
时间:2012-12-05 17:51:38

标签: c# memory image-processing out-of-memory


  How to crop huge image



这对我造成了内存问题。因为我试图将5幅图像(8000 x 8000)裁剪成瓷砖。一次一个。

如果我错了,请纠正我,但那是8000x8000x4字节= 244 MB。每张图片。



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

所以,这是一件非常重要的事情 - 基本上,你必须为给定的图像格式重新实现图像解码器。这不简单

对于“简单”的Windows BMP格式,有这些野兽需要应对:


(注意:仅限Windows BMP!)

void Main()
    // Carve out a 100x100 chunk
    var top = 100;
    var left = 100;
    var bottom = 300;
    var right = 300;

    // For BMP only - open input
    var fs = File.OpenRead(@"c:\temp\testbmp.bmp");

    // Open output
    if(File.Exists(@"c:\temp\testbmp.cropped.bmp")) File.Delete(@"c:\temp\testbmp.cropped.bmp");
    var output = File.Open(@"c:\temp\testbmp.cropped.bmp", FileMode.CreateNew);
    var bw = new BinaryWriter(output);

    // Read out the BMP header fields
    var br = new BinaryReader(fs);
    var headerField = br.ReadInt16();
    var bmpSize = br.ReadInt32();
    var reserved1 = br.ReadInt16();
    var reserved2 = br.ReadInt16();
    var startOfData = br.ReadInt32();   

    // Read out the BMP DIB header
    var header = new BITMAPV5Header();  
    var headerBlob = br.ReadBytes(Marshal.SizeOf(header));
    var tempMemory = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(header));
    Marshal.Copy(headerBlob, 0, tempMemory, headerBlob.Length);
    header = (BITMAPV5Header)Marshal.PtrToStructure(tempMemory, typeof(BITMAPV5Header));

    // This file is a 24bpp rgb bmp, 
    var format = PixelFormats.Bgr24;
    var bytesPerPixel = (int)(format.BitsPerPixel / 8);
    Console.WriteLine("Bytes/pixel:{0}", bytesPerPixel);

    // And now I know its dimensions
    var imageWidth = header.ImageWidth;
    var imageHeight = header.ImageHeight;
    Console.WriteLine("Input image is:{0}x{1}", imageWidth, imageHeight);

    var fromX = left;
    var toX = right;
    var fromY = imageHeight - top;
    var toY = imageHeight - bottom;

    // How "long" a horizontal line is
    var strideInBytes = imageWidth * bytesPerPixel;
    Console.WriteLine("Stride size is:0x{0:x}", strideInBytes);

    // new size
    var newWidth = Math.Abs(toX - fromX);
    var newHeight = Math.Abs(toY - fromY);
    Console.WriteLine("New slice dimensions:{0}x{1}", newWidth, newHeight);

    // Write out headers to output file 
        // header = "BM" = "Windows Bitmap"
        var newSize = 14 + Marshal.SizeOf(header) + (newWidth * newHeight * bytesPerPixel);
        Console.WriteLine("New File size: 0x{0:x} bytes", newSize);
        // 2 reserved shorts
        // offset to "data"
        bw.Write(header.HeaderSize + 14);

        // Tweak size in header to cropped size
        header.ImageWidth = newWidth;
        header.ImageHeight = newHeight;

        // Write updated DIB header to output
        tempMemory = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(header));
        Marshal.StructureToPtr(header, tempMemory, true);
        byte[] asBytes = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf(header)];
        Marshal.Copy(tempMemory, asBytes, 0, asBytes.Length);

    // Jump to where the pixel data is located (on input side)
    Console.WriteLine("seeking to position: 0x{0:x}", startOfData);
    fs.Seek(startOfData, SeekOrigin.Begin);

    var sY = Math.Min(fromY, toY);
    var eY = Math.Max(fromY, toY);
    for(int currY = sY; currY < eY; currY++)
        long offset =  startOfData + ((currY * strideInBytes) + (fromX * bytesPerPixel));
        fs.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);      

        // Blast in each horizontal line of our chunk
        var lineBuffer = new byte[newWidth * bytesPerPixel];
        int bytesRead = fs.Read(lineBuffer, 0, lineBuffer.Length);
        output.Write(lineBuffer, 0, lineBuffer.Length);


[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack=0)]
public struct BITMAPV5Header 
    public uint HeaderSize;
    public int ImageWidth;
    public int ImageHeight;
    public ushort Planes;
    public ushort BitCount;

    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst=36)]
    public byte[] DontCare;