UI Name of the object.
public String NAME = "Static Plot";
public String getPlotUrl();
@ExtraTypes({ MetricProxy.class, MetricNumberProxy.class, MetricDoubleProxy.class, MetricIntegerProxy.class})
@Service(value = AnalyticsOperationDao.class, locator = DaoServiceLocator.class)
public interface AnalyticsOperationRequest extends DaoRequest<AnalyticsOperationProxy> {
Request<List<<MetricProxy>> getSomeMetrics();
context.getSomeMetrics().with(MetricNumber.PROPERTIES).fire(new Receiver<List<MetricProxy>>() {
public void onSuccess(List<MetricProxy> metrics) {
for (MetricProxy metric : metrics) {
if (metric instanceof MetricDoubleProxy) {
logger.info("Got a class of double " + metric.getValue());