使用Tweetsharp在Twitter帖子中显示百分号导致401 Unauthorized

时间:2013-02-05 16:11:02

标签: c# tweetsharp

我有一段发送推文的简单代码。保留带有%符号的消息会导致401 Unauthorized错误:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var test = new TwitterService("ConsumerKey", "ConsumerSecret", "Token", "TokenSecret");

            // "Test 1, So, I know there's no #inflation and so on...but the 10y inflation swap just went to 2.80%. 5y CPI 5y forward is 3.15%. Hmmm."
            test.SendTweet(WebUtility.HtmlEncode("Test 3, So, I know there's no #inflation and so on...but the 10y inflation swap just went to 2.80%. 5y CPI 5y forward is 3.15. Hmmm."));
        catch (Exception ex)
            if (ex.Message.Equals(""))



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