SQL Query显示特定事件的最近数据

时间:2013-01-16 05:08:37

标签: php mysql sql

我正在试图找出如何编写一个MySQL查询,该查询将返回最接近的数据,其中Actor = 210,条件为E_id = 3.


Session              Player  E_id  Time                     Actor  PosX  PosY  index
-------------------  ------  ----  -----------------------  -----  ----  ----  -----
23131885ccc560bb6c8  10125   17    01-11-2012 08:56:38.323  210    906   466   6
23131885ccc560bb6c8  10125   17    01-11-2012 08:56:38.323  210    342   540   7
23131885ccc560bb6c8  10125   17    01-11-2012 08:56:38.323  31     812   244   8
23131885ccc560bb6c8  10125   17    01-11-2012 08:56:38.323  210    248   614   9
23131885ccc560bb6c8  10125   17    01-11-2012 08:56:38.323  21     342   688   10
23131885ccc560bb6c8  10125   17    01-11-2012 08:56:38.323  49     812   170   11
23131885ccc560bb6c8  10125   17    01-11-2012 08:56:38.323  50     248   466   12
23131885ccc560bb6c8  10125   17    01-11-2012 08:56:38.323  210    718   318   13
23131885ccc560bb6c8  10125   17    01-11-2012 08:56:38.323  52     154   466   14
23131885ccc560bb6c8  10125   17    01-11-2012 08:56:38.323  211    499   250   15
23131885ccc560bb6c8  10125   3     01-11-2012 08:56:40.63   208    510   414   16
23131885ccc560bb6c8  10125   17    01-11-2012 08:56:38.323  210    248   466   17
23131885ccc560bb6c8  10125   15    01-11-2012 08:56:38.323  20     718   318   18
23131885ccc560bb6c8  10125   17    01-11-2012 08:56:38.323  52     154   466   19
23131885ccc560bb6c8  10125   17    01-11-2012 08:56:38.323  11     499   250   20
23131885ccc560bb6c8  10125   3     01-11-2012 08:56:40.63   208    510   414   21


select * from table where E_id = 3 or Actor = 210;


Session              Player  E_id  Time                     Actor  PosX  PosY  index
-------------------  ------  ----  -----------------------  -----  ----  ----  -----
23131885ccc560bb6c8  10125   17    01-11-2012 08:56:38.323  210    906   466   6
23131885ccc560bb6c8  10125   17    01-11-2012 08:56:38.323  210    342   540   7
23131885ccc560bb6c8  10125   17    01-11-2012 08:56:38.323  210    248   614   9
23131885ccc560bb6c8  10125   17    01-11-2012 08:56:38.323  210    718   318   13
23131885ccc560bb6c8  10125   3     01-11-2012 08:56:40.63   208    510   414   16
23131885ccc560bb6c8  10125   17    01-11-2012 08:56:38.323  210    248   466   17
23131885ccc560bb6c8  10125   3     01-11-2012 08:56:40.63   208    510   414   21

预期结果为:  行索引no 16和16的索引号为13的行  行索引号为21的索引号为17的行

指数16和21 e_id 3

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



select   *
from     your_tbl
where 16 - `index` >= 0 and Actor = 210
order by 16 - `index`
limit 1



select   *
from     your_tbl
where Actor = 210
order by abs(21 - `index`)
limit 1

我提出了两个问题,因为我不明白问题中最近的意思。如果它在索引距离abs(index1 - index2)方面最接近,那么对于16 17来说是好的结果,因为它们都有Actor = 210并且它们是相邻的

答案 1 :(得分:0)

这是一个非动态的答案。这意味着使用union,这不是最好的。 (归功于sqlfiddle的eggyal)


select   session, player, e_id,
time, actor, max(`index`)
from     your_tbl
where    Actor = 210
select   session, player, e_id,
time, actor, `index`
from     your_tbl
where    e_id = 3

|             SESSION | PLAYER | E_ID |                      TIME | ACTOR | MAX(`INDEX`) |
| 23131885ccc560bb6c8 |  10125 |   17 | January, 11 2012 08:56:38 |   210 |           17 |
| 23131885ccc560bb6c8 |  10125 |    3 | January, 11 2012 08:56:40 |   208 |           16 |
| 23131885ccc560bb6c8 |  10125 |    3 | January, 11 2012 08:56:40 |   208 |           21 |

答案 2 :(得分:0)

This is the test that it works

我真的不知道第三个或声明是否真的需要,但如果您的应用程序可能将其用作特殊情况,您可以根据需要将其删除。如果您要删除我使用的额外行,而不是选择* 在变量赋值之后,请将其更改为:

select `Session`, `Player`, `E_id`, `Time`, `Actor`, `PosX`, `PosY`, `index` ...


 set @i = 0; 
    set @j = 0; 
    set @k = 0;
    set @l = 0;

    select * from (select *, @i:=@i+1 as myrow from your_tbl where E_id = 3 or Actor=210) as tb1 
    where myrow in
    (select myrow2-1 from 
    (select *, @j:=@j+1 as myrow2 from your_tbl where E_id = 3 or Actor=210) as tb2 
         where E_id=3) or myrow in
    (select myrow3+1 from 
    (select *, @k:=@k+1 as myrow3 from your_tbl where E_id = 3 or Actor=210) as tb3 
         where E_id=3) or myrow in
    (select myrow4 from 
    (select *, @l:=@l+1 as myrow4 from your_tbl where E_id = 3 or Actor=210) as tb4 
         where E_id=3)

答案 3 :(得分:-1)
