如何使用php sdk检索facebook收件箱

时间:2012-12-31 05:54:59

标签: php facebook


我的目标是创建一个允许我检索和发送Facebook消息的应用程序,就像facebook messenger应用程序一样,我已经在heroku中托管了我的半功能代码,并且能够请求权限从用户那里读取数据登录到应用程序。

我可以使用facebook php sdk和以下代码行检索登录用户的一些信息(在本例中是我自己的帐户):

//the facebook object is created
$facebook = new Facebook(array(
'appId'  => AppInfo::appID(),
 'secret' => AppInfo::appSecret(),
 'sharedSession' => true,
 'trustForwarded' => true,

 $user_id = $facebook->getUser();
 if ($user_id) {
 try {
   // Fetch the viewer's basic information
    $basic = $facebook->api('/me');
 } catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
     // If the call fails we check if we still have a user. The user will be
     // cleared if the error is because of an invalid accesstoken
if (!$facebook->getUser()) {
  header('Location: '. AppInfo::getUrl($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));

   // This fetches some things that you like . 'limit=*" only returns * values.
  // To see the format of the data you are retrieving, use the "Graph API
   // Explorer" which is at https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer/
   $likes = idx($facebook->api('/me/likes?limit=4'), 'data', array());

  // This fetches 4 of your friends.
   $friends = idx($facebook->api('/me/friends?limit=4'), 'data', array());

   // And this returns 16 of your photos.
   $photos = idx($facebook->api('/me/photos?limit=16'), 'data', array());


  <section id="samples" class="clearfix">
  <h1>Examples of the Facebook Graph API</h1>

  <div class="list">
    <h3>A few of your friends</h3>
    <ul class="friends">
        foreach ($friends as $friend) {
          // Extract the pieces of info we need from the requests above
          $id = idx($friend, 'id');
          $name = idx($friend, 'name');
        <a href="https://www.facebook.com/<?php echo he($id); ?>" target="_top">
          <img src="https://graph.facebook.com/<?php echo he($id) ?>/picture?type=square" alt="<?php echo he($name); ?>">
          <?php echo he($name); ?>


 $messages = $facebook->api('/me/inbox');

但它似乎返回了很多嵌套数组,我无法从中获取任何可用的数据。 我一直在尝试使用foreach方法,就像其他方法一样,但每次回声的唯一方法就是“数组”。

刚才我在$ messages对象上使用了var_dump方法,它显示了数组的嵌套层次结构,但是,我不知道如何从那里获取信息,这里有一些回显的字符串:

array(25) { [0]=> array(6) { ["id"]=> string(13) "[idnumbersIcantshow]" ["to"]=> array(1) { ["data"]=> array(2) { [0]=> array(2) { ["name"]=> string(12) "MyName" ["id"]=> string(10) "idnumbersIcantshow" } [1]=> array(2) { ["name"]=> string(9) "TheOtherPersonName" ["id"]=> string(10) "idnumbersIcantshow" } } } ["updated_time"]=> string(24) "2012-12-31T05:35:28+0000" ["unread"]=> int(0) ["unseen"]=> bool(false) ["comments"]=> array(2) { ["data"]=> array(25) { [0]=> array(4) { ["id"]=> string(16) "idnumbersIcantshow" ["from"]=> array(2) { ["name"]=> string(9) "TheOtherPersonName" ["id"]=> string(10) "idnumbersIcantshow" } ["message"]=> string(24) "Message That Was Sent That I wont show" ["created_time"]=> string(24) "2012-10-13T04:11:24+0000" } [1]=> array(4) { ["id"]=> string(16) "idnumbersIcantshow" ["from"]=> array(2) { ["name"]=> string(9) "TheOtherPersonName" ["id"]=> string(10) "idnumbersIcantshow" } ["message"]=> string(53) "Another Message Sent which I wont show either" ["created_time"]=> string(24) "2012-10-13T04:11:41+0000" } [2]=> array(4) { ["id"]=> string(16) "idnumbersIcantshow" ["from"]=> array(2) { ["name"]=> string(12) "MyName" ["id"]=> string(10) "idnumbersIcantshow" } ["message"]=> string(45) "More private bla bla bla" ["created_time"]=> string(24) "2012-10-13T04:12:24+0000" } [3]=> array(4) { ["id"]=> string(16) .... and it keeps going with all my conversations




foreach($messages as $message)
  <div id="messages">

<?php echo var_dump($message);?>



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