
时间:2009-10-01 16:00:15

标签: r loops for-loop apply





    day      user_id
2008/11/01    2001
2008/11/01    2002
2008/11/01    2003
2008/11/01    2004
2008/11/01    2005
2008/11/02    2001
2008/11/02    2005
2008/11/03    2001
2008/11/03    2003
2008/11/03    2004
2008/11/03    2005
2008/11/04    2001
2008/11/04    2003
2008/11/04    2004
2008/11/04    2005


# turn it to a contingency table
my_table <- table(user_id, day)

# get the streaks
rle_table <- apply(my_table,1,rle)

# verify the longest streak of "1"s for user 2001
# as.vector(tapply(rle_table$'2001'$lengths, rle_table$'2001'$values, max)["1"])

# loop to get the results
# initiate results matrix
res<-matrix(nrow=dim(my_table)[1], ncol=2)

for (i in 1:dim(my_table)[1]) {
string <- paste("as.vector(tapply(rle_table$'", rownames(my_table)[i], "'$lengths, rle_table$'", rownames(my_table)[i], "'$values, max)['1'])", sep="")
res[i,]<-c(as.integer(rownames(my_table)[i]) , eval(parse(text=string)))



5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)

apply函数并不总是(甚至通常)比for循环更快。这是R与S-Plus的联系的残余(在后者中,申请速度快于)。一个例外是lapply,它通常比for更快(因为它使用C代码)。 See this related question


你可以find Dirk's presentation on high-performance computing useful。另一种强力方法是"just-in-time compilation" with Ra instead of the normal R version,它经过优化处理for循环。

[编辑:] 显然有很多方法可以做到这一点,即使它更紧凑,这也绝不是更好。只需使用您的代码,这是另一种方法:

dt <- data.frame(table(dat))[,2:3]
dt.b <- by(dt[,2], dt[,1], rle)
t(data.frame(lapply(dt.b, function(x) max(x$length))))


答案 1 :(得分:3)


这不是关于* apply方法的答案,但我想知道这可能不是一个更快的方法来整个过程。正如Shane所说,循环并不是那么糟糕。并且......我很少向任何人展示我的代码,所以我很乐意听到对此的批评。

#Shane, I told you this was awesome
dat <- getSOTable("http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1504832/help-me-replace-a-for-loop-with-an-apply-function", 1)
colnames(dat) <- c("day", "user_id")
#Convert to dates so that arithmetic works properly on them
dat$day <- as.Date(dat$day)

#Custom rle for dates
rle.date <- function (x)
    #Accept only dates
    if (class(x) != "Date")
        stop("'x' must be an object of class \"Date\"")
    n <- length(x)
    if (n == 0L)
        return(list(lengths = integer(0L), values = x))
    #Dates need to be sorted
    x.sort <- sort(x)
    #y is a vector indicating at which indices the date is not consecutive with its predecessor
    y <- x.sort[-1L] != (x.sort + 1)[-n]
    #i returns the indices of y that are TRUE, and appends the index of the last value
    i <- c(which(y | is.na(y)), n)
    #diff tells you the distances in between TRUE/non-consecutive dates. max gets the largest of these.
    max(diff(c(0L, i)))

max.consec.use <- matrix(nrow = length(unique(dat$user_id)), ncol = 1)
rownames(max.consec.use) <- unique(dat$user_id)

for(i in 1:length(unique(dat$user_id))){
    user <- unique(dat$user_id)[i]
    uses <- subset(dat, user_id %in% user)
    max.consec.use[paste(user), 1] <- rle.date(uses$day)


答案 2 :(得分:1)


# convert to Date
day_table$day <- as.Date(day_table$day, format="%Y/%m/%d")
# split by user and then look for contiguous days
contig <- sapply(split(day_table$day, day_table$user_id), function(.days){
    .diff <- cumsum(c(TRUE, diff(.days) != 1))

答案 3 :(得分:0)


答案 4 :(得分:0)

这是Chris's suggestion for how to get the data

dat <- read.table(textConnection(
 "day      user_id
 2008/11/01    2001
 2008/11/01    2002
 2008/11/01    2003
 2008/11/01    2004
 2008/11/01    2005
 2008/11/02    2001
 2008/11/02    2005
 2008/11/03    2001
 2008/11/03    2003
 2008/11/03    2004
 2008/11/03    2005
 2008/11/04    2001
 2008/11/04    2003
 2008/11/04    2004
 2008/11/04    2005
 "), header=TRUE)