
时间:2009-09-02 14:05:34

标签: python data-structures conditional



在任何比率中,(x,y):z。 x和y是正确的,z值不是因为它们只是复制/粘贴


import math

# step 1.4 return trip rates
def trip_rates( population_stratification, analysis_type, low_income, medium_income, high_income ):
  ''' this function returns the proper trip rate tuple to be used based on input 
    ADPT = Average Daily Person Trips per Household
    pph = person per household
    veh_hh = vehicles per household
    (param_1, param_2): ADPT
  li = low_income
  mi = medium_income
  hi = high_income
  # table 5 -
  if analysis_type == 1:
    if population_stratification == 1:
      rates = {( li, 1 ):3.6, ( li, 2 ):6.5, ( li, 3 ):9.1, ( li, 4 ):11.5, ( li, 5 ): 13.8,
               ( mi, 1 ):3.9, ( mi, 2 ):7.3, ( mi, 3 ):10.0, ( mi, 4 ):13.1, ( mi, 5 ): 15.9,
               ( hi, 1 ):4.5, ( mi, 2 ):9.2, ( mi, 3 ):12.2, ( mi, 4 ):14.8, ( mi, 5 ): 18.2}
      return rates
    if population_stratification == 2:
      rates = {
               ( li, 1 ):3.1, ( li, 2 ):6.3, ( li, 3 ):9.4, ( li, 4 ):12.5, ( li, 5 ): 14.7,
               ( mi, 1 ):4.8, ( mi, 2 ):7.2, ( mi, 3 ):10.1, ( mi, 4 ):13.3, ( mi, 5 ): 15.5,
               ( hi, 1 ):4.9, ( mi, 2 ):7.7, ( mi, 3 ):12.5, ( mi, 4 ):13.8, ( mi, 5 ): 16.7
      return rates
    if population_stratification == 3: #TODO: input actual rate
      rates = {
               ( li, 1 ):3.6, ( li, 2 ):6.5, ( li, 3 ):9.1, ( li, 4 ):11.5, ( li, 5 ): 13.8,
               ( mi, 1 ):3.9, ( mi, 2 ):7.3, ( mi, 3 ):10.0, ( mi, 4 ):13.1, ( mi, 5 ): 15.9,
               ( hi, 1 ):4.5, ( mi, 2 ):9.2, ( mi, 3 ):12.2, ( mi, 4 ):14.8, ( mi, 5 ): 18.2
      return rates
    if population_stratification == 4: #TODO: input actual rate
      rates = {
               ( li, 1 ):3.1, ( li, 2 ):6.3, ( li, 3 ):9.4, ( li, 4 ):12.5, ( li, 5 ): 14.7,
               ( mi, 1 ):4.8, ( mi, 2 ):7.2, ( mi, 3 ):10.1, ( mi, 4 ):13.3, ( mi, 5 ): 15.5,
               ( hi, 1 ):4.9, ( mi, 2 ):7.7, ( mi, 3 ):12.5, ( mi, 4 ):13.8, ( mi, 5 ): 16.7
      return rates
  #table 6
  elif analysis_type == 2:
    if population_stratification == 1: #TODO: Change rates
      rates = {
               ( 0, 1 ):3.6, ( 0, 2 ):6.5, ( 0, 3 ):9.1, ( 0, 4 ):11.5, ( 0, 5 ): 13.8,
               ( 1, 1 ):3.9, ( 1, 2 ):7.3, ( 1, 3 ):10.0, ( 1, 4 ):13.1, ( 1, 5 ): 15.9,
               ( 2, 1 ):4.5, ( 2, 2 ):9.2, ( 2, 3 ):12.2, ( 2, 4 ):14.8, ( 2, 5 ): 18.2,
               ( 3, 1 ):4.5, ( 3, 2 ):9.2, ( 3, 3 ):12.2, ( 3, 4 ):14.8, ( 3, 5 ): 18.2
      return rates
    if population_stratification == 2: #TODO: Change rates
      rates = {
               ( 0, 1 ):3.6, ( 0, 2 ):6.5, ( 0, 3 ):9.1, ( 0, 4 ):11.5, ( 0, 5 ): 13.8,
               ( 1, 1 ):3.9, ( 1, 2 ):7.3, ( 1, 3 ):10.0, ( 1, 4 ):13.1, ( 1, 5 ): 15.9,
               ( 2, 1 ):4.5, ( 2, 2 ):9.2, ( 2, 3 ):12.2, ( 2, 4 ):14.8, ( 2, 5 ): 18.2,
               ( 3, 1 ):4.5, ( 3, 2 ):9.2, ( 3, 3 ):12.2, ( 3, 4 ):14.8, ( 3, 5 ): 18.2
      return rates
    if population_stratification == 3: #TODO: Change rates
      rates = {
               ( 0, 1 ):3.6, ( 0, 2 ):6.5, ( 0, 3 ):9.1, ( 0, 4 ):11.5, ( 0, 5 ): 13.8,
               ( 1, 1 ):3.9, ( 1, 2 ):7.3, ( 1, 3 ):10.0, ( 1, 4 ):13.1, ( 1, 5 ): 15.9,
               ( 2, 1 ):4.5, ( 2, 2 ):9.2, ( 2, 3 ):12.2, ( 2, 4 ):14.8, ( 2, 5 ): 18.2,
               ( 3, 1 ):4.5, ( 3, 2 ):9.2, ( 3, 3 ):12.2, ( 3, 4 ):14.8, ( 3, 5 ): 18.2
      return rates
    if population_stratification == 4: #TODO: Change rates
      rates = {
               ( 0, 1 ):3.6, ( 0, 2 ):6.5, ( 0, 3 ):9.1, ( 0, 4 ):11.5, ( 0, 5 ): 13.8,
               ( 1, 1 ):3.9, ( 1, 2 ):7.3, ( 1, 3 ):10.0, ( 1, 4 ):13.1, ( 1, 5 ): 15.9,
               ( 2, 1 ):4.5, ( 2, 2 ):9.2, ( 2, 3 ):12.2, ( 2, 4 ):14.8, ( 2, 5 ): 18.2,
               ( 3, 1 ):4.5, ( 3, 2 ):9.2, ( 3, 3 ):12.2, ( 3, 4 ):14.8, ( 3, 5 ): 18.2
      return rates
  # table 7
  elif analysis_type == 3:
    if population_stratification == 1: #TODO: input actual rate
      rates = {
               ( li, 0 ):3.6, ( li, 1 ):6.5, ( li, 2 ):9.1, ( li, 3 ):11.5,
               ( mi, 0 ):3.9, ( mi, 1 ):7.3, ( mi, 2 ):10.0, ( mi, 3 ):13.1,
               ( hi, 0 ):4.5, ( mi, 1 ):9.2, ( mi, 2 ):12.2, ( mi, 3 ):14.8
      return rates
    if population_stratification == 2: #TODO: input actual rate
      rates = {
               ( li, 0 ):3.6, ( li, 1 ):6.5, ( li, 2 ):9.1, ( li, 3 ):11.5,
               ( mi, 0 ):3.9, ( mi, 1 ):7.3, ( mi, 2 ):10.0, ( mi, 3 ):13.1,
               ( hi, 0 ):4.5, ( mi, 1 ):9.2, ( mi, 2 ):12.2, ( mi, 3 ):14.8
      return rates
    if population_stratification == 3: #TODO: input actual rate
      rates = {
               ( li, 0 ):3.6, ( li, 1 ):6.5, ( li, 2 ):9.1, ( li, 3 ):11.5,
               ( mi, 0 ):3.9, ( mi, 1 ):7.3, ( mi, 2 ):10.0, ( mi, 3 ):13.1,
               ( hi, 0 ):4.5, ( mi, 1 ):9.2, ( mi, 2 ):12.2, ( mi, 3 ):14.8
      return rates
    if population_stratification == 4: #TODO: input actual rate
      rates = {
               ( li, 0 ):3.6, ( li, 1 ):6.5, ( li, 2 ):9.1, ( li, 3 ):11.5,
               ( mi, 0 ):3.9, ( mi, 1 ):7.3, ( mi, 2 ):10.0, ( mi, 3 ):13.1,
               ( hi, 0 ):4.5, ( mi, 1 ):9.2, ( mi, 2 ):12.2, ( mi, 3 ):14.8
      return rates

def interpolate( population_stratification, analysis_type, low_income, medium_income, high_income, x, y ):
  #get rates dict
  rates = trip_rates( population_stratification, analysis_type, low_income, medium_income, high_income )

  # dealing with x parameters
  #when using income levels, x_1 and x_2 are li, mi, or hi
  if analysis_type == 1 or analysis_type == 2 or analsis_type == 4:
    if x < high_income and x >= medium_income:
      x_1 = medium_income
      x_2 = high_income
    elif x < medium_income:
      x_1 = low_income
      x_2 = medium_income
      x_1 = high_income
      x_2 = high_income
  if analysis_type == 3:
    if x >= 3:
      x_1 = 3
      x_2 = 3
      x_1 = int( math.floor( x ) )
      x_2 = int( math.ceil( x ) )

  # dealing with y parametrs
  #when using persons per household, max number y = 5
  if analysis_type == 1 or analysis_type == 4:
    if y >= 5:
      y_1 = 5
      y_2 = 5
      y_1 = int( math.floor( y ) )
      y_2 = int( math.ceil( y ) )
  elif analysis_type == 2 or analysis_type == 3:
    if y >= 5:
      y_1 = 5
      y_2 = 5
      y_1 = int( math.floor( y ) )
      y_2 = int( math.ceil( y ) )

  # denominator
  z = ( ( x_2 - x_1 ) * ( y_2 - y_1 ) )

  result = ( ( ( rates[( x_1, y_1 )] ) * ( ( x_2 - x ) * ( y_2 - y ) ) / ( z ) ) +
             ( ( rates[( x_2, y_1 )] ) * ( ( x - x_1 ) * ( y_2 - y ) ) / ( z ) ) +
             ( ( rates[( x_1, y_2 )] ) * ( ( x_2 - x ) * ( y - y_1 ) ) / ( z ) ) +
             ( ( rates[( x_2, y_2 )] ) * ( ( x - x_1 ) * ( y - y_1 ) ) / ( z ) ) )

  return result

low_income = 20000 #this is calculated using exchange rates
medium_income = 40000 # this is calculated using exchange rates
high_income = 60000 # this is calculated using exchange rates
population_stratification = 1 #inputed by user
analysis_type = 1 #inputed by user
x = 35234.34 #test income
y = 3.5 # test pph

print interpolate( population_stratification, analysis_type, low_income, medium_income, high_income, x, y )

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)






您是否计算了尺寸数量?这里有一个具有X维度的多维矩阵: analysis_type,population_stratification,income_level,index

如果我看到这是一个3x4x3x3(= 108个条目)“矩阵”或“查找表”。如果这是您的模型构建的数据,那很好。但是你不能把这些数字放在你读过的文件或表格中吗?你的代码将是微不足道的。




if analysis_type == 1 or analysis_type == 2 or analsis_type == 4:


if analysis_type in (1, 2, 4):



if x < high_income and x >= medium_income:

你可以使用链式条件; Python是为数不多的编程语言之一,其中条件链表达式为中性if语句:

if medium_income <= x < high_income:




另外,你在一个函数中有很多分支。这是一个好的迹象,你应该把它分解成多个功能。它还可以减少重复。例如,当一个变量如analysis_type可以完全改变函数的作用时,为什么在一个函数中有两个不同的行为?你不应该把整个程序放在一个函数中。也许analysis_type == 3更好地用自己的函数表示(例如)?

你是否理解你的函数trip_rates基本上是一个数组查找,其中数组查找是硬编码的,好像..:return .. if:return ..,并且数组在功能?如果trip_rates可以像这样实施怎么办?会不可能?

data_model = compute_table(low_income, ...)
return data_model[analysis_type][population_stratification]

答案 1 :(得分:2)



if y >= 5:
      y_1 = 5
      y_2 = 5
      y_1 = int( math.floor( y ) )
      y_2 = int( math.ceil( y ) )


min(5, int(math.floor(y))

int(math.floor(min(5, y))


def limitedInt(v, maxV):
   return min(5, int(math.floor(y))

我还建议您不要说analysis_type == 1,而是说 analysis_type = CUBIC(即描述分析类型的名称)并将名称设置为1.这不会简化为使代码更易于阅读。

您可能会发现Martin Fowler的书Refactoring或William Wake的Refactoring Workbook作为了解清理代码的方法(the website也可用,但不知道“代码”书中描述的气味,并没有那么有用。