我正在尝试制作一个显示相当大数字的程序(BigInteger大)。为了方便用户,我将数字显示为字符串(1 000 000 = 1百万)。我的下面代码显示了我当前的尝试。我的问题在于,我要替换的实际数字不会很好而且很圆。此程序不需要显示 100%准确的值,而是给出一个球场图。即:
1 234 567 = 1 Million
1 000 000 = 1 Million
1 934 234 = 1 Million
if (!displayNumbers) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(_combinations);
String t = sb.reverse().toString();
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), t, 1).show();
if (t.contains("000 000 000 000 000")) {
t.replace("000 000 000 000 000", "quadrillion");
if (t.contains("000 000 000 000")) {
t.replace("000 000 000 000", "trillion");
if (t.contains("000 000 000")) {
t.replace("000 000 000", "billion");
if (t.contains("000 000")) {
t.replace("000 000", "million");
sb = new StringBuffer(t);
_combinations = sb.reverse().toString();
替换零的方法,以便它只搜索x lots of 3 digits
并替换为相应的单词,但我不知道如何实现它。我还应该注意到,我知道million, billion, etc
编辑2:做了一些谷歌搜索并发现了这个 - java Regex: replace all numerical values with one number。除了我不知道如何修改正则表达式以查找000 000
答案 0 :(得分:0)
你可以使用if和else语句来做,根据我的理解你不是在寻找精确的表示,所以可以说1400万的1百万。 为此,您可以使用以下代码:
int myValue
String txt = null;
if (myValue> 500 000 000){
txt = String.ValueOf((int) myValue/1000000000) + " Billion"
} else if (myValue> 500 000){
txt = String.ValueOf((int) myValue/1000000) + " Million"
} else if (myValue> 500) {
txt = String.ValueOf((int) myValue/1000) + " Thousand"
答案 1 :(得分:0)
为什么不直接将文本解析为整数并使用适当的显示方式对其进行格式化。 Here is a example you should take a look
答案 2 :(得分:0)
如果有人需要澄清这一点,请不要犹豫,问我!以下是pastebin的链接 - http://pastebin.com/3X681UkG
祝你好运!答案 3 :(得分:0)
private final static String[] illions = {
"m", "b", "tr", "quadr", "quint", "sext", "sept", "oct", "non", "dec",
"undec", "duodec", "tredec", "quattuordec", "quindec", "sexdec",
"septendec", "octodec", "novemdec", "vigint", "unvigint", "duovigint",
"trevigint", "quattuorvigint", "quinvigint", "sexvigint", "septenvigint",
"octovigint", "novemvigint", "trigint", "untrigint", "duotrigint"
private static String approximate( String n ) {
String approx = n;
if ( n != null && n.matches( "^\\d{1,3}[\\s,]?(\\d{3}[\\s,]?)*\\d{3}$" ) ) {
n = n.replaceAll( "[\\s,]", "" );
int i = n.length() + 2;
if ( i < 105 ) {
int rnd = (int) Math.round( Double.parseDouble( n.substring( 0, 2 ) ) / 10 )
* (int) Math.pow(10, i % 3);
n = i > 8 ? illions[ i / 3 - 3 ] + "illion" : "thousand";
approx = rnd + " " + n;
return approx;
approximate("999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999"), // "1000 duotrigintillion"
approximate("4857476486598746598743265987426598724365987265987324598726598734625987564987456"), // "5 quinvigintillion"
approximate("56843584275874587243582837465847326554"), // "60 undecillion"
approximate("1 345 678 910 111 213"), // "1 quadrillion"
approximate("47,648,658,437,651"), // "50 trillion"
approximate("9 891 011 123"), // "10 billion"
approximate("687654321"), // "700 million"
approximate("32 456 999"), // "30 million"
approximate("2,678,910"), // "3 million"
approximate("1 234 567"), // "1 million"
approximate("123456"), // "100 thousand"
approximate("17,654"), // "20 thousand"
approximate("8765"), // "9 thousand"
approximate("654") // "654"
答案 4 :(得分:-1)
String result = "";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("[\\s0-9]+");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(t);
int index = 0;
while (matcher.find()) {
int newIndex = matcher.start();
result += t.substring(index, newIndex);
result += convert(matcher.group());
index = matcher.end() + 1;
result += t.substring(index, t.length() - 1);
private String convert(String uglyNumber) {
// get rid of whitespaces
String number = uglyNumber.replace("\\s", "");
// simply count digits
if( 6 < number.length() && number.length() <= 9 ) {
return "million";
} else if( 9 < number.length() && number.length() <= 12 ) {
return "million";
} else ...
return ulgyNumber;
如果数字比数字和空格的简单组合更加复杂,您可能需要查看此regex site: