我正在使用名为jb gallery 3.0的图像滑块 - 使用jQuery运行。
我已经对这里发生的事情做了一个小问题 - http://jsfiddle.net/ktvvW/5/ - 尝试在chrome或safari中调整“结果”面板的大小,看看发生了什么。
答案 0 :(得分:3)
强制jbgallery-3.0.js脚本上的webkit行为似乎解决了这个问题。 请参阅下面的选项,我强制webkit为true(忽略userAgent)。 我已经在FF和Opera上测试了它,功能与预期一致,图像显示与Chrome中相同的缩放。
style : "zoom", //"centered"|"zoom"|"original" - image style
menu : "simple", //false|"numbers"|"simple"|"slider" - menu type
shortcuts: [37, 39], //[prev,next] - keyboard code shortcuts
slideshow: true, //true|false - autostart slideshow
fade : true, //true|false - disable all fade effects
popup : false, //true|false - modal box & traditional popup hack to display multiple gallery (3.0 : fullscreen:false)
randomize: 0, //0|1|2 - randomize first image (1) or randomize "slideshow" (2) - blackout: http://www.grayhats.org
caption : false, //true|false - show/disable internal caption system
autohide : false, //true|false - auto hide menu & caption
clickable: false, //true|false - "image click & go"
current : 1, //number - set initial photo (modal "hack" - see demo. don't use "hash". jbgallery use "location.hash" only in popup mode)
// webkit : (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().search(/webkit/) != -1), //boolean - used for specific browser hack. if you want, you can force disable this flag & try to find crossbrowser solution
webkit : true,
ie6 : (/MSIE 6/i.test(navigator.userAgent)), //boolean - IDEM
ie7 : (/MSIE 7/i.test(navigator.userAgent)), //boolean - IDEM
labels : { //labels of internal menu
play : "play",
next : "next",
prev : "prev",
stop : "stop",
close: "close",
info : "info"
timers : { //timers
fade : 1000, //fade duration
interval: 3000, //slideshow interval
autohide: 7000 //autohide timeout
delays: { //delays (timers) to improve usability and reduce events
mousemove: 200, //used by autohide. cancel autohide timeout every XXXms.
resize : 10, //used by ie6 to reduce events handled by window.resize
mouseover: 800 //used by tooltip. show tooltip only if the mouse STAY over thumb for XXXms
close : function(){}, //callback handled by menu's button close. see demo. example : close : function(){window.close()}
before : function(){}, //callback handled BEFORE image gallery loaded
after : function(ev){}, //callback(ev) handled AFTER image gallery loaded. receive the native load event.
load : function(ev){}, //callback(ev) handled AFTER native image load event. receive the native load event.
ready : function(el){$('.jbg-menu').hide(); $('.jbg-loading').remove(); $('.jbg-caption').remove(); $('.jbg-menu-opacity').remove();}, //callback(el) handled AFTER jbgallery render. receive the HTML element.
fullscreen: false, //true|false : the most important feature of jbgallery 3.0. now jbgallery can "stay in a box" and have multiple istance in one page.
push : function(o){}, //callback handled by push public method (JBGALLERY API). receive the object/string/array of objects/array of strings passed from external. useful for external menu system
unshift : function(o){}, //callback handled by unshift public method (JBGALLERY API). receive the object/string/array of objects/array of strings passed from external.
shift : function(){}, //callback handled by shift public method
pop : function(){}, //callback handled by pop public method
empty : function(){} //callback handled by empty public method
答案 1 :(得分:0)
.jbgallery .jbgallery-target.zoom {
min-height: 50%;
min-width: 50%;
.jbgallery .jbgallery-target.zoom {
height: 50%;
width: 50%;
这是新css的链接 http://jsfiddle.net/ktvvW/8/
答案 2 :(得分:0)
load : function(ev){$(".zoom").css("width",$("#slider").width()),$(".zoom").css("height","auto");$(".zoom").css("left","0px");$(".zoom").css("top","auto")},
答案 3 :(得分:0)
我只能建议对image + onload事件进行一些研究。在我看来,这将是一个javascript问题。