Drupal 6.x根据角色向用户发送不同的欢迎电子邮件

时间:2012-12-19 22:12:47

标签: drupal

我对Drupal来说几乎是全新的,我正在开展一个项目,我们的目标之一是在注册后向一组用户发送不同的注册电子邮件。我的想法是创建一个可以在电子邮件中使用的令牌,该令牌将由用户的角色决定。我进入了user.module并添加了这个。     角色;

if($welcomer == 'Student Member'){
$copying = "SPECIAL EMAIL TEXT";
$copying = "GENERAL EMAIL TEXT";
} ?>


<?php '!sendit' => $copying, ?>


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Don't hack the Drupal core或者当您更新Drupal时,您的所有代码都将丢失。


function yourModuleName_form_user_register_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
    // Add your own function to the array of submit callbacks
    $form['#submit'][] = 'yourModuleName_user_register_submit';

function yourModuleName_user_register_submit($form, &$form_state) {
    // I don't think this line is correct but don't have an environment to test in at the moment
    // Do a print_r here on $form_state['values'] and see where the user roles are stored
    $roles = $form_state['values']['roles'];

    if(in_array('Student Member', $roles) {
        // send student email here
    } elseif(in_array('Teacher Member', $roles) {
        // send teacher email here