在C ++中将二维数组传递给函数

时间:2013-01-05 16:16:17

标签: c++ arrays function dimensional

我正在尝试将二维数组传递给numOfStudents函数,但Visual Studio给出了一个错误说:




#include <stdio.h>
#include <cstring>

int unsigned numOfStudents(char **namesArray, int *, FILE *);
void printArrays(char **namesArray, int *marksArray, int loopCounter);
int unsigned minMark(int);
int unsigned maxMark(int);
int unsigned averageMark(int);

//Two constants used later to create array of characters
const int MAX_SIZE = 10;
const int NAME_LENGTH = 30;

int main()
    // Declaring array which will hold all names from file
    char namesArray[MAX_SIZE][NAME_LENGTH];
    int unsigned studentNumber = 0;
    int loopCounter = 0;
    int marksArray[MAX_SIZE]; //Array will hold the marks of students, it needs to be same size as the previous array

    FILE *file; //creating pointer to a file
    file = fopen("names.txt", "r"); //telling the pointer where the file is and how to access it

    loopCounter = numOfStudents(namesArray, marksArray, file);
    //System pause - will hold console window open
    return 0;

int unsigned numOfStudents(int *marksArray, char **namesArray, FILE *file)
    char tempArrayName[50]; //Temporary array to hold names
    char tempArrayLastName[50]; //Temporary array to hold last names
    int i = 0; //Counter
    bool stop = false;

    if(file == NULL)
        printf("\nFile has been not opened correctly\n");
        while (stop == false)
            //Reading the file in order to get 3 separate lines which are assumed as a single record of one student
            fscanf(file, "%s\n%s\n%d", tempArrayName, tempArrayLastName, &marksArray[i]);
            //Following lines are compying strings from temp arrays into main array and adding a space for better readability
            strcpy(namesArray[i], tempArrayName);
            strcat(namesArray[i], " ");
            strcat(namesArray[i], tempArrayLastName);
            //Chcecking if the sentinel value was read in order to stop the loop
            stop = strcmp(tempArrayName, "****");
            i++; //adding the counter
            //Checking if file is too big, before program will crash with an internal error
            if (i == MAX_SIZE)
                printf("ERROR!!! FILE TOO BIG TO READ!");
                stop == true;

    return i;

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


int unsigned numOfStudents(char **namesArray, int *, FILE *);


int unsigned numOfStudents(int *marksArray, char **namesArray, FILE *file)


int unsigned numOfStudents(char **namesArray, int *marksArray, FILE *file)

答案 1 :(得分:0)

2D数组可以是pain to pass around,为什么不使用std::string并传递它们的数组(或引用std::vector)?

答案 2 :(得分:0)

int unsigned numOfStudents(char **namesArray, int *, FILE *);  // declaration

int unsigned numOfStudents(int *marksArray, char **namesArray, FILE *file) // definition


答案 3 :(得分:0)


int unsigned numOfStudents(char **namesArray, int *, FILE *);


int unsigned numOfStudents(int *marksArray, char **namesArray, FILE *file)

      ---*** Your Code Here ***---



int unsigned numOfStudents(char **namesArray, int *marksArray, FILE *file)

      ---*** Your Code Here ***---
