public class Like {
private Long commentId;
private Collection<Long> accountIds;
public class Comment {
private Long personId;
private Long pageId;
private Long Id;
private String text;
private Like like;
private LocalDate commentDate;
public class Page {
private Long Id;
private Long textId;
private Collection<Comment> comments;
private LocalTime postingDate;
private ViewType type;
private String mediaUrl;
private Collection<Long> openAccountIds;
private Like like;
public class Text{
private Long accountId;
private Long Id;
private String name;
private LocalTime firstPostedTime;
private LocalTime lastPostedTime;
private ViewType type;
private Collection<Page> pages;
private Like like;
private String description;
private Collection<Long> openAccountIds;
public interface TextRepository {
Collection<Text> getAllTexts(Long accountId);
Diary getText(Long TextId);
Page getPage(Long pageId);
Comment getComment(Long commentId);
void addPageToText(Long TextId , Page page);
void addCommentToPage(Long pageId , Comment comment);
void updateText(Text text);
void deletePage(Long pageId);
void deleteComment(Long commentId);
void updateLikeToText(Long textIds);
void updateLikeToPage(Long pageId);
void updateLikeToComment(Long commentId);
答案 0 :(得分:0)
// Specifying all the fields as private will not allow
// any other class to use the data!
public class Account
public String name;
public String location;
public class Text
public Collection<Account> likedBy;
public Collection<Account> openAccounts;
public Collection<Page> pages;
public Account postedBy;
public String name; // Not sure what this field represents...
public LocalTime firstPostedTime;
public LocalTime lastPostedTime;
public ViewType type;
public String description;
// Consider using get/set methods for collections,
// so as to expose only minimal required information
// public like(Account account)
// {
// likedBy.add(account);
// }
// public dislike(Account account)
// {
// likedBy.remove(account);
// }
public class Page
public Collection<Comment> comments;
public LocalTime postingDate;
public ViewType type;
public String mediaUrl;
public Collection<Account> openAccounts;
public Collection<Account> likedBy;
// public addComment(Comment comment)
// {
// ...
// Update posting date
// }
// public addOpenAccount(Account account)
// {
// ...
// }
public class Comment
public Account postedBy;
public String text;
public Collection<Account> likedBy;
public LocalDate commentDate;
[id,name,location] ViewType
[id,description] Comment
[id,posted_by_account_id,text,postedDate] CommentLikes
[comment_id,account_id] Text
[id,account_id,name,firstPostedTime,lastPostedTime,type_Id,description] TextAccounts
[text_id,account_id] TextLikes
[text_id,account_id] TextPages
[text_id,page_id] Page
[id,mediaUrl,type_id,postingDate] PageLikes
[page_id,account_id] PageComments
[page_id,comment_id] PageAccounts