在Haskell中使用动态编程? [警告:ProjectEuler 31解决方案内部]

时间:2012-12-14 01:18:37

标签: haskell ocaml dynamic-programming

在解决projecteuler.net的问题#31 [ SPOILERS AHEAD ](计算用英镑硬币赚2英镑的方式)时,我想使用动态编程。我从OCaml开始,编写了简短而有效的编程:

open Num

let make_dyn_table amount coins =
  let t = Array.make_matrix (Array.length coins) (amount+1) (Int 1) in
  for i = 1 to (Array.length t) - 1 do
    for j = 0 to amount do
      if j < coins.(i) then
        t.(i).(j) <- t.(i-1).(j)
        t.(i).(j) <- t.(i-1).(j) +/ t.(i).(j - coins.(i))

let _ =
  let t = make_dyn_table 200 [|1;2;5;10;20;50;100;200|] in
  let last_row = Array.length t - 1 in
  let last_col = Array.length t.(last_row) - 1 in
  Printf.printf "%s\n" (string_of_num (t.(last_row).(last_col)))


我将程序翻译成Haskell(本身绝对不是很有趣),虽然它以200便士的正确答案终止,但如果我将这个数字增加到10000,我的笔记本电脑就会嘎然而止(很多颠簸) )。这是代码:

import Data.Array

createDynTable :: Int -> Array Int Int -> Array (Int, Int) Int
createDynTable amount coins =
    let numCoins = (snd . bounds) coins
        t = array ((0, 0), (numCoins, amount))
            [((i, j), 1) | i <- [0 .. numCoins], j <- [0 .. amount]]
    in t

populateDynTable :: Array (Int, Int) Int -> Array Int Int -> Array (Int, Int) Int
populateDynTable t coins =
    go t 1 0
        where go t i j
                 | i > maxX = t
                 | j > maxY = go t (i+1) 0
                 | j < coins ! i = go (t // [((i, j), t ! (i-1, j))]) i (j+1)
                 | otherwise = go (t // [((i, j), t!(i-1,j) + t!(i, j - coins!i))]) i (j+1)
              ((_, _), (maxX, maxY)) = bounds t

changeCombinations amount coins =
    let coinsArray = listArray (0, length coins - 1) coins
        dynTable = createDynTable amount coinsArray
        dynTable' = populateDynTable dynTable coinsArray
        ((_, _), (i, j)) = bounds dynTable
      dynTable' ! (i, j)

main =
    print $ changeCombinations 200 [1,2,5,10,20,50,100,200]


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:11)


j < coins ! i = go (t // [((i, j), t ! (i-1, j))]) i (j+1)



所使用的算法依赖于可变数据结构的效率,但可变性仅限于计算,因此我们可以使用旨在允许使用临时可变数据进行安全屏蔽计算的ST状态转换器monad系列,以及相关的[unboxed,for efficiency]数组。



module Main (main) where

import System.Environment (getArgs)

import Data.Array.ST
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Array.Unboxed

standardCoins :: [Int]
standardCoins = [1,2,5,10,20,50,100,200]

changeCombinations :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
changeCombinations amount coins = runST $ do
    let coinBound = length coins - 1
        coinsArray :: UArray Int Int
        coinsArray = listArray (0, coinBound) coins
    table <- newArray((0,0),(coinBound, amount)) 1 :: ST s (STUArray s (Int,Int) Int)
    let go i j
            | i > coinBound = readArray table (coinBound,amount)
            | j > amount   = go (i+1) 0
            | j < coinsArray ! i = do
                v <- readArray table (i-1,j)
                writeArray table (i,j) v
                go i (j+1)
            | otherwise = do
                v <- readArray table (i-1,j)
                w <- readArray table (i, j - coinsArray!i)
                writeArray table (i,j) (v+w)
                go i (j+1)
    go 1 0

main :: IO ()
main = do
    args <- getArgs
    let amount = case args of
                   a:_ -> read a
                   _   -> 200
    print $ changeCombinations amount standardCoins


$ time ./mutArr

real    0m0.002s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.001s
$ time ./mutArr 1000000

real    0m0.439s
user    0m0.128s
sys     0m0.310s



$ diff mutArr.hs mutArrIgr.hs
< changeCombinations :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
> changeCombinations :: Int -> [Int] -> Integer
<     table <- newArray((0,0),(coinBound, amount)) 1 :: ST s (STUArray s (Int,Int) Int)
>     table <- newArray((0,0),(coinBound, amount)) 1 :: ST s (STArray s (Int,Int) Integer)
<                 writeArray table (i,j) (v+w)
>                 writeArray table (i,j) $! (v+w)

只需要调整两种类型的签名 - 数组必然会被装箱,所以我们需要确保我们不会在第28行向数组写入thunk,并且

$ time ./mutArrIgr 

real    0m0.002s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.002s
$ time ./mutArrIgr 1000000

real    0m1.314s
user    0m1.157s
sys     0m0.156s

Int s溢出的大结果的计算明显更长,但正如预期的那样与O'Caml相当。


module Main (main) where

import System.Environment (getArgs)

import Data.Array.ST
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Array.Unboxed
import Control.Monad (forM_)

standardCoins :: [Int]
standardCoins = [1,2,5,10,20,50,100,200]

changeCombinations :: Int -> [Int] -> Integer
changeCombinations amount coins = runST $ do
    let coinBound = length coins - 1
        coinsArray :: UArray Int Int
        coinsArray = listArray (0, coinBound) coins
    table <- newArray((0,0),(coinBound, amount)) 1 :: ST s (STArray s (Int,Int) Integer)
    forM_ [1 .. coinBound] $ \i ->
        forM_ [0 .. amount] $ \j ->
            if j < coinsArray!i
              then do
                  v <- readArray table (i-1,j)
                  writeArray table (i,j) v
              else do
                v <- readArray table (i-1,j)
                w <- readArray table (i, j - coinsArray!i)
                writeArray table (i,j) $! (v+w)
    readArray table (coinBound,amount)

main :: IO ()
main = do
    args <- getArgs
    let amount = case args of
                   a:_ -> read a
                   _   -> 200
    print $ changeCombinations amount standardCoins


$ time ./mutArrIgrM 1000000

real    0m1.440s
user    0m1.273s
sys     0m0.164s

答案 1 :(得分:4)

你可以利用Haskell的懒惰而不是自己安排数组填充,而是依靠懒惰的评估来按正确的顺序进行。 (对于大输入,您需要增加堆栈大小。)

import Data.Array

createDynTable :: Integer -> Array Int Integer -> Array (Int, Integer) Integer
createDynTable amount coins =
    let numCoins = (snd . bounds) coins
        t = array ((0, 0), (numCoins, amount))
            [((i, j), go i j) | i <- [0 .. numCoins], j <- [0 .. amount]]
        go i j | i == 0        = 1
               | j < coins ! i = t ! (i-1, j)
               | otherwise     = t ! (i-1, j) + t ! (i, j - coins!i)
    in t

changeCombinations amount coins =
    let coinsArray = listArray (0, length coins - 1) coins
        dynTable = createDynTable amount coinsArray
        ((_, _), (i, j)) = bounds dynTable
       dynTable ! (i, j)

main =
    print $ changeCombinations 200 [1,2,5,10,20,50,100,200]