function runValidation()
// Element Variables
var name_first = document.forms[0].elements["name_first"];
var name_last = document.forms[0].elements["name_last"];
var address_email = document.forms[0].elements["address_email"];
var address_number = document.forms[0].elements["address_number"];
var address_postal = document.forms[0].elements["address_postal"];
var url_link = document.forms[0].elements["other_website"];
var user_age = document.forms[0].elements["other_age"];
// Arrays of elements and functions
var userVariables = new Array(name_first, name_last, address_email, address_number, address_postal, url_link, user_age);
var userFunctions = new Array(valName, valName, valEmail, valNum, valCode, valLink, valAge);
var userFuncExec = new Array();
for (i = 0; i < userVariables.length - 1; i++)
userFuncExec[i] = userFunctions[i](userVariables[i]);
if ( userFuncExec[i] == false )
userVariables[i].value = "";
return false;
// If the function has not returned false , then the form is valid;
// This is the validation for the contact form of Exquisite Taste
var debugOn = true; // toggles debug alerts.
function runValidation()
// Element Variables
var name_first = document.forms[0].elements["name_first"];
var name_last = document.forms[0].elements["name_last"];
var address_email = document.forms[0].elements["address_email"];
var address_number = document.forms[0].elements["address_number"];
var address_postal = document.forms[0].elements["address_postal"];
var url_link = document.forms[0].elements["other_website"];
var user_age = document.forms[0].elements["other_age"];
// Arrays of elements and functions
var userVariables = new Array(name_first, name_last, address_email, address_number, address_postal, url_link, user_age);
var userFunctions = new Array(valName, valName, valEmail, valNum, valCode, valLink, valAge);
var userFuncExec = new Array();
for (i = 0; i < userVariables.length - 1; i++)
userFuncExec[i] = userFunctions[i](userVariables[i]);
if ( userFuncExec[i] == false )
userVariables[i].value = "";
return false;
// If the function has not returned false , then the form is valid;
function valName(nam)
// This validates whatever name is passed.
if(nam.value.length > 1)
alert("Name is valid");
return true;
alert("Please enter a name that is at least 2 characters long.");
return false;
function valEmail(email)
// This function checks to see if the email address entered is valid.
// Check if the email field is less than 10 characters ( 3@3.2-3 = 10 - 11 characters for the shortest email address)
if ( email.value.length < 10 )
alert("Your email is too short to be valid.")
return false;
// Check to see the email has at least one period and one @ symbol
if ( email.value.indexOf(".") < 0 || email.value.indexOf("@") < 0)
alert("The format of your email is invalid. All emails require a '.' and a '@'");
return false;
// Check if the last index of the '.' is after the '@' symbol & make sure there is only one index of '@'
if ( email.value.lastIndexOf(".") < email.value.indexOf("@") || email.value.indexOf("@") != email.value.lastIndexOf("@") )
alert("Your email is invalid and may have too many @ symbols or have them in the wrong place");
return false;
// Check to see that the index of the last '.' has at least two characters after it. bentiessen@gmail[.]com
if ( email.value.lastIndexOf(".") > email.value.length-3 )
alert("Your top level domain has to be at least 2 characters");
return false;
// Check to see if the split array has at least 3 characters in each section except for the last (TLD).
var email_attributes = new Array();
var email_attributes = email.value.split("."); // tiessen-b@webmail.uwinnipeg.ca
for ( i = 0; i < email_attributes.length - 2; i++ ) // -2 = (-1 so length = index; and -1 so the last section isn't included.)
// If one of the characters in the array value is '@' and the string length is < 3 then it isn't long enough.
if ( email_attributes[i].indexOf("@") > -1 )
// If the length of the string - 1 (for the '@') symbol is not considered a valid symbol.
if ( ( email_attributes[i].length - 1 ) < 3 )
alert("Your email doesn't have a long enough section");
return false;
// If it got this far it is probably a valid email address.
alert("Your email is valid!");
return true;
function valNum(num)
// This function validates a 10 or 12 digit phone number
var isNum = /[0-9]/; // If the value is a number
// Check to see if the number length is either 10 or 12
if ( num.value.length == 10 || num.value.length == 12)
// Make sure every character is a number.
for (i = 0; i < num.value.length; i++)
if ( !isNum.test( num.value.charAt(i) ) )
alert("You have entered an invalid number.");
return false;
else if ( num.value.length == 12 )
// split all numbers into an array with a delimiter of '-'
var numbers = num.value.split("-");
// check if the array length is not 3 or has 4 digits in the last section
if ( numbers.length != 3 || numbers[0].length > 3 || numbers[1].length > 3 );
alert("Your number is not formatted correctly. Make sure it is formatted like this: 204-290-9611.");
return false;
// loop through each section of the numbers array and make sure they are all numbers
for ( l = 0; l < numbers.length - 1; l++ )
for ( i = 0; i < numbers[l].length; i++)
if ( !isNum.test(numbers[l].charAt(i)) )
alert("Your phone number has invalid characters");
return false;
alert("Phone number is invalid");
return false;
alert("Phone number is invalid");
return true;
function valCode(code)
// This function validates a postal code.
var valid = true;
var isChar = /[A-z]/;
var isNum = /[0-9]/;
// Make sure the postal code is 6 characters long.
if( code.value.length != 6)
alert("Please enter a 6 digit/character postal code");
return false;
if ( !isChar.test( code.value.charAt(0) ) )
valid = false;
if ( !isNum.test( code.value.charAt(1) ) )
valid = false;
if ( !isChar.test( code.value.charAt(2) ) )
valid = false;
if ( !isNum.test( code.value.charAt(3) ) )
valid = false;
if ( !isChar.test( code.value.charAt(4) ) )
valid = false;
if ( !isNum.test( code.value.charAt(5) ) )
valid = false;
if (valid)
alert("Postal Code is valid");
return true;
alert("Your Postal Code is formatted incorrectly.");
return false;
function valLink(link)
if(link.value.length > 0)
linkParts = link.value.split(".");
if ( linkParts[0] == "www" || linkParts[0] == "http://www")
if( linkParts[linkParts.length-1].length < 2 || linkParts.length < 3)
alert("Invalid domain");
return true;
alert("invalid host");
return true;
function valAge(age)
// This function validates the users age.
var parsedAge = parseInt(age.value, 10);
if( age.value.length > 0 )
if( isNaN(parsedAge) )
alert("invalid age");
if(age.value < 1 || age.value > 125)
alert("Is that your real age? Please try again...");
return true;
// If the user doesn't submit anything return true and validate (Age is optional).
alert("Age is empty but valid.");
return true;
<form method="post" enctype="text/plain" action="http://www.cs.tut.fi/cgi-bin/run/~jkorpela/echo.cgi" name="contactForm">
<p>First Name:</p>
<input name="name_first" type="text" />
<p>Last Name:</p>
<input name="name_last" type="text" />
<p>Email Address:</p>
<input name="address_email" type="text" />
<p>Phone Number:</p>
<input name="address_number" type="text" />
<p>Postal Code:</p>
<input name="address_postal" type="text" />
<input name="other_website" type="text" />
<input name="other_age" type="text" />
<div style="text-align:right; margin-right:20px;">
<input name="submit" type="button" value="Send" onclick="runValidation();"/>
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在循环定义中使用for (var i = 0;...
而不是for (i = 0
javascript中的变量范围可能很难理解。 What is the scope of variables in JavaScript?的答案有一个很好的解释。