function initiateChain() {
var i = 0;
var tasks = arguments;
var callback = function () {
i += 1;
if (i != tasks.length) {
tasks[i](callback); //block should call callback when done otherwise loop stops
if (tasks.length != 0) {
tasks[0](callback); //initiate first one
function getGadgets(callback) {
//ajax call
callback(); // I call this in complete callback of $.ajax
function getBooks(callback) {
//ajax call
callback(); // I call this in complete callback of $.ajax
function getDeals(callback) {
//ajax call
callback(); // I call this in complete callback of $.ajax
initiateChain(getGadgets, getBooks, getDeals);
简而言之,我有一组函数N,在这种情况下,getGadgets,getDeals和getDeals(| N | = 3)都需要连接到Web服务器。目前,我一次只能执行一个请求,因此initiateChain函数按顺序调用这三个方法。如果我有权访问M连接,我想执行| N |并行功能(最多M个)。
答案 0 :(得分:15)
function add_api_call_to_queue(qname, api_url) {
$(document).queue(qname, function() {
type : 'GET',
async : true,
url : api_url,
dataType : 'json',
success : function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
// activate the next ajax call when this one finishes
$(document).ready(function() {
var queue_name = 'a_queue';
var concurrent_calls = 2;
// add first AJAX call to queue
add_api_call_to_queue(queue_name, '/example/api/books');
// add second AJAX call to queue
add_api_call_to_queue(queue_name, '/example/api/dvds');
// add third AJAX call to queue
add_api_call_to_queue(queue_name, '/example/api/shoes');
// start the AJAX queue
for (i=0;i<concurrent_calls;i++) {
答案 1 :(得分:1)
var initiateChain = function () {
var args = arguments,
index = 0,
length = args.length,
process = function ( index ) {
if ( index < length ) {
url: '/example.php',
complete: function () {
// Callbacks get run here
args[ index ];
process( ++index );
if ( length ) {
process( 0 );
initiateChain( getGadgets, getDeals, getDeals );
答案 2 :(得分:0)
谢谢@James,我从你编辑的长度中得到了线索。因此,调用是异步ajax请求。因此,我们的想法是创建M个异步调用 upfront 。然后,当每一个完成时,他们将继续那么多。
var calls = [];
function initiateChain() {
var i = 0;
var maxSteams = 2;
var tasks = arguments;
var callback = function () {
i += 1;
if (i < tasks.length) {
tasks[i](callback); //block should call callback when done otherwise loop stops
if (tasks.length) {
i = ((tasks.length > maxSteams) ? maxSteams : tasks.length) - 1;
for (var j = 0; j < maxSteams; j+=1) {
if (j < tasks.length) {
tasks[j](callback); //initiate first set
} else {
//test methods
for(var k = 0; k < 8; k+=1 ) {
calls[k] = (function (message, index) {
return function (callback) {
var ts = new Date().getTime();
console.log(message + " started - " + ts);
setTimeout(function() {
ts = new Date().getTime();
console.log(message + " completed - " + ts);
}, index * 1000);
})("call" + (k+1), (k+1))
initiateChain(calls[0], calls[1], calls[2], calls[3],
calls[4], calls[5], calls[6], calls[7]);
call1 started - 1360580377905
call2 started - 1360580377926
call1 completed - 1360580378937
call3 started - 1360580378937
call2 completed - 1360580379937
call4 started - 1360580379937
call3 completed - 1360580381945
call5 started - 1360580381945
call4 completed - 1360580383946
call6 started - 1360580383946
call5 completed - 1360580386959
call7 started - 1360580386959
call6 completed - 1360580389950
call8 started - 1360580389950
call7 completed - 1360580393972
call8 completed - 1360580397959