date_default_timezone_set('Greenwich'); //Fixes my server location
$openingtime = strtotime('06:00'); //Opening time
$closingtime = strtotime('23:10'); //Closing time
$timenow = strtotime('now'); //Current Server Time
$twentyfourhours = "24:00"; //Hours in a day
//echo date('G:i', $openingtime); //Just texting
//echo date('G:i', $closingtime);
//echo date('H:i', $timenow);
//echo $twentyfourhours;// Testing ends here
$openingin = $twentyfourhours - $timenow + $openingtime; //24:00 - 23:20 + 6:00 = How long left for opening
$closingdown = $closingtime - $timenow; //23:10 - 23:20 How long left to close
//If current time value is bigger then closing time then display when the shop will re-open again
if (date('H:i', $timenow) > date('H:i', $closingtime))
echo "The shop will be open in ".date('H:i', $openingin)." hours";
//If current time value is lower then closing time then display how long the shop will stay open
elseif (date('H:i', $timenow) < date('H:i', $closingtime))
echo "The shop will be open for ".date('H:i', $closingdown)." hours";
答案 0 :(得分:0)
好的,我已经设法找到一个,但现在如果你要去My Testing Ground你会注意到秒而不是从60开始倒计时他们从00,99,98,97,97开始并且一路走来下来:(不知道为什么会发生我m attaching JS code
var flipCounter = function(d,options){
// Default values
var defaults = {
value: 0,
inc: 1,
pace: 1000,
auto: true,
tFH: 39,
bFH: 64,
fW: 53,
bOffset: 390
var o = options || {},
doc = window.document,
divId = typeof d !== 'undefined' && d !== '' ? d : 'flip-counter',
div = doc.getElementById(divId);
for (var opt in defaults) o[opt] = (opt in o) ? o[opt] : defaults[opt];
var digitsOld = [], digitsNew = [], subStart, subEnd, x, y, nextCount = null, newDigit, newComma,
best = {
q: null,
pace: 0,
inc: 0
* Sets the value of the counter and animates the digits to new value.
* Example: myCounter.setValue(500); would set the value of the counter to 500,
* no matter what value it was previously.
* @param {int} n
* New counter value
this.setValue = function(n){
if (isNumber(n)){
x = o.value;
y = n;
o.value = n;
return this;
* Sets the increment for the counter. Does NOT animate digits.
this.setIncrement = function(n){
o.inc = isNumber(n) ? n : defaults.inc;
return this;
* Sets the pace of the counter. Only affects counter when auto == true.
* @param {int} n
* New pace for counter in milliseconds
this.setPace = function(n){
o.pace = isNumber(n) ? n : defaults.pace;
return this;
* Sets counter to auto-incrememnt (true) or not (false).
* @param {bool} a
* Should counter auto-increment, true or false
this.setAuto = function(a){
if (a && ! o.atuo){
o.auto = true;
if (! a && o.auto){
if (nextCount) clearNext();
o.auto = false;
return this;
* Increments counter by one animation based on set 'inc' value.
this.step = function(){
if (! o.auto) doCount();
return this;
* Adds a number to the counter value, not affecting the 'inc' or 'pace' of the counter.
* @param {int} n
* Number to add to counter value
this.add = function(n){
if (isNumber(n)){
x = o.value;
o.value += n;
y = o.value;
return this;
* Subtracts a number from the counter value, not affecting the 'inc' or 'pace' of the counter.
* @param {int} n
* Number to subtract from counter value
this.subtract = function(n){
if (isNumber(n)){
x = o.value;
o.value -= n;
if (o.value >= 0){
y = o.value;
y = "0";
o.value = 0;
return this;
* Increments counter to given value, animating by current pace and increment.
* @param {int} n
* Number to increment to
* @param {int} t (optional)
* Time duration in seconds - makes increment a 'smart' increment
* @param {int} p (optional)
* Desired pace for counter if 'smart' increment
this.incrementTo = function(n, t, p){
if (nextCount) clearNext();
// Smart increment
if (typeof t != 'undefined'){
var time = isNumber(t) ? t * 1000 : 10000,
pace = typeof p != 'undefined' && isNumber(p) ? p : o.pace,
diff = typeof n != 'undefined' && isNumber(n) ? n - o.value : 0,
cycles, inc, check, i = 0;
best.q = null;
// Initial best guess
pace = (time / diff > pace) ? Math.round((time / diff) / 10) * 10 : pace;
cycles = Math.floor(time / pace);
inc = Math.floor(diff / cycles);
check = checkSmartValues(diff, cycles, inc, pace, time);
if (diff > 0){
while (check.result === false && i < 100){
pace += 10;
cycles = Math.floor(time / pace);
inc = Math.floor(diff / cycles);
check = checkSmartValues(diff, cycles, inc, pace, time);
if (i == 100){
// Could not find optimal settings, use best found so far
o.inc = best.inc;
o.pace = best.pace;
// Optimal settings found, use those
o.inc = inc;
o.pace = pace;
doIncrement(n, true, cycles);
// Regular increment
* Gets current value of counter.
this.getValue = function(){
return o.value;
* Stops all running increments.
this.stop = function(){
if (nextCount) clearNext();
return this;
function doCount(){
x = o.value;
o.value += o.inc;
y = o.value;
if (o.auto === true) nextCount = setTimeout(doCount, o.pace);
function doIncrement(n, s, c){
var val = o.value,
smart = (typeof s == 'undefined') ? false : s,
cycles = (typeof c == 'undefined') ? 1 : c;
if (smart === true) cycles--;
if (val != n){
x = o.value,
o.auto = true;
if (val + o.inc <= n && cycles != 0) val += o.inc
else val = n;
o.value = val;
y = o.value;
nextCount = setTimeout(function(){doIncrement(n, smart, cycles)}, o.pace);
else o.auto = false;
function digitCheck(x,y){
digitsOld = splitToArray(x);
digitsNew = splitToArray(y);
var diff,
xlen = digitsOld.length,
ylen = digitsNew.length;
if (ylen > xlen){
diff = ylen - xlen;
while (diff > 0){
addDigit(ylen - diff + 1, digitsNew[ylen - diff]);
if (ylen < xlen){
diff = xlen - ylen;
while (diff > 0){
removeDigit(xlen - diff);
for (var i = 0; i < xlen; i++){
if (digitsNew[i] != digitsOld[i]){
animateDigit(i, digitsOld[i], digitsNew[i]);
function animateDigit(n, oldDigit, newDigit){
var speed, step = 0, w, a,
bp = [
'-' + o.fW + 'px -' + (oldDigit * o.tFH) + 'px',
(o.fW * -2) + 'px -' + (oldDigit * o.tFH) + 'px',
'0 -' + (newDigit * o.tFH) + 'px',
'-' + o.fW + 'px -' + (oldDigit * o.bFH + o.bOffset) + 'px',
(o.fW * -2) + 'px -' + (newDigit * o.bFH + o.bOffset) + 'px',
(o.fW * -3) + 'px -' + (newDigit * o.bFH + o.bOffset) + 'px',
'0 -' + (newDigit * o.bFH + o.bOffset) + 'px'
if (o.auto === true && o.pace <= 300){
switch (n){
case 0:
speed = o.pace/6;
case 1:
speed = o.pace/5;
case 2:
speed = o.pace/4;
case 3:
speed = o.pace/3;
speed = o.pace/1.5;
speed = 80;
// Cap on slowest animation can go
speed = (speed > 80) ? 80 : speed;
function animate(){
if (step < 7){
w = step < 3 ? 't' : 'b';
a = doc.getElementById(divId + "_" + w + "_d" + n);
if (a) a.style.backgroundPosition = bp[step];
if (step != 3) setTimeout(animate, speed);
else animate();
// Creates array of digits for easier manipulation
function splitToArray(input){
return input.toString().split("").reverse();
// Adds new digit
function addDigit(len, digit){
var li = Number(len) - 1;
newDigit = doc.createElement("ul");
newDigit.className = 'cd';
newDigit.id = divId + '_d' + li;
newDigit.innerHTML = '<li class="t" id="' + divId + '_t_d' + li + '"></li><li class="b" id="' + divId + '_b_d' + li + '"></li>';
if (li % 2 == 0){
newComma = doc.createElement("ul");
newComma.className = 'cd';
newComma.innerHTML = '<li class="s"></li>';
div.insertBefore(newComma, div.firstChild);
div.insertBefore(newDigit, div.firstChild);
doc.getElementById(divId + "_t_d" + li).style.backgroundPosition = '0 -' + (digit * o.tFH) + 'px';
doc.getElementById(divId + "_b_d" + li).style.backgroundPosition = '0 -' + (digit * o.bFH + o.bOffset) + 'px';
// Removes digit
function removeDigit(id){
var remove = doc.getElementById(divId + "_d" + id);
// Check for leading comma
var first = div.firstChild.firstChild;
if ((" " + first.className + " ").indexOf(" s ") > -1 ){
remove = first.parentNode;
// Sets the correct digits on load
function initialDigitCheck(init){
// Creates the right number of digits
var initial = init.toString(),
count = initial.length,
bit = 1, i;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++){
newDigit = doc.createElement("ul");
newDigit.className = 'cd';
newDigit.id = divId + '_d' + i;
newDigit.innerHTML = newDigit.innerHTML = '<li class="t" id="' + divId + '_t_d' + i + '"></li><li class="b" id="' + divId + '_b_d' + i + '"></li>';
div.insertBefore(newDigit, div.firstChild);
if (bit != (count) && bit % 2 == 0){
newComma = doc.createElement("ul");
newComma.className = 'cd';
newComma.innerHTML = '<li class="s"></li>';
div.insertBefore(newComma, div.firstChild);
// Sets them to the right number
var digits = splitToArray(initial);
for (i = 0; i < count; i++){
doc.getElementById(divId + "_t_d" + i).style.backgroundPosition = '0 -' + (digits[i] * o.tFH) + 'px';
doc.getElementById(divId + "_b_d" + i).style.backgroundPosition = '0 -' + (digits[i] * o.bFH + o.bOffset) + 'px';
// Do first animation
if (o.auto === true) nextCount = setTimeout(doCount, o.pace);
// Checks values for smart increment and creates debug text
function checkSmartValues(diff, cycles, inc, pace, time){
var r = {result: true}, q;
// Test conditions, all must pass to continue:
// 1: Unrounded inc value needs to be at least 1
r.cond1 = (diff / cycles >= 1) ? true : false;
// 2: Don't want to overshoot the target number
r.cond2 = (cycles * inc <= diff) ? true : false;
// 3: Want to be within 10 of the target number
r.cond3 = (Math.abs(cycles * inc - diff) <= 10) ? true : false;
// 4: Total time should be within 100ms of target time.
r.cond4 = (Math.abs(cycles * pace - time) <= 100) ? true : false;
// 5: Calculated time should not be over target time
r.cond5 = (cycles * pace <= time) ? true : false;
// Keep track of 'good enough' values in case can't find best one within 100 loops
if (r.cond1 && r.cond2 && r.cond4 && r.cond5){
q = Math.abs(diff - (cycles * inc)) + Math.abs(cycles * pace - time);
if (best.q === null) best.q = q;
if (q <= best.q){
best.pace = pace;
best.inc = inc;
for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++){
if (r['cond' + i] === false){
r.result = false;
return r;
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18082/validate-numbers-in-javascript-isnumeric/1830844
function isNumber(n) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
function clearNext(){
nextCount = null;
// Start it up