我的问题是,如何正确地将返回块传递给NSInvocation?我没有错误,但由于某种原因,[someClass listFilesWithCompletionBlock]的完成块的原始调用者永远不会触发。
[someClass listFilesWithCompletionBlock:^(id response, id error){
onCompletion(response, error); // <-- never returns here
// someClass
// method that is called if token was valid
- (void) someMethodWithCompletionBlock:(void(^)(id response, id error))onCompletion{
// do the work that lists all of the files from server
onCompletion(response, error);
// if token was valid, call someMethod, if not then set the invocation, then call fetch token
- (void) listFilesWithCompletionBlock:(void(^)(id response, id error))onCompletion{
onCompletion(response, error){
[self someMethodWithCompletionBlock:^(id response, id error){
onCompletion(response, error);
void (^blockName)(id, id) = ^void (id response, id error){
SEL selector = @selector(listFilesWithCompletionBlock:);
NSMethodSignature *signature = [self methodSignatureForSelector:selector];
self.invocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:signature];
[self.invocation setTarget:self];
[self.invocation setSelector:selector];
[self.invocation setArgument:&blockName atIndex:2];
[self fetchToken];
// fetches token, then invokes
- (void) fetchToken{
[anotherClass fetchTokenWithCompletionBlock:^(NSString *responseToken, id error) {
// we got the token
// invoke any methods here
// should call listFiles with valid token then calls someMethod
[self.invocation invoke];