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<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Aliens Abducted Me - Report an Abduction</title>
<h2>Aliens Abducted Me - Report an Abduction</h2>
$firstname = $_POST['firstname'] ;
$lastname= $_POST['lastname'];
$when_it_happened = $_POST['whenithappened'];
$how_long = $_POST['howlong'];
$how_many = $_POST['howmany'];
$alien_description = $_POST['howlook'];
$what_they_did = $_POST['whattheydid'];
$fang_spotted = $_POST['fangspotted'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$other = $_POST['anythingelse'];
/* $to = "random@gmail.com";
$subject = "Aliens Abducted Me - Abduction Report";
$msg ="$name was abducted $when_it_happened and was gone for $how_long.\n" .
"Number of aliens: $how_many\n" .
"Alien description: $alien_description\n" .
"What they did: $what_they_did\n" .
"Fang spotted: $fang_spotted\n" .
"Other comments: $other";
mail($to, $subject, $msg, 'From:' . $email); */
$connect=mysqli_connect("localhost","gamenewton","random","aliensdata") or die( 'THE MYSQL CONNECTION FAILED TO CONNECT');
$query="INSERT INTO alien_form "."(firstname,lastname,email,whenit,whattheydid,howlong,fang_spotted,anythingelse) ".
"VALUES('$firstname','$lastname','$email','$when_it_happened','$what_they_did,'$how_long','$fang_spotted','$other')" or die('Error in wirting query');
$result= mysqli_query($connect, $query) or die('Error in contacting the database for query');
echo 'Thanks for submitting the form.<br />';
echo 'You were abducted ' . $when_it_happened;
echo ' and were gone for ' . $how_long . '<br />';
echo 'Number of aliens: ' . $how_many . '<br />';
echo 'Describe them: ' . $alien_description . '<br />';
echo 'The aliens did this: ' . $what_they_did . '<br />';
echo 'Was Fang there? ' . $fang_spotted . '<br />';
echo 'Other comments: ' . $other . '<br />';
echo 'Your email address is ' . $email;
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$query="INSERT INTO alien_form "."(...) ".