#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
unsigned int n=23;
for(int i=2; i<n; i++){
cout<<i<<", ";
}else if(i%3==0){
cout<<i<<", ";
}else if(i%5==0){
cout<<i<<", ";
return 0;
不幸的是,该代码不能满足要求。它显示数字,如14,其中包括素数7 ....数字只能被3个指定的素数(2,3,5)除。
我找到了一些我想要了解的信息,到目前为止还不确定如何实现它......可能使用了很多for()循环?所以,似乎我必须使用2 ^ n * 3 ^ m * 5 ^ k的概念,其中n + m + k> 0。
我想我必须通过一个测试运行一个数字,它首先检查它是否完全被2 ^ 1 * 3 ^ 0 * 5 ^ 0整除,然后是2 ^ 0 * 3 ^ 1 * 5 ^ 0,那么2 ^ 0 * 3 ^ 0 * 5 ^ 1,等等......不知道从哪里开始。
答案 0 :(得分:3)
这是一个着名的问题,在理查德汉明之后被称为汉明的问题,并且在Dijkstra着名的着作“ A Programming of Edulfline of the Programming 中有所涉及。数学家将这些数字称为(如果包括1)5个平滑数,因为它们的素数因子只包含小于或等于5的素数。
#include <set>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const unsigned n = 23;
set<unsigned> s;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i)
// This returns the smallest element in the set.
unsigned x = *s.begin();
cout << x << '\n';
// Erase the smallest element.
// Insert the multiples of x.
这需要O(n log n)时间来打印n个数字。使用类似的算法,通过合并延迟流,可以在O(n)时间内完成。我的解决方案使用了boost::transform_iterator
答案 1 :(得分:0)
int main() {
unsigned int n=23;
unsigned int counter=0;
unsigned int answer;
for ( answer = 2; counter < n; ++answer ) {
if ( isNotDivisibleByAPrimeGreaterThan5( i ) {
cout << answer;
return 0;
bool isNotDivisibleByAPrimeGreaterThan5( unsigned int i ) {
// return true if i is not divisable by a prime greater than 5.
答案 2 :(得分:0)
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <iostream>
template<int... s>
struct seq {};
template<int n, typename seq, typename=void>
struct can_be_factored_into;
template<int n, int first, int... rest>
struct can_be_factored_into< n, seq<first, rest...>, typename std::enable_if< (n > 1) && (n%first) >::type >: can_be_factored_into< n, seq<rest...> > {};
template<int n, int first, int... rest>
struct can_be_factored_into< n, seq<first, rest...>, typename std::enable_if< (n > 1) && !(n%first) >::type >: can_be_factored_into< n/first, seq<first, rest...> > {};
template<int n, int... rest>
struct can_be_factored_into< n, seq<rest...>, typename std::enable_if< n == 1 >::type: std::true_type {};
template<int n>
struct can_be_factored_into< n, seq<>, typename std::enable_if< n != 1 >::type: std::false_type {};
template<int n>
using my_test = can_be_factored_into< n, seq<2,3,5> >;
template<template<int n>class test, int cnt, int start=1, typename=void>
struct nth_element;
template<template<int n>class test, int cnt, int start>
struct nth_element<test, cnt, start, typename std::enable_if< (cnt>1)&&test<start>::value >::type >:
nth_element<test, cnt-1, start+1 > {};
template<template<int n>class test, int cnt, int start>
struct nth_element<test, cnt, start, typename std::enable_if< (cnt==1)&&test<start>::value >::type >
{ enum { value = start }; };
template<template<int n>class test, int cnt, int start>
struct nth_element<test, cnt, start, typename std::enable_if< !test<start>::value >::type >:
nth_element<test, cnt, start+1 > {};
int main() {
std::cout << nth_element< my_test, 1500 >::value << "\n";
缺点是它会破坏大多数编译器的编译时间递归限制。 (这是你每天的轻描淡写)
以进行指数爆炸搜索并在该范围内进行分而治之。您可能还必须修改代码以使用64位值,因为上述序列的第1500个元素可能大于2 ^ 32。
或者快速编译也是一项要求? :)
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
template<long long... s>
struct seq;
template<long long cnt, typename seq, typename=void>
struct Hamming;
template<long long cnt, long long first, long long... rest>
struct Hamming<cnt, seq<first, rest...>, typename std::enable_if< cnt == 0 >::type> {
static const long long value = first;
template<long long x, typename seq>
struct prepend;
template<long long x, long long... s>
struct prepend<x, seq<s...>>
typedef seq<x, s...> type;
template<typename s1, typename s2, typename=void>
struct merge;
template<long long begin_s1, long long... s1, long long begin_s2, long long... s2>
struct merge< seq< begin_s1, s1... >, seq< begin_s2, s2... >, typename std::enable_if< (begin_s1 < begin_s2) >::type > {
typedef typename prepend< begin_s1, typename merge< seq< s1... >, seq< begin_s2, s2... > >::type >::type type;
template<long long begin_s1, long long... s1, long long begin_s2, long long... s2>
struct merge< seq< begin_s1, s1... >, seq< begin_s2, s2... >, typename std::enable_if< (begin_s1 >= begin_s2) >::type > {
typedef typename prepend< begin_s2, typename merge< seq< begin_s1, s1... >, seq< s2... > >::type >::type type;
template<long long begin_s1, long long... s1>
struct merge< seq< begin_s1, s1... >, seq<>, void > {
typedef seq< begin_s1, s1... > type;
template<long long... s2>
struct merge< seq<>, seq<s2...>, void > {
typedef seq< s2... > type;
template<long long cnt, long long first, long long... rest>
struct Hamming<cnt, seq<first, rest...>, typename std::enable_if< cnt != 0 >::type>:
Hamming<cnt-1, typename merge< seq<first*2, first*3, first*5>, seq<rest...> >::type >
int main() {
std::cout << Hamming<1500, seq<1>>::value << "\n";
答案 3 :(得分:-1)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int IsPrime(int var);
int CheckifPrimeGreaterThaFive(int Num);
int GetFactors(int Num)
int i =0,j=0;
for (i =2,j=0; i <= Num; i++)
if (Num%i == 0)
if (1 == CheckifPrimeGreaterThaFive(i))
return 1;
return 0;
int CheckifPrimeGreaterThaFive(int Num)
if ((Num != 2 && Num != 3 && Num != 5) && IsPrime(Num))
return 1;
return 0;
int IsPrime(int var)
for (int i = 2; i <= var/2; i++)
if (var % i == 0)
return 0;
return 1;
int main() {
int n=98;
int i, FactorsCount=0;
for(i=2; i<n; i++)
if (0 == GetFactors(i))
cout<<" "<<i;
return 0;