
时间:2013-02-13 21:30:48

标签: c++ if-statement while-loop counter ifstream

我是stackoverflow的新手,对编码很新,所以请事先道歉,因为我学习了这里发布的绳索以及编码规则。我正在使用C ++,并且是在CS161初学者计算机科学课程中。



    // echo the data file
    while (inData)
    inData >> name >> sex >> school >> score;
    cout << name << sex << school << score << endl;




#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main()
    //Declare variables to manipulate data
    char sex;
    string name;
    string school;
    string fileSource;
    string CC;
    string UN;
    int maleScore = 0;
    int femScore = 0;
    int unScore = 0;
    int ccScore = 0;
    double maleAvg;
    double femAvg;
    double unAvg;
    double ccAvg;
    double sumAvg = 0;
    int femCount = 0;
    int maleCount = 0;
    int ccCount = 0;
    int unCount = 0;
    int score;
    int sum;
    //Declare stream variables
    ifstream inData;
    ofstream outData;
    inData >> name >> sex >> school >> score;
    // Promt user for file location
    cout << "Please input file location: ";
    cin >> fileSource;

    // open output file and run program exit failsafe command
    if (!inData)
        cout << "Cannot open input file. "
            << "Program will now terminate." << endl;
        return 1;
    outData << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);

    // echo the data file
    while (inData)
        inData >> name >> sex >> school >> score;
        cout << name << sex << school << score << endl;

        // while reading incoming data from file, execute the conditions

        // Male and female calculations
            maleScore = maleScore +=score;
        else if(sex =='F')
            femScore = femScore +=score;

        // Community college and University calculations
        if(school == CC)
            ccScore = ccScore +=score;
        else if(school == UN)
            unScore = unScore +=score;
        maleAvg = maleScore/maleCount;

    // Male average output
    cout << maleAvg;

    femAvg = femScore/femCount;

    // Female average output
    cout << femAvg;

    ccAvg = ccScore/ccCount;

    // Community College average output
    cout << ccAvg;

    unAvg = unScore/unCount;

    // University average output
    cout << unAvg;
    sum = maleScore + femScore + ccScore + unScore;
    sumAvg = sum/12;
    cout << sumAvg;
    return 0;


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


ifstream inData;
ofstream outData;
inData >> name >> sex >> school >> score;

最后一行做什么? inData尚未公开,但您正试图从中读取。

maleScore = maleScore +=score;


maleScore += score;


maleScore = maleScore + score;


if(school == CC)



maleAvg = maleScore/maleCount;


最后,在循环中使用iostream::eof()并不是一个好主意。您可以在StackOverflow上阅读更多相关内容:Why is iostream::eof inside a loop condition considered wrong?


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std; // it's considered bad to do this - but since
                     // this is homework, we'll let it slide.

int main()
    //Declare variables to manipulate data    
    string name;
    string fileSource;

    int maleScore = 0;
    int femScore = 0;
    int unScore = 0;
    int ccScore = 0;
    int femCount = 0;
    int maleCount = 0;
    int ccCount = 0;
    int unCount = 0;

    //Declare stream variables
    ifstream inData;
    ofstream outData;

    // Promt user for file location
    cout << "Please input file location: ";
    cin >> fileSource;

    // open output file and run program exit failsafe command

        cout << "Cannot open input file. "
             << "Program will now terminate." << endl;
        return 1;

    cout << "Reading data from '" << fileSource << "'" << endl;

    while(inData >> name)
    { // If we read a name, we can continue. Otherwise, we're done.     
        char sex;       
        int score;
        string school;

        inData >> sex >> school >> score;

        // Write the data out
        cout << "Processing " << name << " (" << sex << ") attending ";

        if(school == "UN")
            cout << "University";
        else if(school == "CC")
            cout << "Community College";

        cout << ". Score = " << score << endl;

        // Male and female calculations
            maleScore +=score;
        else if(sex =='F')
            femScore +=score;

        // Community college and University calculations
        if(school == "CC")
            ccScore +=score;
        else if(school == "UN")
            unScore +=score;

    // We do static_cast<double>(maleScore) / maleCount; to ensure that
    // the division is done using floating point and not integer 
    // arithmetic. We could have multiplied the numerator by 1.0 instead.

    if(maleCount != 0)
        cout << "The average scores for males is: " << setprecision(2)
             << static_cast<double>(maleScore) / maleCount << endl;

    if(femCount != 0)
        cout << "The average score for females is: " << setprecision(2)
             << static_cast<double>(femScore) / femCount << endl;

    if(ccCount != 0)
        cout << "The average score for Community Colleges is: " << setprecision(2)
             << static_cast<double>(ccScore) / ccCount << endl;

    if(unCount != 0)
        cout << unScore << "/" << unCount << endl;

        cout << "The average score for Universities is: "  << setprecision(2)
             << static_cast<double>(unScore) / unCount << endl;

    // In this case we will use the multiplication technique instead:   
    cout << "The 'sum' average is: " << setprecision(2)
         << (1.0 * (maleScore + femScore + ccScore + unScore)) / 12 << endl;

    return 0;