
时间:2012-12-27 13:46:44

标签: c output



  1. 首先,客户输入他的ID。如果找不到,它会退出到主菜单,否则它会继续(客户必须在数据库中注册一个存储在另一个文件中的ID)

  2. 它询问他们将要购买哪种产品(它要求产品名称[这是讲师如何通过名称获得它],如果没有找到它,否则它会继续存在

  3. 它询问他们将购买多少并检查库存是否足够。如果是,则以其他方式询问用户是否要输入另一个号码或退出

  4. 价格自动计算并确认已确认。如果客户确认,则保存完成,否则退出到主菜单

  5. 现在我的问题是,即使我的STRUCT正在保存,每当我在数据库中输出任何ORDER时(现在进行测试,因为我需要客户的最后订单)数据库始终显示为EMPTY。下面是编码[相当长,我很抱歉,但我无法理解哪里出错]并且还将提供List All功能。


    void customerOrder()
        int checkID = 0; //variable to hold the ID input
        char ch;
        char ch1;
        char ch2;
        char option;
        char tempName [100];
        int  order = 0;
        int  tempStock = 0;
        float tempPrice = 0;
        printf ("\n\n\n\n\t\t    ************* Add Customer Order *************\n \n \n");
        // ----------- LOADING OF THE 3 DATA FILES -----------//
        if ((ofp = fopen ("orders.dat","a+b")) == NULL)
            fputs   ("Error! Cannot open orders.dat\n",stderr);
            system  ("PAUSE");
        rewind (ofp);
        if ((cfp = fopen ("customers.dat","r"))== NULL)
            fputs ("Error! Cannot open customers.dat\n",stderr);
            system ("PAUSE");
        rewind (cfp);
        if ((pfp = fopen ("products.dat","r+b"))== NULL)
            fputs ("Error! Cannot open products.dat\n",stderr);
            system ("PAUSE");
        rewind (pfp);
        //-------- Confirm whether to start Order ------------//
        printf ("WARNING: In order for an Order to be made, the Customer must be in the Database\n");
        printf ("Are you sure you want to continue? Y or N\n");
        while (getchar() !='\n')
        ch1 = getchar ();
        if (ch1 == 'Y' || ch1 == 'y')
            // ---- INPUT OF CUSTOMER ID --------------//
            printf ("\nPlease Enter ID: ");
                while (scanf ("%d",&checkID) == 0)
                    printf ("\n\nInvalid Input!!!\n");
                    printf ("Either you have entered a Letter!!\n");
                    printf ("Press 'Y' to enter another ID or any key to return to MainMenu\n\n");
                    while (getchar()!='\n')
                    option = getchar();
                    if (option == 'Y' || option == 'y')
                        printf ("\nPlease Enter Another ID Number:\n");
                        printf ("\nReturning to Order Management Menu\n");
                        system ("PAUSE");
                //---------- CHECK WHETHER ID EXISTS OTHERWISE EXIT TO MENU --------------//
                while (fread (&c, STRUCTSIZEC,1,cfp) == 1)
                    if (c.ID == checkID)
                        printf ("\n\n\n\n\t\t    ************* Add Customer Order *************\n \n \n");
                        // SHOWS WHICH ID IS BEING SERVED //
                        printf ("\n\nNew Order For ID: %d\n", c.ID);
                        // ASKS WHICH PRODUCT TO BUY //
                        printf ("\nWhich Product do you want to buy?\n\n");
                        printf ("WARNING! Product Name is CASE SENSITIVE:\n");
                        // INPUT NAME //
                        printf ("Product Name: ");
                        while (getchar() !='\n')
                        fgets  (tempName, 100, stdin);
                        while (fread (&p, STRUCTSIZEP,1,pfp)== 1)
                            if (strncmp (tempName,p.pName,sizeof(tempName)) == 0)
                        // --- SHOWING ID and WHICH PRODUCT CUSTOMER IS GOING TO BUY -- //
                        clrscr ();
                        printf ("\n\n\n\n\t\t    ************* Add Customer Order *************\n \n \n");
                        printf ("Order for ID: %d\n", c.ID);
                        printf ("Product Name: %s\n\n", p.pName);
                        tempStock = p.pStock;
                        printf ("How many do you wish to buy?\n");
                        printf ("Currently there is %d in Stock", tempStock);
                        printf ("Order:  ");
                        while (scanf ("%d",&order) == 0)
                            printf ("Invalid Order! Only Numbers are  allowed!\n");
                            while (getchar() !='\n')
                        //---- CHECK WEHTHER ORDER IS BIGGER THAN WHAT IS FOUND IN STOCK ----//
                        //---- IF YES ASK IF USER WANTS TO INPUT ANOTHER NUMBER OR EXIT ----//
                        while (order > tempStock)
                            printf ("There is not enough items in Stock to satisfy that quantity!\n");
                            printf ("Do you want to enter another quantity? 'Y' for yes, any key to return to Menu\n");
                            fflush (stdin);
                            ch2 = getchar();
                            if (ch2 == 'Y' || ch2 == 'y')
                                printf ("Please enter another quantity:\n");
                                scanf ("%d",&order);
                                printf ("Order Canceled! Returning to Main Menu");
                                system ("PAUSE");
                                fclose (cfp);
                                fclose (ofp);
                                fclose (pfp);
                        printf ("\nTotal Price for this Order will be:\n");
                        tempPrice = (order * p.pPrice);
                        printf ("Total: %.2f\n", tempPrice);
                        // ---- SHOW THE TRANSACTION OF THE USER AND ASK WHETHER TO CONFIRM ---- //
                        printf ("\n\n\n\n\t\t    ************* Add Customer Order *************\n \n \n");
                        printf ("This is the Customer's Overview of Purchase:\n\n");
                        printf ("Customer's ID: %d\n",c.ID);
                        printf ("Customer's Product: %s",p.pName);
                        printf ("Order: %d\n",order);
                        printf ("Total Price: %.2f\n\n",tempPrice);
                        printf ("\n\n----------------------------------------\n\n");
                        printf ("Are you sure you of this transaction?\n");
                        printf ("Warning: After Confirming you cannot change the Order!\n");
                        printf ("Press 'Y' to confirm the Transaction otherwise press 'N' to cancel the order and return to Main Menu\n");
                        while (getchar() !='\n')
                        ch = getchar();
                        if (ch == 'N' || ch == 'n')
                             printf ("Transaction CANCELLED! Returning to Order Main Menu!\n");
                             system ("PAUSE");
                         else if (ch == 'y' || ch == 'Y')
                             tempStock = (tempStock - order);
                             p.pStock = tempStock; //Updates the new stock number in Products' Database
                             fseek (pfp,-STRUCTSIZEP,SEEK_CUR);
                             fwrite(&p, STRUCTSIZEP,1,pfp);
                             fclose (pfp);
                             o.quantity = order;
                             o.cID = c.ID;
                             o.price = tempPrice;
                             strncpy(o.pName,p.pName, sizeof(p.pName));
                             o.timer = time(NULL);
                             fwrite (&o,STRUCTSIZEO,1,ofp);
                             fclose (ofp); //Closing of Files
                             fclose (cfp);
                             fclose (pfp);
                             printf("The Transaction Order saved is as follows:\n");
                             printf("ID: %d\nProduct: %sQuantity: %d\nPrice: %.2f\n",o.cID,o.pName,o.quantity,o.price);
                             printf("Transaction Made at: %s\n",asctime(localtime(&o.timer)));
                             system ("PAUSE");
            printf ("Returning to Order Main Menu\n");
            system ("PAUSE");


    void oListAll()
        order o;
        printf ("\n\n\n\n\t\t    ********** Current Products in the Database *******\n \n \n");
        //--------------- LOADING OF FILE ------------ //
        if ((ofp = fopen ("orders.dat","rb")) == NULL)
            fputs ("Cannot open products.dat file!\n",stderr);
            printf ("Returning to Order Main Menu\n");
            system ("PAUSE");
        rewind (ofp);
        // --------- START TO TRAVERSE THE DATABASE AND OUTPUT DATA -------- //
        printf ("Current Orders in the Database:\n");
        while (fread (&o, STRUCTSIZEO,1,pfp)==1)
            printf (" Name: %s Price: %.2f\n In Stock: %d\n\n", o.pName, o.price, o.quantity);
        system ("PAUSE");


    1. http://tinypic.com/r/110x7c2/6
    2. http://tinypic.com/r/1446ya/6
    3. http://tinypic.com/r/315iy3s/6
    4. http://tinypic.com/r/15xo4lt/6
    5. http://tinypic.com/r/2ze9wfr/6
    6. http://tinypic.com/r/jtx8xw/6
    7. 我知道它相当长,但请耐心等待我,我已经超过4个小时试图弄清楚它有什么问题。非常感谢

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您的oListAll()功能会打开FILE *ofp,但会从pfp读取。尝试阅读ofp

答案 1 :(得分:1)



void customerOrder()
    int checkId = getCustomerID(); // Checks the DB to see if user exists
    bool productExists = checkProduct(tempName); // Checks the DB to see if product exists
    int productCount = getProductCount(tempName);  // Checks the DB to get count of items in stock
    saveOrder(checkId, tempName, order);  // Save the order

// Save the order in DB. Ensures FILE pointers are closed when done
void saveOrder(int customerID, const char * productName, int count)
    order o;
    // Create the order here....
    FILE *ofp = fopen ("orders.dat","ab");
    if (NULL != ofp) {
        fwrite (&o,STRUCTSIZEO,1,ofp);
        fclose (ofp); //Closing of Files