可以在IntelliJ Idea中超链接评论吗?

时间:2012-12-08 14:56:56

标签: java android intellij-idea

我正在使用IntelliJ Idea for Android devleopment。有什么方法可以在IDE中超链接两个注释。例如

档案 a.java

import a;

* This class does something and something
* and does implements interface b, 
* (i want a hyperlink here, if pressed opens file b.java in IDE and cursor is at comments        
*  before method n)

public class a {
  //do something

档案 b.java

import k;

public interface b {

   public j;
   public m;
    * This will be used when this and this will happen.
   public n;

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:16)

您可以使用Javadocs'@see标记 - 示例here


* Bla bla bla
* @see b#n
public class a

答案 1 :(得分:5)



 * {@link Class#method}
public void myMethod() {


答案 2 :(得分:1)


* This class does something and something
* and does implements interface [b.n]